Verify Laterals: Heads That Appear to Be Piped are Highlighted in Green as Unpiped Heads
You used our Verify Laterals tool to check your irrigation plan for errors, and it came up with a red X next to Unpiped Heads, so you clicked the button to highlight the unpiped heads in green.

But then, when you checked the green highlights in your drawing, you noticed that one or more heads appear to be piped correctly but are still highlighted in green, indicating that they aren't piped.
Your heads seem to be losing their association with your lateral pipes.
In addition, Verify Laterals may be freezing or hanging up.
This issue can have a few possible causes, but the most common one is drawing corruption.
In most cases, you'll be able to prevent issues like this one by following our cleanup steps on the drawing and all Xrefs.
1. First, verify that the heads highlighted in green are actually piped. Delete the segment of lateral pipe that's connected (or appears to be connected) to any of the problem heads. Then re-draw the lateral pipe, taking care to connect it to the head. If only a handful of heads are being highlighted in green, do the same for those heads.
Run Verify Laterals again. Are the heads still being highlighted in green, or is Verify Laterals freezing or hanging up?
- No: You've resolved the issue.
- Yes: Move on to the next step.
2. Check the highlighed head(s) to see whether they're placed on top of an additional head. You may have placed two heads on top of each other and have only piped to one of them.
If you see any heads where this is the case, do a window selection across the heads and deselect the piped one. Then delete the extra head.
Run Verify Laterals again. Are the heads still being highlighted in green, or is Verify Laterals still freezing or hanging up?
- No: You've resolved the issue.
- Yes: There's a good chance that the issue is the result of corruption in your drawing. Move on to the next step.
3. Type AUDIT in the Command line and press Enter. When prompted to Fix any errors detected, type Y for Yes and press Enter.
Run Verify Laterals again. Still having the issue?
- No: You've resolved the problem.
- Yes: Move on to the next step.
4. Detach all Xrefs from your drawing.
Run Verify Laterals again. Still having the issue?
- No: The problem is undoubtedly occurring because of corruption in one or more of your Xrefs. Run our drawing cleanup steps on your drawing and all Xrefs.
- Yes: Drawing corruption, whether in your main drawing or Xrefs, is still a likely cause. Run our drawing cleanup steps on your drawing and all Xrefs.
5. Reattach your Xrefs and run Verify Laterals again. The issue should now be resolved. If not, it's time to send us your drawing file in a technical support ticket. Make sure to describe the issue briefly and let us know that you've tried piping the heads and cleaning your drawing and Xrefs.