Find Text in Your Drawing
You need to locate text in your drawing, such as a specific word or a combination of letters or numbers.
You can easily find any text in your drawing by using the Find command.
Type Find in the Command line, and press Enter. The Find and Replace dialog box will open.
Type the text you want to locate in the Find what field (example: Rotaries).
Using the Find where menu, you can choose to search:
- The Entire drawing
- The Current space/layout
- Selected objects in your drawing
To simply find the text, click Find Next.
The Find tool will read your drawing for the text you entered and highlight an instance of that text as pictured to the right.
Click Find Next again to move on to the next instance of the text you entered.
You can also replace text by entering the replacement text in the Replace with field. Click Replace to replace the text you currently see highlighted, or Replace All to replace all instances of the text you entered with your replacement text.