Unable to Snap to Geometric Center (Using Our POLYDIVIDE Tool)
While trying to use our POLYDIVIDE tool to select and divide a closed polyline, you received the following error message:
Unable to snap to geometric center.

The polyline you selected includes an overlap, either from an extra vertex in a corner as pictured below, or because segments are jogging back and perfectly overlapping other segments.

To resolve this issue, remove vertices as necessary to prevent the polyline from overlapping.
A good way to identify the possible issue is to copy the polyline boundary to the side, and explode it, and start erasing segments. If a segment remains after erasing, or you see a tiny segment in a corner after erasing other segments, you've likely found your problem area.

Keep in mind that a single closed polyline can have several different issues with vertices. You may need to investigate multiple areas of the polyline to find all the problematic vertices.