Error Executing Data Request: Data Too Long for Column 'Data_Code' (Sizing the Mainline)
You sized the mainline in your irrigation system design, and you received an error message similar to the following:
Error executing data request: Data too long for column 'data_code'
Different Error executing data request message?
It's possible to get one of several Error executing data request messages:
- Error executing data request: Data too long for column message that contains the text "data_code3"? Here's what to do.
- Error executing data request message when saving a Dimension Style (DimStyle) Here's what to do.
- Error executing data request: Data too long for column 'data_symbol' ... Here's what to do.
The name of your point of connection (POC) likely exceeds the available number of characters. Depending on your install type and date, that field may be limited to between 7 and 10 characters.
Double-click the POC or water meter in your drawing, and give it a name with fewer than 10 characters.
For example, let's say you have a POC that you've named Point of Connection.
Double-click that POC in your drawing.

The Enhanced Attribute Editor will open.
Give the POC a shorter name in the Value field, and click OK.
In our example, we'll give it the name POC.
Your POC will now have the shorter name in your drawing, and you can size the mainline without getting the error.

Need to give your POC a detailed description? Use one of our text leader tools to call it out.