Migrate Land F/X (Cloud Data) to a New Server or Shared Online Folder (Multi-User)
The multi-user server migration steps on this page will show you how to move your existing Land F/X data and content to a new location using Cloud Data. Use the following steps to move your existing Multi-User installation of our software to either:
- A new server, or
- A shared online folder using a service such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, Egnyte, Panzura, or Amazon Drive
To complete the steps on this page, you'll need to be using Cloud Data already.
Not on Cloud Data yet? Here's how to switch over
Need to choose a shared online folder service? We've compiled a list of several and analyzed their overall compatibility with Land F/X. More information
Want to learn more about shared online folders and see our recommendations for using one with Land F/X? Check out our Ask Us Anything: Spotlight on Database, Cloud, and Shared Online Folders webinar.
Migrate to a new office location (such as a new server) with Cloud Data
Use these steps to migrate your existing installation of our software to a new office location (such as a new server) using Cloud Data.
Step 1: Prerequisites
Before completing these steps, make sure that:
Your office has Cloud Data – not Local Data. Don't know which one you have? Ask your IT Administrator.
You currently have Internet access on both your old server and your new server.
You have Admin Permissions on both your old server and your new server.
You have a USB drive handy.
Nobody in your office is currently using Land F/X software.
Planning to complete your migration outside of our business hours? If so, please notify us of your planned migration ahead of time via a technical support ticket to ensure that we've unlocked your Support ID.
You want your Land F/X data on an office location, such as a server.
If you want to migrate your data to a shared online folder using a service such as Dropbox, use our shared online folder migration steps.
Step 2: Make sure you're on Cloud Data
Open the General Preferences screen from the F/X Admin ribbon.
Click the Install Info button.
In the dialog box that opens, verify the following in the Project Data area:
- The Use cloud data box is checked, and
- A geographic server location (Example: US-West California: A1), which represents our closest available data server to your location, is listed
If so, you're on Cloud Data.
Important: If you don't see a geographic server location in this area (for example, if you see your computer or an office server), follow our steps to switch to Cloud Data.
Once you've confirmed you're on Cloud Data, you can move on to Step 3: Install Land F/X software on your new computer.
Step 3: Install Land F/X on your new server
Complete this step on your new server.
3A. Log in to your new server, and follow our steps to install Land F/X with Cloud Data.
Your installation process will send an automatic notification to unlock your Support ID.
3B. Once the installer completes, verify that you have a LandFX folder on your new server, and note this location.
The installer should have created a LandFX folder on your new server automatically. Our default location is the C: drive. Can't find a LandFX folder on your new server? Verify that you've completed the installation correctly.

Once you've installed Land F/X software on your new server, you can move on to Step 4: Copy your LandFX folder to your new server.
Step 4: Copy your LandFX folder to your new server
4A. Insert a USB drive into your old server.
Copy the LandFX folder from your old server to the USB drive.

4B. Log in to your new server, and insert the USB drive where you've just copied the LandFX folder from your old server.
Copy the LandFX folder from the USB drive to the same location on your new server where the installer created the LandFX folder in Step 3 above. (In most cases, you'll copy this folder directly onto that computer's C: drive.)
When prompted, select the option to replace the existing folder.
Don't worry – it's safe to replace the LandFX folder on your new server at this point. This step will migrate your data and content onto your new server.
Once you've successfully copied your LandFX folder to your new server, you can move on to Step 5: Reconfigure the workstations.
Step 5: Reconfigure every CAD workstation in your office
This step will allow all your office's CAD workstations to read the LandFX folder on your new server. Complete the following steps on every CAD workstation in your office that will be using our software.
Important: You do not need to uninstall anything before completing these steps.
5A. Prerequisites:
Before configuring the CAD workstations in your office, make absolute sure that:
Land F/X software is installed on your new server.
You have a LandFX folder on your new server.
You are comfortable completing high-level IT administrative tasks. If not, your office IT administrator should complete the steps to configure your workstations.
5B. Follow our steps to map a letter drive to the LandFX folder on your new server.
5C. Follow our steps to uninstall the existing Land F/X Workstation component.
Important: Before downloading and running the latest Workstation installer, you'll need to uninstall the F/X Workstation component that's already installed on your computer. Do not uninstall the F/X Server component, or any other applications.
5D. Download the Land F/X Workstation Installer (setup_FXWorkstation.exe) – linked below.
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5E. Double-click the setup_FXWorkstation.exe file you just downloaded.
Make sure that the LandFX folder on your server is mapped to a letter drive. The example to the right shows an installation that's mapped to the L: drive. The LandFX folder on your server may have a different letter drive assigned to it.
Important: If you're prompted to Modify, Repair, or Remove the program, select Remove and click Next. Then run the file again. Do not select Modify or Repair.

5F. Open the General Preferences screen from the F/X Admin ribbon.
Click the Installation and Server Info button.
In the dialog box that opens, verify the following:
- Location: Here, you should see the path to the LandFX folder on the letter drive you mapped to it (the example to the right shows the letter L mapped to the LandFX folder).
- Project Data Server: You should see a geographic server location here, which represents our closest available data server to your location (example: US-West California: A1). If so, you're on Cloud Data.
Don't see the correct location, and/or don't see a geographic server location as the Project Data Server on one of your office workstations? For example, do you see your office server or a UNC path listed here? This workstation is configured incorrectly. Please repeat Step 5 on this workstation.
Once you've configured the workstations, you can move on to Step 6: Verify your Detail Library.
Step 6: Verify your Detail Library
You only need to complete this step from one workstation in your office.
6A. Locate the folder that contains your office details. If your office previously stored its details within the LandFX folder on your old server, that folder will likely be located at LandFX/Details on your new server. (You copied it over with the rest of the contents of your LandFX folder in Step 4 above.)
Don't see a Details folder within the LandFX folder on your new server? Ask your office CAD manager where your office's details are stored
6B. Open CAD on one of the workstations in your office. Open the Details Preferences from the F/X Details ribbon.
Click the ... button to the right of the Detail Library location.

6C. Navigate to the shared online service (example: Dropbox), and select the folder LandFX/Details. Click OK.
6D. You'll see a note that Your detail library location has been changed.
Click OK.

Your office's shared details will now be stored in a folder named Details in the LandFX folder you created in the shared online location.
Once you've configured all CAD workstations in your office and set your detail library to the correct location, you've completed your server migration.
Migrate to a shared online folder location with Cloud Data
Use these steps to migrate your existing installation of our software to a shared online location using a service such as:
- Dropbox
- SugarSync
- Box
- Panzura
- Amazon Drive
- Egnyte
- Google Drive (Note: Google File Stream is now known as Google Drive. If you have Google File Stream installed, it will still work with Land F/X.)
Moving your Land F/X data to a new shared location online will allow you to share Land F/X data with co-workers without using a central office server. The following steps will show you how to move your projects, Preference Sets, and details onto a shared online folder using a service such as:
- Dropbox
- Google Drive (Note: Google File Stream is now known as Google Drive. If you have Google File Stream installed, it will still work with Land F/X.)
- Box
- Amazon Drive
- SugarSync
- Egnyte
- Panzura
Before you can share your Land F/X data using one of these online folder services, you'll need to obtain Land F/X cloud licensing and switch to cloud data. Then, after moving your LandFX folder to the shared Dropbox folder, you will be able to share your custom data and content amongst your co-workers.
Shared online services we do not recommend:
Microsoft OneDrive
Over time, we have observed continued incompatibility with the OneDrive platform for several reaons, including:
- Inconsistent sync times
- Color Render dialog boxes loading empty because the necessary files could not be created at runtime
- Duplicate folders
- Our detail system not working correctly
Because of the wide range of issues that seem to come and go with updates, such as those listed above, we do not recommend the use of OneDrive to host our software.
We no longer recommend Carbonite as a shared online service to use with our software, as it does not allow the real-time sync required for proper operation.
Microsoft's Distributed File System (DFS) & similar services:
Our software will not work with Microsoft's Distributed File System (DFS) or any other cloud file service where files are not hosted locally as well.
Step 1: Prerequisites
Before completing these steps, make sure that:
Your office has Cloud Data – not Local Data. Don't know which one you have? Ask your IT Administrator.
You currently have Internet access on your existing server.
You have Admin Permissions on your existing server.
Nobody in your office is currently using Land F/X software.
You want your Land F/X data on a shared online folder.
If you want to migrate your data to an office location, such as a server, please use our server migration steps.
Step 2: Make sure you're on Cloud Data
Open the General Preferences screen from the F/X Admin ribbon.
Click the Install Info button.
In the dialog box that opens, verify the following in the Project Data area:
- The Use cloud data box is checked, and
- A geographic server location (Example: US-West California: A1), which represents our closest available data server to your location, is listed
If so, you're on Cloud Data.
Important: If you don't see a geographic server location in this area (for example, if you see your computer or an office server), follow our steps to switch to Cloud Data.
Once you've confirmed you're on Cloud Data, you can move on to Step 3: Install Land F/X software on your new computer.
Step 3: Copy your LandFX folder to your shared online location

3B. Once you've located the correct LandFX folder, copy this folder from your office server to your shared folder service (such as Dropbox).
3C. Verify that your LandFX folder and all its contents have copied successfully to your shared folder service (such as Dropbox).

3D. Go back to the LandFX folder on your server. Rename this folder, giving it the name LandFXold
You can use this folder as a backup of your Land F/X content. Renaming it will eliminate confusion with the new LandFX folder you've created in your shared folder.
Unable to change the name of the LandFX folder, or seeing a message that it's being accessed by another program? Follow our steps to disable the MySQL service. You should now be able to rename the folder.
Once you've copied the correct LandFX folder to your shared online folder service, you can move on to Step 4: Download the Land F/X Workstation component.
Step 4: Uninstall and re-download the LandFX Workstation component
4A. Follow our steps to uninstall the existing Land F/X Workstation component.
Important: Before downloading and running the latest Workstation installer, you'll need to uninstall the F/X Workstation component that's already installed on your computer. Do not uninstall the F/X Server component, or any other applications.
4B. Download the Land F/X Workstation Installer (setup_FXWorkstation.exe) – linked below.
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4C. Drag the downloaded setup_FXWorkstation.exe file into the LandFX folder in your shared online folder (Dropbox shown as an example).
If prompted, replace the existing setup_FXWorkstation.exe file in that folder.

Once you've downloaded the Land F/X Workstation installer (setup_FXWorkstation.exe) and copied it to the LandFX folder in your shared online folder, you can move on to Step 5: Configure every workstation in your office.
Step 5: Configure every CAD workstation in your office
This step will allow all your office's CAD workstations to read the LandFX folder in your shared online service. Complete the following steps on every CAD workstation in your office that will be using our software.
Important: You do not need to uninstall anything before completing these steps.
Quick video
5A. Prerequisites:
Before configuring the CAD workstations in your office, make absolute sure that:
You have a LandFX folder in your shared online location.
That folder contains a file named setup_FXWorkstation.exe.
You are comfortable completing high-level IT administrative tasks. If not, your office IT administrator should complete the steps to configure your workstations.
5B. Follow our steps to map a letter drive to the LandFX folder in your shared online service, such as Dropbox.
Why do you need to map your LandFX folder to a letter drive?
The LandFX folder will be on a different path on each computer in your office because its folder path on each computer will include the user name assigned to that computer. In order for AutoCAD to treat all of these folders consistently, it requires a uniform path. Using a letter drive is the best way to do this.
5C. Navigate to the LandFX folder in your shared online folder service.
Run the file setup_FXWorkstation.exe from within this folder.
This step will allow the workstation to access your office's shared LandFX folder.
Important: If you're prompted to Modify, Repair, or Remove the program, select Remove. and click Next. Then run the file again. Do not select Modify or Repair.
5D. Open the General Preferences screen from the F/X Admin ribbon.
Click the Installation and Server Info button.
In the dialog box that opens, verify the following:
- Location: Here, you should see the path to the LandFX folder on the letter drive you mapped to it (the example to the right shows the letter L mapped to the LandFX folder).
- Project Data Server: You should see a geographic server location listed here (example: US-West California: A1), which represents our closest available data server to your location. If so, you're on Cloud Data.
Don't see the correct location, and/or don't see a geographic server location as the Project Data Server on one of your office workstations? For example, do you see your office server or a UNC path listed here? This workstation is configured incorrectly. Please repeat Step 5 on this workstation.
5E. Repeat all of Step 5 from each CAD workstation in your office.
Once you've repeated all of Step 5 from each CAD workstation in your office, move on to Step 6: Move your office's details folder to the shared online folder.
Step 6: Move your office's details folder to your shared online folder
You only need to complete this step from one workstation in your office.
6A. Open CAD on one of the workstations in your office. Open the Details Preferences from the F/X Details ribbon.
Click the ... button to the right of the Detail Library location.

6B. Navigate to the LandFX folder on your new server and select the folder Details. Click OK.
6C. You'll see a note that Your detail library location has been changed.
Click OK.

Your office's shared details will now be stored in a folder named Details in the LandFX folder on your new server.
Once you've configured all CAD workstations in your office and set your detail library to the correct location, you've completed your server migration.