Hatch Libraries are Blank, or Hatch Patterns Missing, After Running the Land F/X 19.21 Update (June 2023)
Your hatch library is blank after you ran Land F/X update 19.21 (June 2023).
You might have attempted to select a hatch pattern when using our Hatch tool, or for a Reference Note, groundcover, Shrub Area, or irrigation hatch, and the thumbnail previews are blank in the Hatch dialog box.

While installing the update, you may have:
- Been without Internet access, or
- Lacked Write access to the folder LandFX\Hatch
1. Verify that you have Read/Write permissions for the LandFX folder and all subfolders (or at least the Hatch subfolder:

2. Navigate to the folder LandFX\Hatch.
Delete the XML (.xml) file in that location that corresponds to the hatch type you're trying to place (example: site.xml if you're attempting to place a site hatch. Right-click the XML file, then select the trash can icon or Delete option from the menu that opens.
Try selecting a hatch pattern again. You should now see the correct hatch patterns in the Hatch dialog box.