Pickbox and Pipe Extension Reacting Differently With Different Heads
When drawing lateral pipe, you've noticed that the pickbox and the pipe extension seem to be behaving differently depending on which head you select. The pipe seems to be "snapping" to a point outside the head, as pictured below. (You may only notice this issue when you have ORTHO turned on.)

You heads may have a Z elevation, which is causing the inaccuracy.
With the World Coordinate System (WCS) active, open the Properties panel by typing Properties in the Command line and pressing Enter.
Click on one of the heads causing the issue
Check the Position Z value under Geometry in the Properties dialog box.
The value should be 0 (or 0.0, 0.00, 0.000, etc.).

If not, set the Z value to 0.
Repeat these steps on each problematic head.
To grab and troubleshoot all problematic heads at once, you can use the Select Similar command: Select one of the heads, right-click, and select the Select Similar option from the menu that opens. All heads of that same type will be selected. Now, when you complete the troubleshooting steps above, they will apply to all of the selected heads.