Network Error: The Specified Network Name is No Longer Available (Mapping a Letter Drive for Your LandFX Folder)
You received the following error message when attempting to map a letter drive to your LandFX folder:
Network Error: The specified network name is no longer available.

Microsoft has removed the Server Message Block version 1 protocol (SMBv1) from Windows 10, in favor of SMBv2. SMB is a tool that allows you to access fires on your network. Your computer may still be trying to access your network using the non-supported SMBv1, rather than SMBv2, which would cause you to see this error message.
First, ensure that:
- The path you've mapped to your LandFX folder is accurate, and
- Your LandFX folder is accessible.
You now have two options:
1. Open your Control Panel, and click Programs.

2. Click the option to Turn Windows features on or off.
3. Expand the SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support option by clicking the plus (+) sign to the left.
Select the SMB 1.0/CIFS Client option, then click OK.

4. Restart Windows.
You should now be able to map a letter drive to your LandFX folder without seeing the error.
1. Open your Start menu, and search for PowerShell in the search box.
Right-click the top option, Windows PowerShell, then select the Run as administrator option from the menu that opens.

2. The Windows PowerShell Administrator screen will open. Copy and paste the following text at the prompt:
Get-SmbServerConfiguration | Select EnableSMB2Protocol
Then press Enter.
- If you received True as an answer, SMBv2 is enabled. You should be able to map your letter drive without seeing the error. If you're still seeing the error, follow our steps to Re-enable SMBv1 temporarily (Option 1 above)
- If you received False as an answer, copy and paste the following text at the prompt:
Set-SmbServerConfiguration –EnableSMB2Protocol $true
Then press Enter.
SMBv2 should now be enabled, and you should be able to map your drive without seeing the error.