Set a Placed Hatch to a Real-World (1:1) Scale
You're using a realistic-looking hatch pattern representing components such as pavers or wood planking, and you'd like the hatch to scale correctly in Model Space according to the real-world size of those components (i.e., at 1:1).
How our hatch patterns scale
The default Land F/X hatch patterns place at a DimScale. That is, they change scale depending on the plot scale set with our Scale tool in the drawing or Work Area so they always plot at the same size through a viewport on a layout.
We've built this scaling functionality into our hatch patterns to ensure that they're always legible and identifiable when pictured in your schedules. However, if you're creating a small-scale design, you may want to show the hatch components at their actual sizes – for example, showing an 8-inch paver at 8 inches.
You'll need to perform a simple calculation to determine the scale your hatch will need to have set in the Properties panel.
1. Place the hatch in your drawing.
2. Select the hatch, then type PROP in the Command line and press Enter to open the Properties panel.

3. Set the placed hatch to a scale of 1 in the Properties panel.
4. Measure a known length in the hatch. Note the measurement.
In this example, we'll measure the width of a paver we know to be 8 inches. At its current scale, the paver measures 4 inches in the drawing.
If this measurement matches what you think it should be, a scale of 1 is what you need – you can stop here and just use this scale. We design most of our paver hatches this way when we create them.

5. Calculate the known length (x) divided by measured length (y) to get your scale: x/y = scale.
In our example, dividing the known length (8 inches) by the measured length (4 inches) results in a scale of 2.

6. With the hatch selected, set this new scale in the Properties panel. This hatch will now have a real-world scale.
In our example, changing the hatch scale to 2 results in the pavers in the hatch correctly measuring 8 inches.