Unable to Size System (Unsizeable System)
When sizing the mainline, you saw an error message to the effect of:
Unable to size system. Current pipe class requires an inside diameter of at least XXXX to accommodate the flow rate.

Your system requires a larger size of pipe in the class(es) you have assigned to your mainline pipe.
Click Yes in the error message to open our Pipe Data tool.

Check the Pipe Data dialog box for the following information:
- What class of pipe do you have?
- What sizes are available in the size list?
Because your system requires a larger pipe size, you'll need to add a size that accommodates the required inner pipe diameter.
You'll see the required inner pipe diameter in the error message. If you add the pipe size that allows that inner diameter, your system will be able to size.
You may need to try adding a couple of sizes to accommodate the necessary inner diameter.