Get the Latest Land F/X Blocks
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You need to get the latest versions of one or more Land F/X symbol blocks.
For example, you may have placed plants, site amenities, or other blocks using one of our tools and found that:
- The wrong block is coming in.
- The block is the incorrect size or scale.
- The block simply doesn't look right for what you're trying to place.
1. Blocks coming in at the wrong size or scale? Follow our Blocks Coming In at the Wrong Scale steps first.
Skip to Step 2 if:
- Your blocks are coming in at the correct scale, but simply look wrong, or
- You've followed our Blocks Coming In at the Wrong Scale steps, but the block(s) you're trying to place are still scaled incorrectly.
Having an issue with a sprinkler head block? If so, follow our steps for updating sprinkler head blocks instead.
2. Open the folder LandFX/blocks, then open the subfolder containing the blocks used by the Land F/X tool you're trying to use.
For example, if you're trying to use our Lighting tool to place lighting equipment, open the folder LandFX\Blocks\discipline_graphics\30-electrical\lighting.
Look for source files that do not have the prefix LAFX- in their filenames. Our latest blocks will have a filename that begins with LAFX-.
Help finding folders
Need a guide to determine which blocks subfolder you need to open? See our documentation on the LandFX/Blocks folder.
Don't know where your LandFX folder is? Here's how to find it.
3. Delete all DWG files in that folder that don't have a LAFX- prefix, along with the AutoCAD slides and XML documents with the same names.
In the example above, the file LIGHT-06 is an outdated block source file, as it lacks this prefix. In this example, you would delete that file, along with the AutoCAD slide and XML document named LIGHT-06.
If you know for a fact that you haven't customized any of the blocks in this folder, you can safely delete all files within this folder. If in doubt, only delete the outdated xource files.
4. Place the block(s) again, using the same tool as before. For example, if you were trying to place light fixtures, open our Lighting tool again and place the block(s) you were trying to place.
Because our blocks are cloud based, the latest version of each block you place will download automatically when you place that block. The block(s) should now come in correctly, and its source file should now have a filename that starts with LAFX-.