Selecting a Symbol or Hatch: Block or Hatch Not Available, or All Hatch / Block Colors Appear Blank
You tried to select a symbol, but the block or hatch you wanted to select was not available. The thumbnail image was blank in the Info dialog box, and then when you went to select the symbol, the block or pattern you were looking for was not available in the selection dialog box. You might even see a series of blank thumbnails, as pictured below, meaning that you are unable to select any block or hatch at all.
This issue can occur with symbols or hatches related to plants, site objects, irrigation equipment, or Reference Notes.
All Land F/X blocks and hatches are stored on the cloud and downloaded on demand when the symbol box comes up. For more information, read up on our Cloud-based block and hatch system.
You are likely experiencing this issue because you attempted to select a block or hatch while your Internet connection was down. If you lack a connection the first time you try to select a block or hatch as a symbol, the system will stop looking for blocks or hatches on subsequent tries. As a result, the Land F/X blocks and hatches will be unavailable when you try to select them.
First, simply restart CAD. Then try to select the block or hatch. If you are able to select it, and you see other options in the symbol selection dialog box, you have successfully reset your connection to the block and hatch library.
Next, test your Internet connection, being sure to use Internet Explorer. Make sure it can navigate to our Purchase page, (This page uses the same secure Web access used by our download system.)
If Internet Explorer can navigate to that page without issue, the software should be able to download Land F/X blocks and hatches successfully.
If you're running CAD and Land F/X on a Mac with Parallels, make sure you test your Internet connection using Internet Explorer from within Parallels.