Error: Not a Record in Master Detail Database (Placing or Editing a Detail)
You received the following error message when attempting to place a detail, or edit a detail in the Detail Manager:
"There is not a record of detail (DETAIL-NUMBER) in the master detail database."
In addition, you may also be unable to see a preview in the Detail Manager for the detail.
Step 1: Verify your Detail Library location
The Detail Library is the folder where our software looks for your details. It's set in the Details Preferences screen. Our default location for the Detail Library is the folder LandFX/Details.
Navigate to the folder listed here, and verify that it's the correct location for your details.
If not, follow our steps to set the Detail Library to the correct location.
Our software does not allow moving the Detail Library to a subfolder of the location that's currently selected. So, for example, someone in your office may have set your Detail Library to the LandFX folder. If that's the case, you'll need to set it to another location temporarily (in this example, any folder outside the LandFX folder will work. Once it's set there, you'll be able to re-set it to a folder within the LandFX folder, such as LandFX/Details).

Important: When setting your Detail Library location, click NO when promoted Do you wish to move your entire detail library to the new destination, overwriting what is there? (You're not copying your details to that location – you're just pointing the software to that location.)
Try to place or edit the detail again.
Still getting the error? Move on to Step 2.
Step 2: Verify the location of the specific detail (s) you're trying to work with
Go into the Detail Explorer to attempt to track down the detail. The Explorer will let you navigate all details across all projects, as opposed to just the Detail Manager, which only sees the details in the current project.
Were the details moved into the wrong folder?
If you do locate the errant detail(s), you'll need to decide whether you want to copy them into both folders, or move one way or the other. Once you have decided, you should then be able to drag and drop the details as desired in the Detail Explorer, selecting the Copy or Move option as necessary.
You can then go to the Detail Manager – depending on what happened, you might then be able to access those details without error. Or at worst, you will need to replace the errant records for the new details. You can delete the placed detail, delete the detail from the Manager, and then click the New button to add the correct one. Or you could just use the Replace button in this case.
Alternately, let's say you looked in the Detail Explorer and, for the life of you, could not locate the details in question. Or perhaps the versions you did locate are incorrect. In this case, you may need to restore the version saved in your current drawing as a block.
To do this, use the WBlock command (type WBLOCK in the Command line and press Enter), and write out the block of the detail in question. Save it to your desktop.
Open that file on the Desktop, and immediately click our Save Detail button. You can then save it to where it needs to go.
For more information on detail placement, see our Adding Details to a Project page.