Pressure Available at the POC Has Been Exceeded / Unable to Size Mainline (Sizing the Mainline)
When trying to size the Mainline in your irrigation system, you received the following error message:
Pressure available at the POC has been exceeded. Reduce the velocity and try again?

You may have received an additional error message after:
- Clicking No, or
- Clicking Yes, but the system was unable to slow the water down sufficiently
The additional message: Unable to size mainline. Highlighted valves have pressure or flow requirements that exceed that available at the POC.
You can address either or both of these errors by following our troubleshooting steps for excessively low pressure and flow rates.
Want to learn more about how pressure and flow work in an irrigation design? See our Understanding Pressure and Flow webinar. The presentation covers the Pressure available at the POC has been exceeded. Reduce the velocity and try again? message starting at 49:05.