CAD Freezes or Crashes When You Try to Place a Hatch – But Only When Land F/X Menus are Loaded
You tried to place a hatch, and it caused AutoCAD to crash. You've noticed this issue only occurs when the Land F/X menus are loaded.
One of the hatch pattern files in the folder LandFX/Patterns has become corrupt.
1. If you've created or saved any custom hatch patterns, copy the folder(s) containing those custom hatches from the folder LandFX/patterns to a temporary safe location, such as your desktop.

2. Open the CAD Options dialog box :

Manage ribbon, Options button
type Options in the Command line
right-click in the Command line and select Options from the menu

Tools pull-down menu

3. In the CAD Options dialog box, select the Files tab.
Expand the Support File Search Path entry by clicking the plus (+) sign to the left.
4. Select the folder landfx/patterns from the Support File Search Path.
Depending on your installation, this folder entry may start with C: or another letter drive.
Click Remove to remove this folder from the Support File Search Path. Click Apply to save the change.

5. Try to place a hatch again. If the hatch places correctly, you've found the issue. Move on to Step 6.
6. If the hatch placed correctly in Step 5, open the folder LandFX/patterns and delete all files from this folder.
If you're feeling adventurous, you can try to locate the exact file that is causing the issue. However, these files will download automatically as you use them, so there's no need to locate individual files.

7. If you've moved any customized hatch patterns to a temporary safe location (such as your desktop), you can now move these files back into the patterns folder.
Just keep in mind that one of your custom hatch files files may also be the culprit causing the crash.

8. Finally, you'll need to add the folder LandFX/patterns back to the Support File Search Path.
Select the Support File Seach Path entry in the Options dialog box.
Click Add, then click Browse.
9. Browse to and select the folder LandFX/patterns.
Then click OK.

10. You should now see the entry landfx/patterns in the Support File Search Path.
Verify that you see this folder. Then click Apply to save the change.
11. Try placing a hatch again. If it places correctly without crashing AutoCAD, you've resolved the issue.