Text in Plant Labels, Site Callouts, Irrigation Callouts, or Detail Callouts Not Showing Up
You're unable to see the text from your callouts, such as:
- Plant labels
- Site callouts
- Irrigation callouts
- Detail callouts
You may be having this issue after Xrefing your plan into another drawing.
You may have the Attribute Display system variable disabled, which would prevent text from your callout attributes from showing up.
If you're having this issue after Xrefing your file into another drawing, you may have had this system variable disabled in the other file.
1. Type ATTDISP in the Command line and press Enter.
2. Click On.
You should now see your labels or callouts.
If you're having this issue with plant labels, and you still don't see the text in your labels, follow our plant label troubleshooting steps.