Your Custom Layers Are Missing from Assigned Hatches
You've assigned custom layers to some of our hatch patterns, and those layers are missing from the hatches after our June 2023 update of our hatch system.

You may have had layers set to site or detail hatches, and now they are not landing on the right layer. For example, you might have run a schedule and noticed the hatches are not on the right layer. Based on our June 2023 hatch update, any layers previously set to hatch patterns were removed.

Old Reference Notes Schedule with hatches on the correct layers

New Reference Notes Schedule with hatches on the incorrect layers
Settings for layers, scale, and rotation could not be carried over to our hatch patterns after the update. Because of all the new options and rotations we introduced, there was no way for the system to know which layer you would want for which rotation. For this reason, you will have to set the layers again manually. Great news: Once you've re-input these settings, the system is set up to never override those settings again!
Missing layers should only affect our Site, Drip, and Details hatches. You are/were not allowed to assign layers to groundcovers.
Step 1: Find the name of the affected hatch pattern(s)In the existing drawing, find an affected hatch and select. Then type PROP in the Command line and press Enter to open the Properties panel.

In the Properties panel, note the Pattern Name entry.
Don't see the hatch in the plan but see it in the schedule?
If so, make a copy of the schedule and explode it.
Then select the hatch in the exploded schedule and take note of its Pattern Name in the Properties panel as shown above.

Step 2: Don't know your layer names? If so, locate them.
Already know your layer names? You can skip this step.
If you already know the names of the layers you've assigned to your hatches, skip to Step 3: Locate the associated new hatch that goes to each old pattern, and re-enter your layers.

Open the folder LandFX\Hatch.
Locate the file with the extension .bak that pertains to the hatch type you're working with (examples: _site_.bak for a site hatch, _detail_.bak) for a detail hatch, etc.
Open this file in a text editing application such as Notepad.
While in the text editing application, ese the CTRL + F keys on your keyboard to open the Find dialog box.
Search for the pattern name you noted above.

Once you've found the hatch pattern name you're looking for, copy the layer name listed in the block_notes line.
Step 3: Locate the associated new hatch that goes to each old pattern, and re-enter your layers.
Use the link below to download a zip file containing PDFs of each of our old hatch sections.
Unzip the downloaded zip file, open the resulting folder, and open the PDF for the hatch type pertaining to your affected hatch pattern.
Each PDF will list all old patterns on the left, with the new Replacement hatch on the right. The pattern name of each hatch will also be listed for reference.
Find the old pattern name of the hatch you previously searched for in the .bak file in the text editing application (such as Notepad), and note the new pattern name that took its place.

In CAD, use our Hatch tool to open the Hatch dialog box.
Locate the new hatch name, select the hatch, and click Edit.
In the dialog box that opens, paste the copied layer name into the Layer field.
From here, you should be able to regenerate your schedule and see the changes to the hatch layers take place, as pictured below.