Customize Detail Bubble Callouts to Match in Size Between the Callouts and Schedule
You want your detail Bubble Callouts to be identical in size to the callouts in the Bubble Callout Schedule.
For example:

Your Bubble Callouts may be larger than the callouts shown in the Bubble Callout Schedule ...

... and you want the callouts to match the size of the callouts shown in the schedule.
Or you might want it the other way around, where the schedule symbols for the callouts match the size of the actual callouts.
Your steps will depend on whether you want to change the callout size to match the sizes of the callouts shown in the schedule, or change the schedule callout symbols to match the sizes of the callouts.
1. Open the source block file for the Bubble Callout in the folder LandFX\Blocks\graphics\callouts.
This file will be named LAFX-TAG-BUBBLE.dwg.

2. In the source block drawing file, scale the callout down by 0.75 to match the size of the schedule.
To scale the callout, select the entire callout (the circular border and the callout number), then type SCALE in the Command line.
Select a basepoint when prompted. Then, when prompted to enter a scale value, type .75 and press Enter.
The callout will be rescaled down to the same size as the callout in the schedule.
3. Save the source file.
The Bubble Callout will now be the same size as the schedule callouts in new detail files, as pictured to the right.
If you need to also change the size in an existing detail, you can either:
- Delete all callouts and purge the block definition to pull the new block definition, or
- Block edit the LAFX-TAG-BUBBLE block in that file and scale the tag down there as well

1. Select the Bubble Callout symbol in the schedule.

2. Type PROP in the Command line and press Enter to open the Properties panel.
Take note of the callout block's name in the Misc section of the Properties panel.
3. Navigate to the folder LandFX\Blocks\graphics\callouts and open the source file for the callout symbol you just selected in the schedule.
The source file will have the same name you just noted in the Properties panel.

5. In the source file, scale the callout up by 1.33 to match the size of the schedule.
To scale the callout, select the entire callout (the circular border and the callout number), then type SCALE in the Command line.
Select a basepoint when prompted. Then, when prompted to enter a scale value, type 1.33 and press Enter.
The schedule callout will be rescaled up to the same size as the Bubble Callout.
6. Save the source file.
The callout symbol in the schedule will now be the same size as the Bubble Callouts in new detail files, as pictured to the right.
If you need to also change the size in an existing detail, you can either:
- Delete the schedule and purge the block definition to pull the new block definition, or
- Block edit the LAFX-TAG-BUBBLE-L block in that file and scale the tag up there as well

Want to modify the schedule number block in any other way, such as removing the circle around the number? Open the source block and make needed changes, then save the file.