Valve Symbol is Plotting Incorrectly
One or more of your valve symbol outlines is not plotting correctly. It may be that the symbol:

- Is not plotting like the outlines of other valve symbols, or

- Is not plotting properly at all and outlines are showing blank
The issue is most likely resulting from a setting in your CTB file, but you should also check the layers and properties of the valve symbol to ensure the settings are correct.
1. First, confirm that all layers and properties are set properly.
If the symbol is still not plotting correctly after you've confirmed that its layers and properties are set correctly, move on to the next step.
2. Type PLOT in the Command line and press Enter to open the Plotter Manager.
3. Select your plot style from the Plot style table menu.
Then click the Edit button (pictured to the right).

4.In the Plot Style Table Editor, navigate to the corresponding colors that are giving you trouble, and see how their properties are set.
Pay special attention to the Linetype menu. If you see a linetype set to anything other than Use object linetype, your issue is more than likely resulting from this setting.
Make any necessary changes. Then click Save and close.
5. Run a plot preview to see whether your symbols are now plotting properly (as pictured to the right).
If they're still not plotting correctly, it's time to let our support team know about your issue via a technical support ticket.