Unable to Place Plants When Using Land F/X With a Shared Online Folder / Gray Xs on Block File Icons / Invalid Block or Missing File Error
You're trying to place plants, Concept Plants, or Generic Plants in an office that's running Land F/X with a shared online folder using a service such as Dropbox. You are unable to place the plant(s) and are experiencing one or more of the following issues:
- A gray X in the lower left corners of the plant blocks' source file icons and likely the corresponding XML and SLD files (as pictured to the right).
- You are unable to open the DWG source file(s) for the affected block(s).
- You see a Missing file or Invalid block error.

We've seen this issue occur when users do not have a local copy of the LandFX folder from their shared online location.
You can resolve this issue by creating a copy of the LandFX folder in your shared online location and placing this copied folder on the C: drive of your computer. After doing so, you should be able to place plants without experiencing the issue.