1: 5 2: Failed to Install the Anchor Service ... (Installing F/X CAD)
While attempting to install F/X CAD, you received an error message similar to the following:
1: 5 2: Failed to install the anchor service. 3: 1002

This error can result from interference from the ESET Antivirus software.
It may also require a System File Checker (SFC) scan.
If you have ESET Antivirus software, disable it. Then try installing F/X CAD. You can enable ESET once you've installed.
Don't have ESET Antivirus software? Or you're still getting the error after disabling ESET and attempting to install F/X CAD again? Complete the following steps.

1. Open the Windows Start menu, and type the letters CMD in the search field.
2. You'll see a Command Prompt entry at the top of the Start menu. Right-click this entry.
3. Select Run as administrator from the menu that opens.
4. The Administrator: Command Prompt dialog box will open.
Type the following text at the Command prompt:
sfc /scannow
Then press Enter.
Note the space between sfc and /.

5. Once the scan is complete, restart your computer.