Land F/X Version Update
We tend to implement bug fixes immediately, and we're constantly refining our code – often at a user's request. Many of the updates described on this page consist of exciting new tools or features we've added to our landscape and irrigation design software for CAD users. However, we also retain this list to inform our technical support team of bug fixes, which in turn allows us to provide better support to users who need it.
Wondering what all the version numbers mean? See our Land F/X Version & Installer Numbers Explained article.
Update 21.11
December 20, 2024
Editing RefNotes, Suffix increased to five characters from three.
HotFix: Size Mainline, improved logic for VIH rotors on looped mainlines.
Update 21.10
December 13, 2024
HotFix: Size Mainline, sizing a looped system, common pipe segments are correctly sized for full flow; looped segments are sized for proportional flow.
HotFix: Plant Label, Verify Plant Labels, group labels for hatch areas, quantity is rounded by individual area, so label quantity matches sum of individual labels and schedule.
Update 21.09
December 8, 2024
RefNote Schedule, Block size options revised, including option for Plan size.
HotFix: Mainline Size, when sizing a looped mainline, flow ratios are calculated correctly.
Update 21.08
December 6, 2024
Startup, system variable QAFLAGS set to 0.
Mainline Size, primary data strucure rewritten, with looped path validation occuring during initial recurse, resulting in substantially improved performance with looped mainlines.
CAD Trainer available with integrated validation.
HotFix: Plant Label, Verify Plant Labels, Concept Plant Areas in an Imperial plan have their quantities rounded correctly.
Update 21.07
November 15, 2024
HotFix: Zoning Schedule, areas with a Density have their quantity reported correctly.
HotFix: Placing Irrigation Caps, using symbol with an identifier, will not generate error.
HotFix: Area Total, when processing polylines that are used as hatch boundaries, polyline area is used rather than hatch.
HotFix: Lighting Schedule, when Entire Palette option is selected, Quantity column is not included.
Update 21.06
November 4, 2024
Size Mainline, will not abort before completing pipe sizing.
Update 21.05
November 1, 2024
HotFix: Backup all projects, error handling added for backing up detail categories.
HotFix: Editing a RefNote, chained verify action will not merge notes with duplicate key fields.
HotFix: Plant Photo Callout, caption placement is compatible with UCS.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, when adding plants to project on the fly, photo and symbol processing is correctly applied.
Update 21.04
October 25, 2024
Detail Viewports, able to be renamed by using Edit Object.
Edit Detail, supports selecting a placed Detail Viewport.
HotFix: Placing an irrigation Cap, prompting for flow and pressure, improved processing for Bars and l/s values.
HotFix: Regenerating a legacy Concept Plant Schedule, will not generate error.
HotFix: Print Preferences, Print Layers, layers are created with their correct color assignment.
Update 21.03
October 18, 2024
HotFix: Irrigation layout grid, compatible with UCS.
HotFix: Lighting Schedule, missing data for generic fixtures is excluded.
Update 21.02
October 11, 2024
Insert Detail Template, additional imperial scales added, 1"=60', 1"=70', 1"=80', and 1"=90'.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, with pipe not itemized by size, pipe schedule block is correctly set to pipe layer color.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, when displaying Symbols for Areas and Callouts, callouts are correctly placed onto schedule text layer.
Update 21.01
October 10, 2024
HotFix: Detail annotation tools, with more than one detail template in drawing, current detail template is correctly detected.
HotFix: Saving Dimstyle, correctly saves setting of DIMTMOVE.
Update 21.00
October 3, 2024
HotFix: Print Layers, lineweight processing will not generate error.
HotFix: Detail annotation tools, with more than one detail viewport in a drawing, current viewport is correctly detected.
HotFix: RefNote Preferences, Schedule Defaults, Include xrefs toggle correctly reflects saved setting.
Update 20.91
September 30, 2024
HotFix: Placing an irrigation valve, will not generate error.
Update 20.90
September 27, 2024
Helper function to create layers, sets transparency without command line call.
Refnote Callout, supports callouts of Auxiliary lighting equipment.
Common helper function to create layer, adhoc calls updated to latest standard.
HotFix: Lighting Schedule, table row set for a minimum height of lines of text.
HotFix: New RefNote, key number assured unique across all divisions.
HotFix: Editing a RefNote Amenity while in Paperspace, Modelspace blocks are scaled correctly.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, Railing objects in xref are correctly processed.
HotFix: Saving a detail from a scratch file, accounts for legacy and revised method of embedding detail file number.
Update 20.85
September 20, 2024
RefNote Schedule, when running from a Paperspace tab with no viewports or callouts, schedule includes all callouts from all layouts.
Plant Labels, Multileader labels support text frame around MText content.
HotFix: Color Render, errant hatches without valid boundaries will not generate error.
HotFix: Common function to calculate block center, improved logic for nested blocks.
HotFix: Save Detail, Detail File attribute is compatible with subsequent save operations.
Update 20.80
September 11, 2024
HotFix: RefNote and related schedules, for All Work Areas, quantities will not increase with subsequent iterations in same CAD session.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, selecting Cloud output, with local data, default option is set correctly.
Update 20.79
September 10, 2024
HotFix: Importing plants from another project or template, with local data, apostophe character in plant size will not generate error.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, and other site schedules, output to Spreadsheet, will not generate error.
Update 20.78
September 10, 2024
HotFix: Preferences, editing layers, with local data, will not generate error.
HotFix: Placing Shrub Areas, boundary linetypes are created correctly.
Update 20.77
September 9, 2024
Detail scale of 2" = 1' added.
HotFix: Verify RefNotes, legacy notes created before 2017 will not get reverted to lowest numbered note in project.
Update 20.76
September 6, 2024
Creating RefNotes, with single numeric Division, number is allowed to be 1-999.
RefNote Schedule, option of "Block size" added to control block scaling.
HotFix: RefNote Preferences, Schedule Defaults, changes are correctly saved.
HotFix: Editing RefNotes, changing division of existing RefNote, placed items are correctly updated.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, with Callouts in Header, and displaying Symbols, placing schedule in Modelspace, with imperial units, when callout block is not defined, callout is scaled correctly.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, subdivision header appears correctly.
HotFix: Lighting Schedule, in metric plan, symbols are scaled correctly.
Update 20.75
August 30, 2024
Legacy Plant Schedule function discontinued.
Lighting Manager, Auxiliary equipment, allows adding manufacturer content.
Lighting, Circuit, dialog box display VA and Lumens.
RefNote Schedule, division title moved to below column header.
RefNote Schedule, Volume quantity precision varies depending on magnitude.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, generating a schedule for a single division, will not repeat division as first header.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, division header uses schedule title if entered.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, when scanning xref for length items, error handling for objects without a layer assignment.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, item with 0 quantity, will not add unit suffix.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, setting title from a work area in xref, will not generate error.
HotFix: Northing/Easting Point Schedule, coordinate display matches current unit preferences.
HotFix: Editing turf or shrub spray, choosing a different symbol, data fields are not transposed.
Preferences, Language Strings, additional strings added for multiple site related schedules.
Update 20.74
August 23, 2024
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, improved logic of determining scale when selecting a single work area, regening a single work area schedule, and sending a schedule to Paperspace.
HotFix: Placing a RefNote without a leader into a metric drawing, callout is scaled correctly
HotFix: Lateral Pipe Size, labeling pipes, addition error handling for missing handle data.
HotFix: Detail Report, detail titles appear correctly.
HotFix: Lighting Schedule, fixtures with multiple accesssories will not generate error.
Update 20.73
August 22, 2024
HotFix: Detail Report, Placed/Unplaced functionality restored; local data will not generate error.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, Plant Schedule, selecting a work area with a scale in a millimeter plan, schedule is scaled correctly.
Update 20.72
August 21, 2024
Preferences, editing Layers supports setting Transparency.
RefNotes, leaderless callouts placed using common block placement function, for compatibility with layer suffixes.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, when displaying callouts as Block, missing callout data will not generate error.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, with space above header set to 0.5, with inch units, header is spaced correctly.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, when creating a new schedule and prompting to select a work area, Paperspace callouts are correctly included.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, when displaying symbols, blocks with zero-height or zero-width will not generate error.
HotFix: Lighting Schedule, displays Watts and Voltamps.
Update 20.71
August 20, 2024
HotFix: Concept Plant member calculations, members that are set to 100% fill are discarded when assigning percentage to members unassigned percentage.
HotFix: Lighting Schedule, fixtures with accessories will not generate error.
Update 20.70
August 19, 2024
RefNote Schedule, rewritten. In a months-long development effort, the Reference Note (RefNote) Schedule has been completely rewritten, also impacting all Site related schedules: Concept Graphics, Zoning, Civil/Survey, Northing/Easting Point, Lighting, Keynote, Detail List, Project List, Sheet Index, and Irrigation Zones. Generalized improvements include faster performance, revised Regen/New/Edit dialog box, Header styles, and column width controls. Schedules with dedicated dialog boxes now have Edit capability. Vast number of wishlist items included, such as Photos in RefNote schedule, column reordering, northing/easting point translation, Sheet Index options, Concept Graphics schedule having portrait and landscape modes, and more. Future schedule wishlist requests are now much easier to implement.
HotFix: Highlight Station, logic improved for highlighting unsized pipe versus pipe of a certain size.
Update 20.67
August 4, 2024
HotFix: Discipline Graphics, placing Scale block, attributes are correctly filled out.
HotFix: Irrigation Manager, adding Toro Precision sprays, nozzle arcs 60, 120, and 210 are assinged correct symbol.
Update 20.66
July 30, 2024
HotFix: Common place placement function, supports nested work areas with layer suffixes.
HotFix: Plant Manager, adding plants to project, will not generate error.
Update 20.65
July 26, 2024
Bloom Schedule, includes options for inconspicuous flowers, and non-blooming plants.
Common web-browser dialog, support for Internet Explorer discontinued.
Update 20.64
July 23, 2024
HotFix: Detail Explorer, Print Details, will not generate error.
HotFix: Detail Manager, placing more than one detail, compatible with placed detail viewports.
Update 20.63
July 23, 2024
Detail Preferences, options for detail start position and detail numbering.
HotFix: Detail Manager, placing a detail viewport, will not generate error.
Update 20.62
July 19, 2024
Detail Manager, Place detail, supports placing multiple details at once.
HotFix: Placing a detail template, CAD version 2021 will not generate error.
HotFix: Preferences, Manage Preferences, variable scoping revised to avoid namespace collision.
HotFix: Pipe Data, Layer editing, variable scoping revised to avoid namespace collision.
Update 20.61
July 12, 2024
General Preferences, Text styles DETAIL TITLE, DETAIL SUBTITLE, and DETAIL NUMBER added to system text styles. Insert Detail Template and Place Detail pre-define all Detail text styles before block insertion.
Refnote Schedule, user field values that are URLs are converted to hyperlinks.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, Groundcover Spacing/Density column is not dependent on Size column for display.
HotFix: Size Mainline, with a System Monitor, flow available is rounded before calculations to avoid rounding discrepency flagging sizing failure.
Update 20.60
June 25, 2024
Editing RefNotes, changing Division no longer assigns new key number.
HotFix: Creating a RefNote, deleting number and not entering a new one, system will prompt to enter a valid number.
HotFix: Editing a Concept Graphics Area, in a metric plan, depth labeled as millimeters.
Update 20.59
June 21, 2024
Detail Explorer, Save Detail, detail list populated in different manner for vastly improved performance with large number of details.
Update 20.58
June 14, 2024
Open call to test new RefNote Schedule, via command REFNOTESCHEDULE_NEW. More details
Detail Callouts, support attribute tag CURSHEET.
Update 20.57
June 7, 2024
HotFix: Copy Along Polyline, when copying in reverse direction of polyline, floating point irregularity will not generate error.
Update 20.56
May 31, 2024
HotFix: Editing a light fixture, using Replace Fixture, with cloud data, will not generate error.
HotFix: Dimension tools, automatically set DIMASSOC as necessary.
Update 20.55
May 23, 2024
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, pipe description is not mistakenly underlined.
HotFix: Downloading plant photos, will not return empty error.
Update 20.54
May 22, 2024
Update Detail Callouts, when reverting a callout to a placeholder, detail reference is not discarded.
Save Hatch, supports saving solid hatches assigned a truecolor.
HotFix: Common function to download a file, additional error handling.
Update 20.53
May 17, 2024
HotFix: Plant Schedule, when including Concept plants by Group, and group name is widest name element, column is sized correctly.
HotFix: Setting plant photos, with multi-user local data, apostrophe character in local filename is translated correctly.
Update 20.52
May 14, 2024
HotFix: Plant Schedule, if Quantity is missing after upgrading legacy preferences, dialog allows re-selecting it.
HotFix: Assigning plants a photo, with multi-user local data, selecting a local photo, photo path is saved correctly.
Update 20.51
May 13, 2024
HotFix: Plant Schedule, upgrading legacy preferences, additional logic to address settings only partially displaying.
Update 20.50
May 10, 2024
HotFix: Concept Plant Schedule, regenerating a legacy schedule will not generate error.
HotFix: Plant Color Render, draw ordering of hatches optimized.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, improved performance with multiple work areas that are not nested.
HotFix: Pipe Data, Sleeve tab, Available sizes renamed to Unused sizes.
Update 20.45
April 30, 2024
HotFix: Editing a plant size, with local data, apostrophe character will not be mistakenly escaped twice.
HotFix: Editing a plant, only assigning a photo, with local data, photo assignment is correctly saved.
Update 20.44
April 26, 2024
HotFix: Planting Preferences, selecting a different preference set, performs a full requery.
HotFix: Helper function to address text that is over 254 characters, compatible with older versions of SQLite.
HotFix: Save Detail, metric detail with unit mismatch will not generate error.
Update 20.43
April 19, 2024
Labeling Pipes, support for legacy pipe labels discontinued.
HotFix: Site Color, compatible with Webview2 control.
HotFix: Helper function to determine flow of single length dripline, error handling to account for zero-length line segment.
HotFix: Text Manager, will not allow creating a text style with blank name.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, selecting a single work area, supports nested areas.
Update 20.42
April 12, 2024
HotFix: Size Mainline Pipe, checking for zero-flow looped segments, will not mistakenly highlight segments feeding quick couplers.
HotFix: Detail Explorer, Export Details, will not generate error.
HotFix: Highlight, Verify Lighting, custom equipment with missing data will not generate error.
Update 20.41
April 8, 2024
Update, also checks for updated Ribbon.
HotFix: Print Preferences, with local data, will not generate error.
HotFix: Plant Size Preferences, with local data, editing plant sizes with apostrophe (') character will not generate error.
Update 20.40
April 5, 2024
HotFix: Concept Plant Schedule, area quantities respect USERi4 spacing override setting.
HotFix: Print Preferences, Print Layers, legacy discontinued layers will not generate error.
Update 20.37
April 2, 2024
HotFix: Save Detail, selecting a folder with existing details will not generate error.
Update 20.36
April 2, 2024
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipes, Precip rate calculations improved for Drip Emitter Areas.
HotFix: Detail Explorer, Print Details, does not generate error.
HotFix: Concept Plant Manager, after adding palette plants, current design group remains selected.
Update 20.35
March 29, 2024
Detail helper function to convert detail number to file path, simplified parameters.
Toolbar-only functions removed.
HotFix: Editing plants, with local data, apostrophe in plant size will not generate error.
HotFix: Concept Plant Schedule, including Photo will not generate error.
HotFix: Edit Irrigation Equipment, selecting a secondary pipe sleeve line that has been labeled, will not abort with alert; changing size of Pipe Sleeve will not change color of sleeve.
HotFix: Highlight Station, selecting secondary pipe sleeve will switch to highlighting primary.
HotFix: Adding an Area for Drip Emitters to project, in a metric plan, emitter flows are correctly flagged as liters.
HotFix: Concept Plant area quantities support USERi4 calculation overrides.
HotFix: Common flow output function, auto-precision mode limited to two decimal places.
HotFix: Size Mainline, with a looped system, and legacy pipe that is missing flow and pressure values, will not generate error.
Update 20.32
March 22, 2024
HotFix: Bloom Schedule, supports running on plants in xref.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipes, with single length Dripline and spot elevations, system correctly accounts for elevation of last segment of dripline.
Update 20.31
March 15, 2024
HotFix: Plant Schedule, with a narrow font assigned to Schedule Header, "Remarks" header will not spill to second line.
Update 20.30
March 8, 2024
Editing/Creating plant sizes, allows apostrophe (') and quote (") characters.
Irrigation Manager, with multiple Sprays in category, always displays family number.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, editing a legacy schedule will not generate error.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, with only one work area in plan, associating schedule with work area will not mistakenly associate it with all work areas.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, editing an existing schedule associated with a work area, retains its work area assignment.
HotFix: Print Preferences, Print Dimstyles, center mark and angular dimensions appear correctly.
Update 20.27
February 16, 2024
Legacy plant data cache discontinued.
RegApp threshold reduced to 3,000.
HotFix: Chromium web browser control license activation updated.
HotFix: Save Block, when changing unit type, in a metric plan units set to millimeters.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, Concept Plant Schedule, trees within a shrub area group have their spacing noted in feet.
Update 20.26
February 1, 2024
Lighting, default Wire type changed to Low-Voltage Direct-Burial.
HotFix: Size Mainline, will not mark a System Monitor as Critical Station.
Update 20.25
January 25, 2024
Preferences, Plant Groups, A-Z button added to restore alphabetical ordering.
Preferences, Print Preferences button added with initial capability.
HotFix: Detail Explorer, dragging detail categories, with Copy option, does not erroneously state category already exists.
HotFix: Plant Info dialog, with local data, when selecting a photo, database field size is automatically increased as necessary.
Update 20.24
January 24, 2024
HotFix: Planting Alphanumeric symbols, code is not prepended with control width characters.
Update 20.23
January 16, 2024
Irrigation Schedule, Cloud output, re-engineered to match latest cloud integration standards.
Update 20.22
January 11, 2024
Size Mainline, for looped systems, valve paths are reduced to two shortest paths; pipe segments with no calculated flow are prompted to highlight.
HotFix: Alphanumeric blocks, with a UCS active, blocks are not mistakenly created with a rotation.
Update 20.21
January 11, 2024
HotFix: Creating a new plant group, system disallows differing case version of existing group.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, differing case plant group will not result in duplicate entries.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, Space between plants setting is correctly applied to groundcovers when displaying hatches.
Update 20.20
December 27, 2023
AutoCAD 2019 no longer supported.
Plant Schedule, ability to re-generate legacy schedules.
Plant Schedule, ability to edit existing schedules.
Plant Schedule, additional secondary common name languages added: Croatian, Chamorro, Lithuanian, Dutch.
Plant Schedule, Space between plants setting, when displaying Symbols or Photos, affects row height.
Lighting, Fixture callouts, support attribute tag VOLT of calculated voltage.
HotFix: Sorting of plant sizes re-engineered for better performance with extremely large size lists.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, when showing symbols for trees or shrubs, row is slightly taller than symbol size.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, when including concept plants, with symbols, concept member rows are vertically aligned middle.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, plants with differing case versions of plant group are correctly included.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, including cost without quantity, cost appears correctly.
HotFix: Photo Callout, compatible with AntView 1.1.
Update 20.17
December 18, 2023
HotFix: Plant Schedule, output without symbols, to paperspace, row height is set correctly.
HotFix: Editing a light fixture, voltage value is correctly displayed.
Update 20.16
December 18, 2023
HotFix: Plant Schedule, symbol sizes slightly reduced so they do not touch.
HotFix: Concept Graphics, columns are not removed on requery.
Update 20.15
December 14, 2023
Planting Alphanumeric symbols, code created as MText with a mask.
Common Hatch selection dialog, when editing an existing item, defaults to previous hatch group.
Lighting, reallocated fixture data fields to allow for longer values.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, vertical cell margin logic improved.
HotFix: Editing a placed Groundcover and changing it to Stipple, object is tagged with its current area.
HotFix: RefNote Manager, Grid view, columns will not duplicate on successive grid requeries.
HotFix: Lighting, Verify, generic transformer will not generate error.
Update 19.39
December 14, 2023
HotFix: Placing Rotors, with symbol option of rotating arc, arc is placed on layer specified in Preferences.
HotFix: Update, if downloaded VLX is unable to be loaded successfully, it is renamed as .bad for investigation.
HotFix: Size Mainline Pipe, System Monitors correctly account for elevation loss/gain.
HotFix: Hatch library, revised variable naming to prevent namespace collision.
HotFix: Water Source, unknown water source error from previous velocity adjustment bug, system resets broken service line data.
Update 20.14
December 11, 2023
HotFix: Verify Laterals, validation of PTPs within a drip area will not generate error.
Update 20.13
December 8, 2023
Print Layers, Print Fonts, Print Hatches, work from current drawing for better support of STB printing.
Plant Schedule, maximum symbol sizes of trees and shrubs reduced slightly.
PRINTBLOCKS command created.
HotFix: Changing design pressure of heads in a metric drawing with GPM/PSI, spray radius is scaled correctly.
HotFix: Verify Lateral Pipes, more robust nested area validation discontinued for increased performance on large drip projects.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, Plant Outlines are correctly applied if necessary.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, with gridlines non-plot, header width calculations improved.
HotFix: Schematic Irrigation, Zoning, Concept Graphics Areas, when selecting a hatch pattern, hatch sub-categories are displayed.
HotFix: Editing a Plant, with local data, changing code to one that is in use, label validation is aborted.
Update 20.12
November 29, 2023
Plant Schedule, Column Order button will not generate error if legacy defaults have Botanical Over Common.
Update 20.11
November 24, 2023
HotFix: Concept Plant Schedule, Shrub Area member plants are sorted by Tree, Shrub, Groundcover.
HotFix: Watering Schedule, daily, weekly, and total flows are accurate when using l/s.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, legacy work area missing its title will not generate error.
HotFix: Editing a legacy Work Area with a missing title, does not generate error.
Update 20.10
November 17, 2023
HotFix: Valve Callout, using numbers for controllers, selecting a controller correcty sets first available valve number.
HotFix: Valve Callout, selecting a controller with a delimiter, and then selecting no controller, does not generate error.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, generating a schedule from Paperspace with no plot scale set, and showing symbols, prompts user to set scale.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, column width calculations for name columns will not mistakenly result in some long names wrapping to a second line.
Update 20.08
November 11, 2023
fxREF, supports US Survey Feet.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, header spacers switched from extra table rows to newline characters.
Update 20.07
November 10, 2023
HotFix: Plant Schedule, attempting to generate a schedule with having plot scale assigned, will not generate error.
HotFix: Valve Schedule, when including pipe by size, if only one size is in use, column is still displayed.
Update 20.06
November 9, 2023
Flow Total, Valve Schedule, Watering Schedule, if running on a single work area, work area name is included in title.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, Name and Remarks column width calculations perfected.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, with Shadows turned on, symbols are rotated to match shadow angle.
HotFix: Valve Schedule, Caps have their flow and pressure displayed.
HotFix: Valve Schedule, Area for Dripline with Skip every X rows assigned, lineal total of dripline is correct.
HotFix: Detail Explorer, errant files with matching name as details are ignored.
Update 20.05
November 7, 2023
Concept Plant Schedule, option added for Symbols at Plan Size.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, sending schedule to Paperspace, symbols are scaled correctly.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, headers for columns 1 and 2 are always left aligned.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, selecting a work area with a custom scale and sending schedule to Paperspace, schedule is scaled correctly.
HotFix: Plant Label, labeling a Concept Tree/Shrub that only has a single member plant, will not generate error.
Update 20.04
November 6, 2023
HotFix: Plant Schedule, Symbol and Code are able to share a column if possible.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, spacer added between header and group name for more visual distinction.
Update 20.03
November 6, 2023
HotFix: Concept Plant Schedule, additional error handling for column sizing calculations when no symbol or photo is displayed.
HotFix: Plant Preferences, Schedule Defaults, with local data, saving revised preferences will not generate error.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, not including title will not generate error.
Update 20.02
November 3, 2023
HotFix: Plant Schedule, header width calculations improved.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, Space between plants setting has improved logic for whether or not symbols are displayed.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, accounts for mismatch between plant size data and size columns.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, plant missing from palette will not generate error.
Update 20.01
November 3, 2023
HotFix: Plant Schedule, when not including Size fields, empty columns are not erroneously displayed.
HotFix: Plant Preferences, Schedule Defaults, with local data, saving revised settings will not generate error.
Update 20.00
November 2, 2023
Plant Schedule and Concept Plant Schedule, rewritten from scratch for a litany of improvements and new capability. Existing schedule functions temporarily archived in place as PlantSchedule_Legacy and ConceptPlantSchedule_Legacy.
Update 19.95
October 25, 2023
HotFix: Bloom Schedule, output to Excel, does not generate error.
HotFix: Mimic, when mimicing hatches, windowing after selecting a sample will only apply to matching hatches.
HotFix: Edit Object, selecting a Work Area within an xref, will not generate error.
HotFix: Discipline Graphics, when placing, Q/E allow advancing through blocks.
Update 19.91
October 22, 2023
HotFix: Lateral Pipe Size, debugging message removed.
Update 19.90
October 20, 2023
LANDFX command fires overhauled Trainer, with all new videos and utilizing Chromium browser.
PRINTLAYERS command created, to print and/or access all layers specified in Preferences.
Bloom Schedule, ability to set background color.
HotFix: BatchMan, changing Layer Colors and Names, selecting color 1-7 is correctly registered.
HotFix: Lighting, adding Wire, will not generate error.
HotFix: Civil and Survey Manager, Northing/Easting Point Schedule, descriptions are incorporated.
HotFix: SketchUp, Import light fixtures from CAD, fixtures without IES files are able to be imported.
HotFix: Mimic, when source object is a hatch, destination object must be a hatch; legacy ability to apply hatch to polylines discontinued.
Update 19.85
October 16, 2023
HotFix: Version number corrected.
Update 19.84
October 13, 2023
Workstation Installer updated, with ribbon button for Bloom Schedule, and several new fonts included.
Civil/Survey Manager, Spot Elevation tab and schedule added.
New Project, when selecting a Template, description is displayed.
HotFix: PrintFonts, error handling for missing fonts.
HotFix: Detail Explorer, clicking on the dividing line organizing FX details injected into standard detail divisions, will not generate error.
Update 19.80
October 6, 2023
Civil and Survey Manager, Northing/Easting Points, Delete, also deletes point in drawing.
Grading Legend, renamed to Civil and Survey Legend, also added to language strings for customization.
HotFix: CONCEPTSCHEDULE_NEW, rounding of quantities in labels matches precision in schedule.
Update 19.77
October 5, 2023
Civil & Survey Manager, Northing/Easting Points, Renumber button added; Series controls added.
ImportCSV, ability to import Spot Elevations added.
HotFix: Common schedule creation function, with local data, missing Schedule Header text style is assigned Arial font.
HotFix: Startup, menu path is only added to Trusted Paths if MNL file detected.
Update 19.76
October 3, 2023
HotFix: PlantSchedule_New, with local data, will not generate error.
HotFix: PlantSchedule_New, adding a plant to the project on the fly, will not generate error.
HotFix: Valve Schedule, missing Schedule Header text style will not generate error.
HotFix: Valve Callout, renumbering VIH Rotor callouts will not generated missing block error.
HotFix: Preferences, Manage Preferences, Delete, dialog box is locked during operation to prevent accidental mouse click.
Update 19.75
October 2, 2023
HotFix: Plant Schedule, output to Table, missing Schedule Header text style will not generate error.
Update 19.74
October 2, 2023
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, missing Schedule Header text style will not generate error.
Update 19.73
September 29, 2023
PLANTSCHEDULE_NEW, CONCEPTPLANTSCHEDULE_NEW, and BLOOMSCHEDULE commands created for adventurous users wishing to test these features ahead of their official release.
Preferences, SCHEDULE HEADER system text style created, implemented in Irrigation Schedule, and new plant schedules.
HotFix: Lighting, editing a Wire, changing wire class updates gauge list correctly.
HotFix: Pipe Hop, when selecting a manually adjusted hop, arc is removed.
HotFix: Placing Alphanumeric symbols, if data contains legacy folder prefix, does not generate error.
Update 19.67
September 25, 2023
HotFix: Plant Schedule, including plant data will not generate error.
Update 19.66
September 25, 2023
HotFix: Sending a plant schedule to Excel, will not generate error.
Update 19.65
September 22, 2023
HotFix: Preferences, requerying Layers, improved performance.
Update 19.60
September 15, 2023
LANDFXBACKGROUND command created, to set background color of symbol selection dialog.
Alphanumeric plant blocks, common helper function updated and simplified.
Update 19.55
September 8, 2023
Size Mainline, spot elevation setting defaults to previous use.
HotFix: Adding a manufacturer's Booster Pump to project, View Data button will not be greyed out.
HotFix: Detail Explorer, dragging details to different folders will not generate error.
HotFix: Watering Schedule, in a metric plan with flow preference other than l/min, totals are displayed correctly.
HotFix: Trainer opens in default web browser pending upgrade of dedicated dialog.
HotFix: Editing or Replacing a Drip Ring, existing instances in drawing are updated correctly.
Update 19.50
September 1, 2023
Plant Manager, orders by Botanical then Code.
Valve Callout, flows between 0.5 and 1.0 are rounded to two decimal places.
Detail Manager, adding details to project, dialog displays notes of selected detail.
HotFix: Editing a placed Drip Ring and changing its symbol will not generate error.
HotFix: Watering Schedule, in a metric drawing, with flow set other than l/m, flow per week and day is displayed correctly.
Update 19.45
August 25, 2023
Startup, if assigned project is missing, message is posted to command line.
Update 19.41
August 14, 2023
New command PRINTFONTS created.
Site Color, support for IE browser control discontinued.
Startup, if F/X CAD, checks if an update is available.
Update 19.29
August 4, 2023
HotFix: Internal function to determine if plant symbol is alphanumeric, additional logic to allow user-created symbols.
HotFix: Plant Size Preferences, system removes illegal character (|) from description.
HotFix: Replace Valve, in a metric plan, if valve laterals have been sized, metric marker is retained.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, when in a floating viewport, system looks to regenerate modelspace schedules.
HotFix: Placing Groundcover, supports layer suffix set in plant group.
HotFix: Plant Color Render, turning off color render, shrub area hatches return to correct layer.
HotFix: Irrigation Uniformity, supports zone types All and All Rotors.
Update 19.28
July 28, 2023
HotFix: Irrigation Source Data, repeated edits of velocity will not result in unknown water source type.
Update 19.27
July 12, 2023
Plant Database, includes Color search capability.
HotFix: Editing a fixed-arc rotor, with local data, does not generate error.
HotFix: Replacing or changing design pressure for a fixed-arc rotor in a metric plan, fixed-arc setting remains.
HotFix: Placing C125-Throughline hatch as dripline scaled at row spacing, hatch is scaled correctly.
Update 19.26
July 10, 2023
Plant Schedule, Density calculations rounded to one decimal place of precision.
Irrigation, supports nested dripline areas.
Update 19.25
July 5, 2023
Common block and hatch selection dialog, slide background color switched to white regardless of modelspace background color; hatch slides recreated for better visual acuity.
Concept Plant Schedule, beta version available as command CONCEPTPLANTSCHEDULE_NEW
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, when including symbols for areas in a metric plan, hatches are scaled correctly.
Update 19.24
June 30, 2023
HotFix: Hatch Selection dialog, adding a layer setting to a hatch, will not remove legacy lookup marker.
Update 19.23
June 27, 2023
Valve Callout, list of existing numbers includes demarcation to denote available number.
HotFix: Valve Callout, entering a new controller and then canceling before selecting another valve, will not generate error.
HotFix: Editing Plants, selecting a hatch with same pattern but different angle, updates correctly in drawing.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, table style has row alignment set to Middle Left.
Update 19.22
June 26, 2023
HotFix: Editing a Shrub Area, selecting a hatch will not generate error.
Update 19.21
June 20, 2023
Big News! Land F/X Hatch libraries have been upgraded with many improvements – improved naming and sorting, hatches grouped into sub-categories, custom hatches organized in a separate User section, and many additional hatch patterns. Note that custom Layer assignments will need to be reassigned.
When restoring a Preference Set, message about existing includes the name.
HotFix: Color Render, Stipple patterns with arc segments in their boundary do not generate error.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipe, negative elevation is read correctly.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, unselecting quantity for some equipment types but not all, will not cause columns to shift.
HotFix: Common hatch and block selection dialog, when selecting a final level category from overflow dropdown, button will not cover dropdown.
HotFix: Common hatch and block selection dialog, uses MS Sans Serif font if found for button width calculations.
HotFix: Editing a groundcover and changing it to a Stipple hatch, pointer to outer hatch object updated.
Update 19.20
May 26, 2023
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, in a metric plan at 1:400 scale, schedule blocks are scaled correctly.
Update 19.19
May 12, 2023
Plant Manager, Refresh button added to update Placed/Unplaced status.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipe, additional error handling for missing/incorrect valve size.
HotFix: Dimension tools, support US Survey Feet.
HotFix: Watering Schedule, with flow preference as liters/second, columns of liters/day and liters/week are calculated correctly.
HotFix: Circuiting, dripline with unpiped emitters within it, flow from first drawing zone matches with recalculated flow.
HotFix: Common function to place MLeaders, missing registry information, system will direct user to KB article.
HotFix: Pipe Label Cleanup, additional error handling for label missing pointer to arc.
HotFix: Edit Plant, choosing a SketchUp component will not generate error.
HotFix: Plot Scale, Rescale objects, missing irrigation functions will not generate error.
HotFix: Circuting, recalculating zones with both drip emitters and dripline areas have their flow calculated correctly.
HotFix: RefNote Preferences, clicking Delete user field with no user fields defined, will not generate error.
HotFix: Editing a RefNote Amenity, setting SketchUp component, incomplete item data will not generate error.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, when including xrefs, corrupt entities missing layer assignment will not generate error.
Update 19.18
May 5, 2023
Edit Plant, dialog includes Photo, photo reference is saved with plant. Photo selection dialog re-engineered to merge curated photos with Google Image search.
Area Total, does not total both hatches and polylines if they are on same layer.
RefNote Amentiies, Q/E keys support dynamic blocks; Clone tool supports dynamic blocks.
HotFix: Update, menu load, additional validation of whether VLX file was able to successfully load.
HotFix: Common Place Head function, toggling between nozzles using Smart Arc or variable arc rotaries, embedded data is set correctly.
Update 19.17
April 28, 2023
HotFix: Plant Schedule, non-English installations are able to access local common name selection.
HotFix: Generic Plants, previously selecting a custom irrigation symbol will not generate error.
HotFix: Plant Preferences, with local data and no defined plant groups, will not generate error.
HotFix: Arc Leader, logic for setting arrow rotation improved.
Update 19.15
April 14, 2023
HotFix: Placing RefNote hatches, manufacturer hatches that have been renamed and reassigned a different hatch will not generate error.
HotFix: Common Place Hatch function, additional error handling for missing irrigation functions.
HotFix: Placing Stipple hatch as a RefNote Area, embedded data is not overwritten with area calculation.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, Stipple areas use embedded area calculation when possible.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, areas using Stipple pattern are calculated correctly.
HotFix: Error handler, if error is due to presence of Weed.lsp being loaded, directs user to KB article.
HotFix: Placing blocks with attributes, with work areas assigned rotated UCS, block rotation is correct.
Update 19.14
April 7, 2023
HotFix: Placing Schematic Irrigation, will not generate error.
HotFix: Placing irrigation blocks with attributes, when placing in work area with a rotated UCS, block will not be mistakenly rotated to last dynamic rotation.
Update 19.13
March 31, 2023
PrintHatches command created, pending integration into Preferences.
HotFix: Editing Schematic Irrigation item, unselecting a default will not generate error.
HotFix: Common function to process a polygonal boundary, missing irrigation functions will not generate error.
HotFix: RefNotes, manufacturer-based hatch patterns, download on demand.
HotFix: Plant Color Render, block size calculation uses same method for color and 2D blocks.
HotFix: Highlight Station, when selecting a circuit zone, adjustable spray heads with embedded data are calculated correctly.
Update 19.12
March 24, 2023
Water Source, Grading, Lighting, Concept Planting, detail add/remove buttons standardized.
Photo Callout, Shadow preference saved in Registry.
HotFix: Verify Plant Labels, hatches with missing area or boundary, boundary rebuild is only fired a single time.
HotFix: Common function to determine if object is inside of an area, zero-length pipe will not generate error.
HotFix: Startup, RegApp warning, missing numeric preferences will not generate error.
HotFix: Detail Explorer, pre-assembles project detail folders assignments and permissions, for better performance when using drag/drop.
HotFix: Plant Manager, placing a plant with no symbol assigned, after choosing a symbol, manager is refreshed with symbol assignment.
HotFix: New RefNote, additional error handling when selecting leader arrow.
HotFix: Common function to lookup irrigation equipment, fixed arc rotor with local data will not generate error.
HotFix: Common block placement function, missing irrigation functions will not generate error.
HotFix: BatchMan, when processing layer names and colors, differing color settings for same layer will not generate error; drawing with no objects on source layer will not generate error.
HotFix: Edit Valve, changing size will not mistakenly remove performance data.
HotFix: Common function to rebuild hatch boundary, additional error handling for hatch with no area.
Update 19.11
March 20, 2023
HotFix: Editing a groundcover with Stipple pattern and a color gradient, with color turned on, will not generate error.
HotFix: Editing RefNotes, Notation and Length objects do not mistakenly display linetype selection dropdown.
HotFix: Editing irrigation equipment, when replacing equipment, selecting Cancel will not delete original equipment from project.
HotFix: Keynote Manager, clicking Edit with no note selected, will not generate error.
HotFix: Valve Schedule, new schedule with no work areas and a single POC, will not generate error.
Update 19.10
March 17, 2023
Irrigation Schedule, Sprays by nozzle with no description use two lines of text instead of three. As well for Pipe by size with no description.
Irrigation Schedule, allows selecting All Work Areas for expanded quantities across all Work Areas.
Irrigation Schedule, adjustable sprays, flow expressed as less than or greater than full.
HotFix: Size Mainline, options for spot elevations and last elevation are enabled correctly.
HotFix: Flow Total, adjustable sprays with embedded data, flow is calculated correctly.
HotFix: Edit Equipment, entering a negative elevation for a valve, value is not converted to positive.
HotFix: BatchMan, Layer Colors option will not generate error when on subsequent clicks.
Update 19.09
March 10, 2023
Edit irrgation equipment, dialog box code upgraded to latest standards.
Place irrigation head, embedded data is applied when in an imperial plan.
Insert Detail Template, 1" = 5' added to imperial scales.
Editing Groundcovers, Stipple able to convert to/from standard hatch.
Mimic, supports selecting Stipple as source or destination.
Startup, BLOCKMRULIST set to 0.
PolyOptimize, dialog switched to Modeless; multiple minor improvements with processing logic.
HotFix: Circuiting, a zone set to All Drip will not double count free-standing emitters placed in drip areas.
HotFix: Uniformity, non-contiguous heads will not generate error.
HotFix: RefNotes, additional validation when attempting to detect embedded material data.
HotFix: Plot scale validation, does not regard 1" = 1' Decimal as an invalid scale.
HotFix: Circuit, recalculating an existing zone, in a Metric plan, heads with variable flow are totaled correctly.
HotFix: Irrigation Manager, adding Bubbler to project, in a metric plan, flow is expressed in l/min regardless of flow preference.
Update 19.08
February 28, 2023
HotFix: Plant Color Render, for Stipple patterns, system does not attempt to fire DrawOrder command on Sand hatch.
Update 19.07
February 24, 2023
Common function to rebuild hatch boundary, switched to using CAD command HatchGenerateBoundary.
Edit RefNote, Edit Irrigation Equipment, Edit Plant, set and remove detail buttons standardized.
Projects, New Project, when basing on template, option to select settings and permisssions.
Lighting, drawing wire, light throw layers are automatically frozen and thawed.
HotFix: Place plant label as MLeader, toggles DIMASSOC as necessary to prevent leaders from snapping to 0,0 after block changes.
HotFix: RefNotes, editing a manufacturer based site amenity, and changing to a generic, block location is correctly updated.
HotFix: Edit Object, allows selecting a lighting callout.
Update 19.06
February 17, 2023
Valve Callout, new dialog box to control options of Controller, Work Area support, and Renumber options.
RefNotes, apostrophe character (') is no longer translated to reverse tick (`).
Poly Optimize, dialog box added to control options.
HotFix: Placing VIH Rotors, if radius has been reduced when adding to project, pressing A will not mistakenly revert it to 100%.
HotFix: Editing a RefNote, additional validation to prevent false positive detection of embedded material data.
HotFix: RefNote Manager, hover display of site amenities does not include embedded material data.
HotFix: Schematic Irrigation, when using GPM/PSI in a metric plan, pressure is correctly converted to PSI when sizing lateral pipes.
Update 19.05
February 3, 2023
Photo Callout, dialog upgraded with ability to download photo and controls to edit Caption; caption object changed to MText.
Edit Concept Plant, includes ability to view/set photo.
BatchMan, Layer Names and Colors, Load and Save buttons restored.
HotFix: Mimic, when mimicking pipe, matches on pipe size of first segment selected.
HotFix: Placing a Cap, prompt for flow and pressure do not display blank dialog title.
HotFix: Lighting, editing a custom transformer, changing max amps correctly saves new value.
Update 19.04
January 27, 2023
ENTERPRISE command, merged into Install Info dialog from Preferences.
BatchMan, Nuke option added to save options.
BatchMan, Layer Names and Colors functionality improved with pre-scanning of files, and new dialog box.
Size Mainline, Select Valves, dialog box migrated to OpenDCL.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, when re-generating multiple schedules, Plant Data field association is correctly retained.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, site amenity material color data is removed from description.
HotFix: Watering Schedule, when sending to Excel, system uses Windows and Excel numeric preferences for decimal separator.
HotFix: Common function to determine if object is inside of area, for Multileaders uses arrow end-point if possible.
HotFix: Mimic, when windowing pipe, only affects the same class as first segment selected.
Update 19.03
January 13, 2023
fx_SCALEREFERENCE command created, pending ribbon integration.
BatchMan, dialog box ported to OpenDCL, text files for configuration discontinued, clean export save option added.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipes, in a metric plan, adjustable sprays have precip rate calculated correctly.
Update 19.02
January 6, 2023
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipes, Dripline area in a metric plan with GPM/PSI, precip rate is correctly converted to mm/h.
HotFix: New UCS, Restore UCS, when associating a UCS with a work area, illegal comma (,) character is translated to underscore (_).
HotFix: Irrigation Preferences, option for Pipe callout layer per class, single length Dripline in drawing will not generate error.
HotFix: Piping, when placing a fitting on an existing pipe segment, new segments retain original size.
Update 19.01
January 2, 2023
Support for CAD version 2018 discontinued.
HotFix: Placing a fixed-arc rotor in a metric plan, performance data is correctly read as metric.
HotFix: Mimic, when applying to pipe, size is correctly set.
Update 19.00
December 22, 2022
ImportCSV, BatchMan, Restore Project, Edit Sheet, Import Details, Work Area Xref, Save Hatch: file selection dialog upgraded.
Helper function for processing strip sprays, upgraded method of handling CST and SST spray patterns.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipes, when a valve was previously within a drip area, then piped, but without running Verify Laterals, system will ignore implicit connection to drip area.
HotFix: Concept Plant Manager, dragging shrubs from plant manager into shrub area group, spacing is converted from feet to inches.
HotFix: Pipe Data, missing velocity setting will not generate error.
HotFix: Lighting Manager, Import capability restored.
Update 18.99
December 13, 2022
Plant Manager, Import, dialog switched to OpenDCL.
HotFix: Placing K-Rain adjustable rotaries, Q/E keys correctly cycle through nozzles.
HotFix: Common irrigation helper function to select POC or Work Area to limit selection, ability to select work area in an xref rolled back pending further engineering.
Update 18.98
December 12, 2022
HotFix: Editing Dripline Area, changes to row spacing are updated in embedded data.
HotFix: Valve Schedule, system does not recurse wire lengths if not selected.
Update 18.97
December 2, 2022
HotFix: Block Layers, editing a layer, legacy code checking each color setting discontinued for better performance.
Update 18.96
December 1, 2022
Editing Area for Dripline, ability to skip every X rows.
fx_Chop, when trimming Dripline, pipe fittings are moved to trimmed endpoint.
HotFix: Planting block selection dialog, improved logic for determining if block folder overflow dropdown should appear.
HotFix: Copying a Concept plant, member plant percentages are migrated with full decimal precision.
HotFix: Delete Station, improved logic for deleting valves piped only to mainline.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipes, when using spot elevations, single length dripline correctly reads elevation difference.
HotFix: Edit Irrigation Equipment, when choosing a new symbol, block metadata is created with correct scaling parameter.
HotFix: Editing a custom drip emitter, in a metric plan with imperial units, when editing design pressure radius appears correctly.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, Area for Dripline, in a metric plan, with metric data, lineal quantity is calculated correctly.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipes, Area for Drip Emitters calculate precip rate correctly when drawing is in Inch or Millimeter units.
HotFix: Creating a custom drip emitter, in a metric plan with GPM/PSI, entered radius is correctly converted.
Hotfix: Size Lateral Pipes, for Dripline, does not erroneously include one additional emitter for dripline at end of run.
HotFix: Highlight Station, selecting an unsized unconnected segment of pipe highlights other segments with no flow.
HotFix: Size Mainline, pipe segments with embedded datta leading to Quick Couplers are correctly set to minimum size.
HotFix: Preferences, Block Layers, each layer color is saved immediately for better performance, especially with STB style names.
Update 18.95
November 17, 2022
HotFix: Schematic Irrigation areas, using GPM/PSI in a metric plan, flow is calculated correctly.
HotFix: Valve Schedule, sending to spreadsheet, with pipe listed by size, column headers align correctly.
HotFix: Size Mainline, in a metric plan, with flow preference l/s or m3/h, multi-valve flow value entered is converted correctly.
HotFix: Irrigation Manager, adding sprays to project, radius classification is saved correctly.
Update 18.91
November 8, 2022
HotFix: Placing Shut Off Valves, manual rotation set to always on.
HotFix: Editing an irrigation circuit zone and changing to All, drip areas are correctly included.
HotFix: RefNotes, adding a site amenity from a manufacturer, will not generate error.
Update 18.90
November 7, 2022
HotFix: Multiple fixes addressing issues with metric irrigation calculations.
HotFix: Placing equipment directly on mainline, if mainline class is missing from project pipe data, does not generate error.
HotFix: Placing Area for Dripline, with option to scale hatch at row spacing, in imperial drawing, hatch is scaled correctly.
HotFix: Size Mainline, in metric plan, with legacy shut off valves, pressure and flow are not double converted.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, metric dimscale scaling logic will not cause some plants to be scaled erroneously.
Update 18.89
November 7, 2022
HotFix: RefNote Manager, new RefNote will not generate error.
Update 18.88
November 6, 2022
HotFix: Size Mainline, correctly respects larger pipe size from previously processed valve with higher flow.
Update 18.87
November 5, 2022
HotFix: Placing adjustable heads into metric plan, flow is correctly multiplied by arc degrees.
Update 18.86
November 4, 2022
HotFix: Placing a valve onto legacy mainline without embedded data, does not generate error.
HotFix: Placing Area for Dripline with metric data into a metric plan, with dripline hatch scaled at row spacing, hatch is scaled correctly.
HotFix: Valve Schedule, Elevation columns will not print "ft" or "m" if zero elevation.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipes, with a plan in Architectural Inches, precip rate is calculated correctly.
Update 18.85
November 2, 2022
HotFix: Edit irrigation equipment, when editing legacy equipment in a metric drawing, pressure and flow values display correctly.
HotFix: Preferences, Plant Groups, adding a new group will not generate error.
HotFix: Placing a valve onto mainline, two new connected mainline segments are functional.
HotFix: Placing irrigation equipment, if block metadata is set to 1:1, corrects to Dimscale.
Update 18.83
November 2, 2022
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, setting pipe block colors when color conversion information is missing, will not generate error.
HotFix: Irrigation Source Data, Custom POC, using GPM in an metric plan, flow entered is not mistakenly converted.
HotFix: Replacing irrigation equipment, existing equipment with legacy xdata, will not generate error.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipes, single length Dripline segment with 0 length will not generate divide by zero error.
Update 18.82
November 1, 2022
HotFix: Edit Irrigation equipment, valve in imperial plan will not display pressure requirement mistakenly converted to Bars.
Update 18.80
November 1, 2022
In a massive overhaul of our entire irrigation system, we have implemented native metric data and calculations. See this article for more information and known possible issues.
HotFix: Schematic Irrigation, in a metric plan, improved logic for maintaining metric data flag.
HotFix: Save Dimstyle, with local multiuser data, apostrophe character (') in suffix saves without error.
HotFix: Preferences, Plant Groups, with local data, editing plant groups will not generate error.
HotFix: Editing a plant, changing to a different category of plant, when preferences are read-only, changes to correct category.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, when not itemizing pipe or colorizing by size, block is set to pipe layer color.
HotFix: Valve Schedule, when including pipe by size, common wire total is displayed in correct column.
Update 18.81
November 1, 2022
HotFix: RefNote Schedule column width conversions from millimeter to inch, will not generate error.
Update 18.75
October 2, 2022
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipe, flow calcualtions for single length dripline will not generate error.
Update 18.74
September 30, 2022
HotFix: Common lookup function, will not generate error with RefNote items.
Update 18.73
September 29, 2022
Irrigation Preferences, will not allow mixed imperial/metric flow/pressure values.
HotFix: Piping lateral pipe to single-length Dripline, calculation of total flow will not generate error.
HotFix: Size Mainline, pressure loss is correctly applied to duplicate equipment.
Update 18.72
September 23, 2022
HotFix: Import CSV, will not abort after processing the first entry.
HotFix: Common irrigation helper function for calculating pressure loss, will not mistakenly apply smallest valve's pressure loss.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, Schematic areas correctly display total when GPM is unselected.
Update 18.71
September 14, 2022
HotFix: Circuiting Schedule, for a metric plan, does not generate error.
HotFix: Planting Preferences, Plant Groups, adding a new group does not generate error.
HotFix: Common irrigation lookup function, improved handling of equipment missing from project.
Update 18.70
September 12, 2022
HotFix: Verify Laterals, drip areas with missing boundaries will not generate error when validating valves placed within them.
HotFix: Editing dripline areas, when scaling hatch to match row spacing, additional error handling for mssing hatch data.
Update 18.69
September 8, 2022
Draw Pipe, when drawing or connecting to Dripline, displays connected flow at the command line.
HotFix: Plant Info dialog, when Preference Set is read-only for the user, plant group displays correctly.
Update 18.68
September 6, 2022
Planting Preferences, Plant Groups, allows setting a layer suffix.
HotFix: PolyDivide, selecting a drip area will not generate error.
Update 18.67
August 29, 2022
HotFix: Placing an irrigation Cap, will not generate error.
Update 18.66
August 29, 2022
Editing Area for Drip Emitters, allows assigning up to 20 emitters to each plant.
Common function to place blocks, UCS Z elevation warning, links to KB article to fix.
Irrigation Schedule, improved logic for displaying nozzle/identifier next to model.
HotFix: Edit Area for Drip Emitters, emitters without separate identifier display correctly.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, with only Length items in drawing, schedule will not abort.
HotFix: 3D Connection, Send Layer, error handling for missing layer assignment.
HotFix: Common Place Hatch function, when placing on existing hatch, error handling for missing hatch assignment.
HotFix: Common Place Hatch function, placing hatch pattern onto existing solid hatch, error handling for unable to set hatch scale.
HotFix: Pipe Hop, selected a pipe segment on a locked layer will not generate error.
HotFix: Verify Laterals, improved logic for correcting/adding pointer to drip area.
Update 18.65
August 11, 2022
HotFix: Valve Schedule, with pipe listed by size, column headings are not mistakenly shifted one position.
HotFix: Project Manager, Sheet Index, SheetSet integration, Mtext formatting is stripped from Mtext when processing sheet number.
HotFix: Editing a Schematic Irrigation area, and changing the pattern from a color to a hatch pattern, hatch scale is set correctly.
HotFix: Highlight Station, in a metric plan, flow is correctly translated to desired units.
Update 18.64
August 2, 2022
HotFix: Additional work on common irrigation data lookup functions to not generate error with legacy objects.
Update 18.63
August 2, 2022
HotFix: Common irrigation data lookup function, pipe with incomplete data will not generate error.
Update 18.62
August 1, 2022
HotFix: Adding irrigation equipment to project, in a metric plan, will not exit with "no data found for this model."
Update 18.61
July 29, 2022
HotFix: When placing site amenities, pressing C or V to copy along a line or polyline, copies have embedded data correct applied.
Common functions to access pressure and flow data of irrigation equipment, upgraded in preparation of embedded data.
Update 18.60
July 8, 2022
Irrigation Schedule, "Area to receive dripline" and "Area to receive drip emitters" added to language strings in Preferences.
Common function to determine if point is inside of polyline, improved performance.
HotFix: Irrigation Preferences, Schedule Defaults, drip quantity and equipment quantity correctly display as checked with default settings.
HotFix: 3D Connection, Send Layer, 2D polylines will not generate error.
HotFix: Placing a System Monitor, prompts for Indentifier.
Update 18.52
June 23, 2022
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, output to table, setting of table row style compatible with non-English installations.
Update 18.51
June 17, 2022
RefNotes, Site Amenities selection dialog box optimized for Chromium browser.
Update 18.50
June 10, 2022
RefNotes, Site Amenities store Model ID for future linking with additional data.
Update 18.45
June 3, 2022
HotFix: Copy Along Line/Polyline, dialog box for entering spacing, ability to press Enter restored.
HotFix: Common function to determine if point is inside polygon, illegal extent in Y axis only will not generate error.
HotFix: Common function to determine if point is inside polygon, detail viewport that reports no size will not generate error.
HotFix: Generic Plants, snapping to last block category selected, missing block sub-group will not generate error.
Update 18.44
May 27, 2022
HotFix: Keynotes, adding or editing a keynote will not generate error.
HotFix: Edit Plant, Plant Data dialog, Help button functionality implemented.
Update 18.43
May 20, 2022
HotFix: Detail Template, allows placing a new template into an existing saved detail.
Update 18.42
May 17, 2022
HotFix: Save Detail, when saving an existing detail, correctly prompts to overwrite or choose new number.
Update 18.41
May 16, 2022
Valve Schedule, dialog box ported to OpenDCL.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, with symbols at plan size, Space between plants adds correct vertical spacing.
Update 18.40
May 13, 2022
XCOPY/XCORO, support pre-selecting entities.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, with color render on, groundcovers display hatch over color.
HotFix: Placing valves onto mainline, valve draw order is set to Front.
HotFix: Color Render, if no project data for the calling mode, still displays dialog box.
HotFix: Copy Along Line/Polyline, copying light fixtures that are wired, wire pointer is removed.
HotFix: Detail Template, does not allow placing a second template into an existing saved detail.
Update 18.39
April 25, 2022
HotFix: Welcome screen, will not appear blank with Chromium browser installed.
Update 18.38
April 21, 2022
HotFix: Plant Color Render, applying a solid color to a stipple pattern will not generate error.
Update 18.37
April 21, 2022
HotFix: Plant Photo Callout, caption defaults to Botanical name only.
HotFix: Plant Color Render, dialog box does not generate script error with legacy Internet Explorer browser control.
HotFix: Lighting Wiring, metric wiring will not cause dialog to freeze.
HotFix: Copy Along Polyline, checking for polyline being mirrored will not misfire.
Update 18.36
April 20, 2022
HotFix: Plant Photo Callout, caption defaults to Botanical name only.
HotFix: Plant Color Render, dialog box does not generate script error with legacy Internet Explorer browser control.
HotFix: Lighting Wiring, metric wiring will not cause dialog to freeze.
Update 18.35
April 20, 2022
Tech Support, Error Report, include Chromium browser status for troubleshooting purposes.
HotFix: Common function to select a polyline, validates polyline has not been mirrored.
HotFix: Photo Callout, choosing Local photo, compatible with Chromium browser.
HotFix: Editing a Concept Groundcover, assiging a color, does not report missing file.
Update 18.34
April 19, 2022
HotFix: Plant Schedule, when including color groundcover swatches, newly created colors without a gradient will not generate error.
HotFix: Plant Manager, assigning details, missing default detail setting will not generate error.
Update 18.33
April 18, 2022
HotFix: Plant Color Render, assigning a tree/shrub color symbol displays correct library.
Update 18.32
April 15, 2022
Planting, color Groundcovers, assign from customizable color wheel data.
Plant Color Render, Site Color Render, dialog box has checkboxes to exclude certain object types.
Site Color, deletes local color books that have been removed from the dialog.
Place Rotary sprinklers, from Ribbon, double-clicking on model places item.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipes, using Spot Elevations, with drip areas, spot elevation is distance matched to pipe transition point.
HotFix: Verify Laterals, for Drip Emitter Areas, xref plant list is read only once for increased performance.
Update 18.31
April 5, 2022
Highlight Station, has S keyboard option to select highlighted entities.
Update Options, dialog box ported to OpenDCL.
HotFix: ImportCSV, assigning a column to a N/E Point Number, functionality restored.
Update 18.30
April 1, 2022
HotFix: Editing Concept Graphics, Photo button functionality restored.
HotFix: Generic Plants, setting dialog to last symbol folder chosen will not generate error.
HotFix: AutoCAD 2023 will not generate error.
Update 18.28
March 30, 2022
HotFix: Selecting a symbol, available cloud content is correctly merged.
Update 18.26
March 29, 2022
HotFix: Plant Schedule, when including Plant Data, with schedule in Upper Case, all data values are upcased.
HotFix: Common function to process block layer color conversion, setting of named plot style will not generate error.
Update 18.27
March 29, 2022
RefNote Schedule, Lighting Schedule, with output to Table, symbols are horizontally centered within table cell.
HotFix: Selecting a plant symbol, last folder memory will not generate error when switching between trees and shrubs.
Update 18.25
March 28, 2022
Plant Photo Callout, image search includes Common name.
Command fx_GenericElevationPlants created.
HotFix: Selecting an irrigation symbol, available cloud content is displayed.
Update 18.24
March 25, 2022
Planting Preferences, Concept Label allows selecting Fields 1 - 6.
Convert Layer Colors, Block Layers, allow setting layers to truecolor; dialog box ported to OpenDCL.
HotFix: Common dialog to view web-content, revised activation of Chromium browser object.
HotFix: Edit Irrigation Equipment, line breaks in description are correctly displayed in dialog.
HotFix: Preferences, Layers, true colors 0,0,1 through 0,0,255 are rendered correctly.
HotFix: Copy Heads Along Polyline, correctly rotates Drip Emitters with Symbol Rotates option.
HotFix: Preview Dimstyle, error handling for raster image driver; fires regen as necessary when changing plot rotation.
HotFix: Sheet Index, SheetSet integration will not mistake missing reference #### as a sheet number.
HotFix: Water Source, in metric plan, Water Meter elevation change from service not mistakenly converted.
Update 18.23
March 18, 2022
HotFix: Detail Explorer, helper functions to process Print and Export operations, correctly process detail categories of three numeric digits.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipes, moves emitters to 0 elevation when calculating precip rate.
HotFix: Save Dimstyle, Preview, dimstyle name includes unit designation.
HotFix: Lighting Schedule, including photos, to modelspace, with a rotated UCS, photos are aligned correctly.
HotFix: Lateral Pipe Size, schematic areas in a metric plan, design pressure will not appear negative.
Update 18.22
March 11, 2022
HotFix: Common block selection dialog, Redefine Block, BatchMan, all compatible with non-standard directory listing order.
Update 18.21
March 4, 2022
Photo Callout, Plant Data, Site Color, Color Render, web-based product selection dialogs, all support Chromium browser.
Edit Plant, Change Plant dialog ported to OpenDCL.
Place Irrigation Equipment, dialog ported to OpenDCL.
Irrigation Schedule, valves and equipment/pipe have a minimum height of two lines of text.
HotFix: fxREF, additional error handling for block of same name, and circular reference.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, when including Concept plants by group, with names in separate columns, group name is not duplicated.
Update 18.20
February 25, 2022
Irrigation Schedule, support for schedules generated before version 11.15 discontinued.
fxREF, file selection dialog box is resizable.
HotFix: Common confirmation function, missing OpenDCL library will not generate error.
HotFix: Photo Callout, drop shadow compatible with UCS.
HotFix: Verify Plant Labels, AREA attribute used to label a group of hatches, quantity is updated correctly.
Update 18.15
February 21, 2022
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, existing Defpoints layer will not cause schedule to abort.
Update 18.14
February 18, 2022
Detail Enlargement, includes 2:1 enlargement.
Irrigation Schedule, turns off Defpoints layer if possible.
Support for Toro 690 Golf valve-in-head rotors added.
Center Pivot, multiple updates and fixes.
HotFix: Photo Callout, placing into modelspace in metric units, drop shadow is offset correctly.
Update 18.13
February 11, 2022
Zoning Manager, switched to dockable palette.
RefNotes, adding generic Amenities, dialog highlights blocks already in use in current project.
HotFix: Program load, OpenDCL library is loaded before update check.
HotFix: Startup, RegApp corruption checking, missing OpenDCL library will not generate error.
HotFix: Plant Shadows, Plant Outlines, Detail overwrite confirmation, all reload OpenDCL if necessary.
HotFix: Site Color, switching to a different document after running an update will not generate error.
Update 18.12
February 7, 2022
HotFix: Plant Schedule, duplicate mixed-case versions of same plant group will not cause plants to appear more than once.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, when including Concept plants by group and displaying only Common name, group name appears.
Update 18.11
February 4, 2022
Cloud Data, primary data call function standardized as Post only.
Plant Labels, support attribute tag SPACING.
Save Detail, overwrite confirmation, dialog ported to OpenDCL.
Custom Line, dialog ported to OpenDCL; numerous minor improvements with functionality.
Plant Shadows, dialog ported to OpenDCL.
Plant Outlines, dialog ported to OpenDCL.
HotFix: Edit Plant, making changes to a Concept plant without the manager open will not generate error.
HotFix: Irrigation Preferences, Schematic defaults, New/Edit buttons will not generate error.
Update 18.10
February 1, 2022
Cloud Data, all data calls standardized as Post operations.
HotFix: Plant Shadows, drawing corrupted to the point of being a hot mess, will not generate error.
HotFix: All manager palettes, when switching to a blank drawing from one that has run an update, will not generate error.
HotFix: Critical Analysis, water source with V1 data will not generate error.
HotFix: Edit Plant, selecting a Concept plant without palette open will not generate error.
HotFix: Detail Manager, Renumber, additional error handling for detail missing number assignment.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, accounts for plants with mixed case versions of same group.
Update 18.09
January 26, 2022
HotFix: Plant Manager, Copy button, a plant with a numeric code will not generate error.
HotFix: Copy Along Polyline, will not pre-select or allow selection of a zero-length polyline.
HotFix: Additional error handling added to all managers to address errors after running an update from one drawing window and then continuing work in another.
Update 18.08
January 24, 2022
HotFix: Detail Dimension tools, correctly set dimstyle and linear override for enlargement areas.
HotFix: Table and MLeader style creation functions standardized with error handling for missing registry key.
Update 18.07
January 21, 2022
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, table style creation will not generate error.
HotFix: Convert Layer Colors, compatible with layer set to color 0.
Update 18.06
January 21, 2022
Irrigation Schedule, non-plot gridline table style set to no border.
HotFix: Match Equipment, selecting pipe will not generate error.
HotFix: Editing a Shrub Area, if hatch pattern specified is not found in local library, will not generate error.
HotFix: Copy Along Polyline, additional error handling when unable to locate nearest point on polyline.
HotFix: Dimension tools, having target work area suffix layer frozen will not generate error.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, unchecking Drip Detail or Valve Detail correctly removes column.
HotFix: Common function to create table style, additional error handling for missing registry keys.
HotFix: Helper function to determine irrigation head direction, empty block definition will not generate error.
HotFix: Program load, checking of menu support path, additional error handling for damaged install of AutoCAD.
HotFix: Project List, New Project, aggressively double-clicking when creating a new project will not generate error.
Update 18.05
January 18, 2022
HotFix: Irrigation Preferences, Schedule defaults, saving will not generate error.
Update 18.04
January 14, 2022
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, will not generate error with AutoCAD 2021.
Update 18.03
January 14, 2022
Irrigation Schedule, dialog box updated with additional options of Xref support and Drip pressure; output to Drawing discontinued in favor of Table with non-plot gridlines; multiple improvements under the hood for better performance and improved ability to engineer future updates.
Plant Manager, Mimic (Match Properties) button added.
Legacy command IrrigSchedule_Old created.
Critical Analysis, text labels able to be customized from Language Strings in Preferences.
Grading Manager, Northing/Easting Points, Delete button allows deleting point remarks.
Color Render, html content files moved to ProgramData path.
Plant Labels, support ^ characters to capitalize size fields.
Preferences, layers able to be assigned a truecolor.
XLayer, supports truecolor.
Legacy commands fx_OldSlopeCallout and fx_OldSplotEelvation discontinued.
HotFix: Place Hatch, additional error handling when multiple boundary process fails.
HotFix: Save Detail, additional error handling for previous version of detail placed in drawing.
Update 18.02
January 7, 2022
Support discontinued for AutoCAD 2017.
HotFix: Projects, Backup, eTransmit option only available if project selected is associated with current drawing.
HotFix: Delete Station, deletes schematic areas.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, pipe sleeve quantities correctly reflect sleeves manually converted to arcs.
HotFix: XLayer, additional error handling for drawing that requires Audit.
Update 18.01
December 20, 2021
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, color rendered areas without a gradient will not generate error.
Update 18.00
December 17, 2021
Add Plant dialog, updated with faster database searching and streamlined search options.
Edit RefNote dialog, Symbol, Color, and Photo, options consolidated into dialog.
Drawing lighting wiring, supports right click to repeat.
HotFix: RefNotes, do not mistakenly display schematic irrigation areas.
HotFix: Match Object, using keyboard commands to advance to next block, downloads missing blocks from correct source folder.
HotFix: Highlight Station, highlights drip areas when called from manager or directly selecting drip hatch.
Update 17.74
December 10, 2021
RefNote callout styles, Shadow enabled for Circle.
Editing RefNotes, when entering a number that is in use, Merge option removed.
Dialog box PNG images moved from /Patterns to /Images.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, site amenities scale correctly when placed in paperspace for a plan scaled in decimal feet.
HotFix: Drawing lighting wiring, in Line mode, wire attachment point is offset in linear direction.
HotFix: Grading Manager, editing Northing/Easting point remarks, keeps that note selected.
HotFix: Insert Detail Viewport, compatible with UCS.
HotFix: Dimension tools, support nested work areas, and/or detail viewports.
HotFix: Size Mainline Pipe, lateral pipe classes are not mistakenly included beyond largest mainline sizes.
Update 17.73
December 4, 2021
Site Amenities, switched to using RefNote palette.
HotFix: Editing RefNote arrow/callout options, accounts for missing default data.
HotFix: Color Render, groundcovers with solid color will not render as gradient to black.
HotFix: Lateral Pipe Size, multiple pipe dead-ends to a schematic area will not generate circular pipe error.
HotFix: Lighting Schedule, blocks drawn in Decimal feet appear correctly in Paperspace schedules.
Update 17.72
November 29, 2021
HotFix: Lighting Schedule, blocks set to 1:1 scale are scaled correctly.
Hotfix: Site Color, downloading wheels as color books, additional error handling for empty wheel.
HotFix: New Schematic Irrigation area, truecolor options limited to Irrigation options; preview is correctly populated with chosen color.
HotFix: Site Color Render, colors without a gradient will not generate error.
HotFix: RefNote Callout dialog, option buttons correctly respond as single group.
Update 17.71
November 22, 2021
HotFix: Edit RefNote, changing leader arrow will not generate error.
Update 17.70
November 19, 2021
Truecolor system overhauled. Site Color wheels allow customizing all truecolor options. Gradient option added. Wheels saved as local Color Books.
RefNotes, Stadium style callout added.
Edit Plant, Apply to all checkbox tentatively removed, pending permanent removal.
HotFix: Drawing lighting wiring, system prevents connecting two items that are already connected.
HotFix: Detail Explorer, Print categories, license validation downgraded to Design F/X.
HotFix: Irrigation Circuiting, Merge, does not require refresh to update zone flows.
Update 17.66
November 12, 2021
fxREF, defaults to last file path chosen.
HotFix: Verify Lighting, transformers with callouts and deleted wire connections will not generate error.
Update 17.65
November 5, 2021
HotFix: Concept Graphics, canceling out of symbol selection for a new item will not leave a blank item in project.
HotFix: Edit Detail, details not stored in project folder are opened with same project assignment as source drawing.
Update 17.64
October 29, 2021
Lighting Circuiting, compares insertion point of fixture to circuit boundary.
Update 17.63
October 22, 2021
Detail Explorer, F/X detail library includes Metric versions of all details; available details are automatically filtered by current unit setting.
Irrigation Schedule, revised method of looking up Detail references, for better performance.
HotFix: Lighting Schedule, fixture data fields respect Schedules Upper Case preference setting.
HotFix: Delete Station, when deleting everything including valve, and single mainline segment feeding valve, deletes pipe label of mainline segment as well.
HotFix: Common function to scan xrefs for plants to assign drip emitter areas, compatible with xref in different units.
Update 17.62
October 15, 2021
All schedules, output to table, optimized for better performance.
HotFix: All schedules, output to Table, in Paperspace, in an Imperial plan, column widths narrower than 1.1" are correctly set.
Update 17.61
October 8, 2021
Labeling Concept Plants, connecting lines are converted to single polyline; supports moving label to paperspace.
Placing Generic Blocks, Edit Block dialog has Open File button to open source block.
HotFix: Irrigation Manager, Circuit button, does not generate error.
Update 17.60
October 1, 2021
All external library calls, name of library added to error message for ease of troubleshooting.
Irrigation Manager, sorts by symbol code than name.
HotFix: Helper function to detect Parallels, additional error handling.
HotFix: Verify Laterals, deletes errant fittings used to connect to drip/schematic areas.
Update 17.57
September 22, 2021
HotFix: Latest irrigation ribbon, spray type button, does not generate error.
HotFix: RefNote Preferences, editing a Sub-division numeric start range, value is correctly saved.
HotFix: RefNote Manager, Highlight button, correctly restores lineweight for Length layers after right clicking.
Update 17.56
September 17, 2021
All schedules, with output to Table, table style LAFX-SCHEDULE created.
Custom Line, linetype created with text rotation set to Upright.
HotFix: Detail Explorer, dragging and dropping folders, correctly aborts if existing category of same code.
HotFix: Placing spray heads using Smart Arc, using symbols with rotating arc indicator, right clicking for Full circle works correctly.
HotFix: Placing Concept Ground Covers, respects preference setting of Ground covers exclude shrubs.
HotFix: Uniformity, allows selecting a circuiting zone.
HotFix: Drawing Pipe, when creating a fitting within an existing pipe segment, new unsized segements are compatible with manually assigning a size.
Update 17.55
September 10, 2021
HotFix: Placing a spray head with rotating arc indicator, using the Smart Arc ribbon button, command does not abort.
Update 17.54
September 9, 2021
Irrigation Circuiting, zones contain full embedded data with common helper function for all edits.
HotFix: Irrigation Manager, Import, with local data, checking for existing equipment in current project will not abort operation.
HotFix: Placing irrigation equipment with attributes, limits attribute value to 15 characters.
Update 17.53
September 8, 2021
HotFix: Detail Explorer, dragging a detail to drop into another folder, will not generate error.
Update 17.52
September 7, 2021
Irrigation Preferences, Spray family preferences removed; spray symbols chosen when adding to project; new default symbol families include a rotating arc indicator.
HotFix: Verify Lighting, wire that has had one of its connected items deleted, will not generate error.
HotFix: Irrigation Manager, Import, does not import any equipment that already exists in the current project.
Update 17.51
August 19, 2021
Planting Preferences, Concept Label includes an option to have group name without quantity.
Detail Explorer, Show Empty Categories checkbox, defaults to last state.
HotFix: RefNote Preferences, delete user field, deletes correct reordered field.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, user field column widths correctly respected if columns have been reordered.
HotFix: RefNote Manager, Highlight button, correctly highlights Notation objects.
HotFix: Common function to select a Work Area, selecting its MLeader through an xref is supported.
Update 17.50
August 12, 2021
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, accounts for out of sequence user field data.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, user column widths are correctly applied.
HotFix: Lighting Schedule, with data fields as columns, does not generate error.
Update 17.49
August 7, 2021
HotFix: Irrigation Manager, adding Rotary sprinklers, correctly adds all models.
Update 17.48
August 6, 2021
Concept Plants, requerying of design group, additional error handling for cloud data.
Common function to query pipe data, additional error handling for cloud data.
Common function to locate plant blocks, additional error handling for shrubs converted from groundcovers without a symbol assignment.
RefNote Preferences, User Field order changed from physical to ad hoc order for improved performance in reordering.
Common function Text2Attrib, compatible with Mtext to create multiline attribute.
Match Object, supports generic hatches.
Irrigation Manager, adding Rotors to project, pressure selection made before symbol selection.
HotFix: SheetSet integration, ignores fields with apostrophe character.
HotFix: Refnote Manager, Highlight button, correctly highlights Length items.
HotFix: Plant Labeling, AREA tag in label correctly reflects total area if labeling multiple groundcover beds.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, when re-generating all schedules, ones for works areas with custom scale retain their scaling.
HotFix: Pipe Hop, retains mainline thickness.
Update 17.47
July 15, 2021
Detail Explorer, creating categories, category code automatically capitalized; improved message for illegal values.
HotFix: Northing/Easting Point Schedule, does not allow running in Paperspace if USERR3 is set to 1 to display UCS values.
HotFix: Common function to assign emitters to plants in an xref, accounts for special characters (# @ . ) in xref name.
Update 17.46
July 7, 2021
HotFix: Irrigation Circuiting, requires current space to be Model in order to requery zones.
Update 17.45
July 1, 2021
Save Layers, Load Layers, apply Plot Style for STB based plotting.
Update 17.44
June 28, 2021
HotFix: Plant Label processing of ground cover quantity will not generate error.
Update 17.43
June 4, 2021
Grading Manager, switched to dockable palette.
Plant labels, support ^QTY^ tag to output SF in uppercase.
3D Connection, Send Layer, if objects are more than 10km from origin, alerts user.
HotFix: Match Plant, when selecting a Generic plant, block is copied with exactly same scale factor.
HotFix: Valve Callout, additional error handling for callouts with single line of attributes and missing controller number.
Update 17.42
June 2, 2021
HotFix: Plant Schedule, custom user fields with not all fields in use will not generate error.
Update 17.41
June 1, 2021
HotFix: Plant Schedule, when including plant data, additional size fields and/or remarks listed below name will not interfere with column placement.
Update 17.40
May 28, 2021
Lighting, drawing wiring, able to toggle between drawing lines and arcs.
Lighting Schedule, includes work area title.
Startup, RegApp warning dialog, timeout limited to 30 seconds, Quit button added.
Plant Labels, support code within parentheses.
HotFix: Placing a generic hatch, additional error handling for missing hatch data.
HotFix: Edit Plant, assigning data to a generic plant, adding new plant to project will not generate error.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, with plant data associated, re-generating will not alert about missing work area.
Update 17.36
May 19, 2021
Lighting Manager, Highlight button added.
Project Manager, progress bar added to enjoy the multi-second process when editing sheets.
HotFix: Plant Manager, Copy button, missing legacy dialog setting will not generate error.
HotFix: RefNote Amenities, support blocks with multiline attributes.
HotFix: Preferences, Manage, when set to By User, only an Admin may delete.
HotFix: Creating a new project, basing on a template, apostrophes in name or remarks will not generate error.
HotFix: Water Source dialog, automatically updates legacy local database as necessary.
Update 17.35
May 14, 2021
Source Data dialog box updated.
OpenDCL loader function, additional error handling if VLX is blocked/damaged after an update.
SuperLayFreeze, if selecting a layer within a viewport, it is frozen only for that view.
HotFix: Lighting block creation, duplicate points are removed manually for better compatability with 2021.
HotFix: Circuiting palette, in a metric plan, flows are correctly translated to desired units.
HotFix: Detail Explorer, Print, printing a list of all details, includes details within respective categories; respects details numbered higher than 99.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipes, when labels include lasso, and when pipe crosses into a work area with a different UCS than that of the valve, labels are placed correctly.
HotFix: Editing a schematic irrigation area, changing color, Mleader color is updated.
HotFix: Highlight Plant, when selecting a plant within a work area, and then selecting Additional plants to highlight, stays scoped to initial work area.
Update 17.34
May 6, 2021
HotFix: Slope callout, selecting two spot elevations will not generate error.
Update 17.33
May 5, 2021
Irrigation Manager, adding equipment to project, with legacy local data, attempts to expand description field as necessary.
Editing a plant, width/spacing event changed from lost focus to on changed.
HotFix: Transforming a concept plant, adding a new plant to project will not generate error.
HotFix: Concept Plant Manager, adding a plant to a design group without plant manager open and with local data, will not generate error.
HotFix: Slope callout, selecting a spot elevation and something other than a second spot elevation, will not generate error.
Update 17.32
April 30, 2021
HotFix: Plant Manager, add plant to project, will not generate web navigation error.
Update 17.31
April 30, 2021
HotFix: Plant Manager, importing plants, supports importing more than one at a time.
Update 17.30
April 29, 2021
Plant Manager, adding plants, apostrophe character is no longer converted to a reverse tick (`).
Plant Manager, Undock button removed.
Plant Manager, new plant dialog switched to web dialog with comprehensive searchable filters.
Plant Schedule, plant data fields able to be grouped or in separate columns.
HotFix: Flow Total, schematic areas will not generate error.
HotFix: Light fixtures that are symmetric by quandrant, light throw is rendered correctly.
Update 17.24
April 23, 2021
Project Manager, progress bar added to preference set selection.
Discipline Callouts, Northing/Easting, Northing, and Easting callouts, switched to Multileaders.
HotFix: Replacing Drip Areas, does not reassign hatch pattern.
HotFix: Edit Irrigation equipment, Replace button, requeries palette if necessary.
HotFix: Adding light fixtures, carriage returns in description are correctly displayed.
HotFix: Detail Viewport, annotations in a metric plan are scaled correctly.
HotFix: Plant Manager, Detail button, assigns detail to plants with no detail assignment.
Update 17.23
April 18, 2021
HotFix: Irrigation Manager, placing equipment, with local data, will not generate error.
Update 17.22
April 16, 2021
Update, additional validation and error handling for downloading primary vlx.
Editing generic lighting transformer, output wattage is editable.
Irrigation Manager, Place, supports right-click to repeat.
Update 17.21
April 14, 2021
Detail Viewport, annotations placed within are scaled according to chosen scale.
Planting Preferences, Concept plant label allows selecting capitalized versions of Botancial and Common.
Plant Schedule, when totaling hatch area quantities, if plant is called out, matches the precision of the label.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, with output to Spreadsheet, and including concept plants by group, column schema corrected.
HotFix: Placing a detail, onto a layout copied from another sheet, creating a new sheet correctly updates layout.
HotFix: Circuiting, drawing a circuit around Dripline, with local data, will not generate error.
Update 17.20
April 9, 2021
Schematic Irrigation, moved to docked palette, with data grouped by project.
Irrigation Circuiting, moved to docked palette with multiple enhancements: ability to edit zone color, ability to renumber and drag-and-drop reorder zones, summarization mode, ability to merge zones, locate zone button, and integrated flow total.
Match Equipment, supports non-irrigation items such as spot elevations, slopes, and detail callouts.
Irrigation Schedule, equipment with a numeric attribute is denoted by XX.
Irrigation Manager, placing single length Dripline, supports right click to place again.
Area Callout, sets precision according to value.
HotFix: Restore UCS, when restoring a UCS from an xref, UCS is immediately set active.
HotFix: Match Equipment, supports selecting a pipe segment created by inserting an intersection.
HotFix: Plant Colorization, color hatches have boundary association removed.
Update 17.17
April 2, 2021
HotFix: Slope Area Callout, slopes represented as rise:run do not generate error.
Update 17.16
March 26, 2021
HotFix: JSON decode helper function, accounts for quote marks within string values.
Update 17.15
March 19, 2021
HotFix: Plant Schedule, when including Concept trees/shrubs by Group, quantity is correctly adjusted for member plants.
HotFix: Plot Scale, entering Imperial scale, trims errant spaces.
HotFix: Highlight Station, selecting piped components after previously selecting unpiped, prompt correctly states total flow.
HotFix: Editing a groundcover hatch, does not display layer setting.
HotFix: Plant Preferences, Schedule Defaults, Include Concept plants correctly saves.
HotFix: Grading Legend, Slope callout appears correctly.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, when including cost but not quantity, total column is excluded.
Update 17.14
March 15, 2021
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipes, additional error handling for drip areas with no calculated precip rate.
HotFix: Common function to insert photo, functionality restored.
Update 17.13
March 12, 2021
Slope Callout, ability to associate slope with an area, and affect hatch quantities within.
HotFix: Database connection function, if provider information is missing, attempts to query it and notify user.
HotFix: Database connection function, additional error handling when pinging MySQL server after unsuccessful connection.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipe, having a single drip area piped with individual emitters, will not leave temporary objects in model.
Update 17.12
March 5, 2021
Projects, Organization tab, allows drag and drop of folders.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, colorized shrub areas, display with chosen linetype.
HotFix: Lighting Schedule, supports customized language strings.
HotFix: Pipe Label, when selecting a Sleeve, snaps to last size selected.
Update 17.11
March 1, 2021
Detail Manager, Renumber button, additional messages added for more clarity on abort conditions.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, standardized symbol placement control list.
HotFix: Editing a Concept Shrub Area, selecting a linetype correctly sets if a shape file is necessary.
Update 17.10
February 26, 2021
Common function to place framed Mleader, automatically adds a mask.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, rotors with two attributes will not generate error.
Update 17.09
February 19, 2021
Valve Callout, supports tag of ^TYPE^ for uppercased head type.
Irrigation Schedule, when listing valves by size, valve symbols are placed on their appropriate layer rather than the schedule layer.
Place Detail, attempts to purge any blocks and layers within a detail before insertion.
Common function to temporarily zoom to objects, compatibility with AutoCAD versions 2014 and lower removed.
HotFix: Circuiting, Uniformity, selecting a valve not connected to anything will not generate error.
Update 17.08
February 9, 2021
HotFix: Irrigation Circuting, Add New and Add Existing buttons will not generate error.
HotFix: Common function formatting numeric output, support for forced zero precision restored.
Update 17.07
February 8, 2021
HotFix: Common function to format numeric quantity, thousands separator is placed correctly with a decimal portion.
Update 17.06
February 5, 2021
HotFix: Polydivide, reworded prompt when specifying an angle.
HotFix: New Work Area, suffix value is validated for legal layer characters.
Update 17.05
January 25, 2021
HotFix: Schematic Irrigation, placing a new area will not generate error.
Update 17.04
January 22, 2021
Irrigation Preferences, Schematic Irrigation interface switched to dedicated dialog box.
HotFix: Preferences, Save Dimstlye, correcty saves Angular Precision (DIMADEC) and Angular Zero Suppression (DIMAZIN).
HotFix: Irrigation Match Properties, when applying to pipe, will not mistakenly remove pointers from pipe that has had an intersection inserted but not been sized.
Update 17.03
January 15, 2021
HotFix: Placing detail callout, with associated RefNote, does not generate error.
Update 17.02
January 9, 2021
HotFix: OpenDCL project file repaired.
Update 17.01
January 8, 2021
Irrigation Manager, allows multiple selection for deletion or assigning details.
Irrigation Manager, undocked version discontinued.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, when alternate language value is assigned to plant types, appears correctly in header.
HotFix: Slope Callout, when selecting two Spot Elevations, removes Mtext formatting codes as necessary.
HotFix: Concept Plant Manager, Spacing and Percentage save on Enter/Tab rather than every keypress; Palette retains focus for data entry.
HotFix: Drawing lighting wiring, keyboard press will not generate error.
HotFix: Match Object button from Detail ribbon will not generate error.
HotFix: Common function to detect legacy pipe callouts, correclty accounts for exploded schedule in modelspace.
HotFix: Placing a Schematic Irrigation area, is placed on the correct layer.
Update 17.00
January 1, 2021
Support for AutoCAD 2016 ended.
HotFix: Sheet Index, with cloud data, correctly saves file paths containing unicode characters.
HotFix: Placing a Pipe Transition Point, will not attempt to auto-connect to mainline.
Update 16.99
December 18, 2020
HotFix: Common function to query hatch area, additional error handling when rebuilding boundaries.
HotFix: Plant Schedule dialog box, unchecking and checking Remarks will not mistakenly disable under name option.
HotFix: Placing Hunter MP800SR Adjustable nozzle, compatible with revised rotary symbols.
Update 16.98
December 14, 2020
HotFix: Plant Schedule, output to spreadsheet, does not generate error.
Update 16.97
December 11, 2020
Refnote User Fields, support multiline text.
HotFix: Edit Object, allows converting generic Plan Graphic block to RefNote Amenity.
Update 16.96
November 26, 2020
Placing valves, in metric plans, layer names are listed in millimeter sizes.
HotFix: Placing irrigation sleeve, using number keys to change class, if no class is set for that number, does not state unknown keyboard command.
HotFix: Piping to rotary strip sprays, pipe is offset correctly.
HotFix: Scale dialog, correctly displays imperial detail scales from 6" = 1' to 3/8" = 1'.
Update 16.95
November 20, 2020
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, all callouts placed as blocks.
HotFix: Detail Explorer, allows deleting standard detail division that only contains FX details.
Update 16.94
November 18, 2020
Concept Planting, mix percentages allow decimal precision.
HotFix: Common function to create a framed MLeader, specifies arrowhead first.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, callout block insertion compatible with Dot style leader.
HotFix: Placing Irrigation Equipment, blocks with attributes respect equipment scaling preference setting.
Update 16.93
November 18, 2020
Rotary sprinker symbols updated to common symbol families.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, RefNote with no arrow option will not break schedule.
Update 16.92
November 13, 2020
Edit Sheet, sheet number maximum length increased to 15 characters.
Edit RefNote, with no division selected, allows numbers up to 999.
RefNote Schedule, callout block placed as a Mleader without arrow.
Plant Schedule, when including concept areas by group, percentage fill is added to spacing column.
HotFix: Edit Plant, adding a new user field value, with a Plant Group assigned, value is correctly written to overall group values.
HotFix: Placing a light fixture, symbol sub-block is placed on layer 0.
Update 16.91
November 6, 2020
RefNote Manager, when importing items with assigned details and preference option to copy details to project folder, details are copied and reassigned.
Detail Explorer, allows creating a detail category after index file has been erased; alerts user if path is invalid or file is damaged.
HotFix: Match Properties, when windowing objects to replace, circles are only considered valid if one was chosen first.
HotFix: Highlight Station, when selecting a valve placed in a drip area without any lateral pipe, pointer to drip area will not get duplicated; Verify Laterals removes duplicate drip area pointers from valves.
Update 16.90
October 30, 2020
Insert Detail Template, adjusts template width to match setting in Preferences; changes to detail template width do not require also making source block match exactly.
Krona and Krone added to currency symbol options.
HotFix: Copy Head Along Line, switching to half arc nozzle is compatible with fixed-arc rotors.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, caches detail column lookup for better performance.
HotFix: Valves placed within schematic areas without any lateral pipe, Verify Laterals will not cause their flow to be doubled.
HotFix: Editing a Concept Graphics Area, Add Field button functionality restored.
Update 16.86
October 28, 2020
Match Properties, allows replacing Circles with Blocks.
HotFix: RefNote Preferences, editing user fields, erasing existing title will not generate error.
HotFix: Grading Manager, reading in Northing/Easting Points, compatible with points with a background mask.
HotFix: Save Plant Block, if editing a plant callout, will not generate error.
HotFix: Stipple areas, when running a schedule will not leave temporary polyline boundary.
HotFix: Plant Colorization, Stipple areas placed without hatch associativity are colorized.
Update 16.85
October 23, 2020
Shrub Areas, additional linetypes added.
Naked Detail Callouts, background mask added.
HotFix: Stipple, correctly accounts for selecting a circle as outside boundary.
HotFix: Detail Preferences, when selecting cloud-based division library, notifies user if write access is missing.
HotFix: Adding a Site Amenity, in a metric plan, dimensions in the description are expressed in millimeters.
Update 16.84
October 16, 2020
Specialty linetypes, LAFX- prefix added.
HotFix: Highlight Station, having VIH Rotors in project will not prevent notice of circular pipe error.
HotFix: RefNote Preferences, editing User fields, pressing Enter will not generate error.
HotFix: Irrigation Manager, adding Controller Accessories after adding a Controller, selecting more than one accessory is correctly saved.
HotFix: Critical Analysis, when running for multiple POCs, if a POC has no critical station, does not replicate previous critical station.
HotFix: Northing/Easting Point callout, compatible with block attribute having a background mask.
HotFix: Spot Elevation callout, when placing in a work area with a layer suffix, arrow block is placed on correct layer.
HotFix: Site Color, does not confirm placement of an existing area with no data.
Update 16.83
October 9, 2020
Stipple hatch pattern, places without prompting for interior point; temporary polylines are deleted after placement; calculating area does not require rebuilding boundary.
Common function to calculate flow of drip area, uses consistent logic for emitter and dripline areas in counting connections.
HotFix: Piping to a drip area, then running Verify Laterals, then adding onto that pipe segment without again running Verify, will not double flow.
HotFix: Valve Schedule, Precip rate displays for drip areas connected with only a pipe fitting.
HotFix: Plant Label handler, when processing a label with three values on a single line, looks for a single space separator before a hyphen with spaces.
HotFix: Sheet Index, editing a sheet number, will not generate exception error.
Update 16.82
October 5, 2020
Manage Preferences, new preference set, name limit increased to 30 characters.
HotFix: Verify Lighting, correctly accounts for hubs.
HotFix: RefNote User Fields, field type of checkbox is compatible with second row of values.
HotFix: Editing a placed light fixture, changing manufacturer updates instances in drawing.
HotFix: Common function to update install settings, previous settings backed up by renaming rather than copying.
HotFix: Highlight Station, having more than one pipe transition point in a drip area will not generate a circular pipe error.
Update 16.81
October 5, 2020
HotFix: Verify Laterals, validating of drip areas will not generate error.
Update 16.80
October 2, 2020
Verify Laterals, Highlight Station, Size Lateral Pipes, revised method of validating drip areas, resulting in better performance.
HotFix: Northing/Easting Point callout, does not state "unknown command" during placement if block does not have a background mask.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, if Entire Palette is selected, quantity and xref options are disabled.
HotFix: Lighting, Transformer callout VA value set from calculated load rather than fiixture VA total.
Update 16.77
September 25, 2020
Detail Preferences, allows selecting a managed list of numeric detail divisions based upon CSI® MasterFormat®.
RefNote Preferences, new/edit User Field dialog box ported to OpenDCL.
HotFix: Lighting Manager, Verify, custom light fixture with a non-numeric value for Watts will not generate error.
HotFix: Lighting Manager, Verify, having callouts on wire segments will not affect wire distance calculations.
HotFix: Lighting Manager, adding a Panel, with local data, input voltage is correctly set.
HotFix: Editing lighting wire cost, for a wire type that has less than six available gauges, cost is saved correctly.
HotFix: Lighting Schedule, wire cost is correctly included regardless of whether Verify has been run.
HotFix: Preferences, Layer list, requires user to click Edit button to edit layer names.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, with cloud data, unplaced plants are not mistakenly marked as being placed.
Update 16.76
September 18, 2020
Lighting Schedule, wire is listed once per each gauge.
Draw Pipe, Draw Wiring, set system variable CELTSCALE to 1.0.
HotFix: Verify Site Callouts, with only Length items in drawing, when only last layer is called out, will still notify user.
Update 16.75
September 11, 2020
HotFix: Lighting, wire connections to transformer will not shift due to deleted wire connections.
HotFix: Lighting, editing wire cost, will not generate error.
HotFix: Placing Lighting fixtures, using keyboard commands to copy along line/polyline, copies are correctly marked as fixtures.
HotFix: Irrigation Manager, adding a custom drip emitter area, dialog box enforces assigned flow before assigning emitters.
HotFix: Update, when reverting VLX after downloaded version detected as damaged, OpenDCL is not reloaded.
Update 16.74
September 4, 2020
Block/Hatch selection dialog, re-styled.
HotFix: Irrigation Manager, placing valves into metric drawing, size selection is displayed in millimeters.
HotFix: Placing RefNote block, keyboard commands activated.
HotFix: Edit lighting wire instance, gauge dropdown only displays gauges checked for usage.
HotFix: Startup, with F/X CAD, if no license is available, will not generate error attempting to reset project number indicator.
HotFix: Nuke, additional error handling to avoid error from missing entity data.
HotFix: Lighting transformer connections, will not mistakenly reverse positions after reopening file.
Update 16.73
September 3, 2020
HotFix: Editing a RefNote, changing division, with local data, will not generate error.
Update 16.72
September 3, 2020
HotFix: Creating a new RefNote, with no existing RefNotes for the project, and local data, will not generate error.
Update 16.71
September 2, 2020
Preferences, selecting a different preference set, progress bar added for user to enjoy the multi-second process.
Verify Lighting, improved calculations for automatically switching wire gauges when fixtures are under voltage.
Match Object, when selecting a Lighting object with the Lighting Palette active, palette snaps to selected item.
HotFix: RefNote Manager, creating new RefNotes, with numeric division and subdivision, suffix number is correctly incremented.
HotFix: Naked detail callouts, work for details with a period in their number.
HotFix: Verify Lighting, deleted transformer callouts will not generate error.
HotFix: Lighting, transformer connections are not mistakenly displayed as always connected to the first tap.
Update 16.70
August 28, 2020
Lighting callouts, supported tags updated and standardized.
Lighting, verification calculations, callout updates offloaded to common function.
HotFix: Edit Lighting Wire, editing cost for IEC 60228 wire will not generate error.
HotFix: Common function to automate a framed Mleader, compatible with non-English AutoCAD installs.
HotFix: Preferences, Block Layer Colors, saving of revised colors with local data will not generate error.
Update 16.69
August 21, 2020
Detail Report, option of reporting only unique numeric division numbers.
Concept Graphics Schedule, defaults to including quantity.
Project Manager, Assign Sheet, multiple improvements to allow reassigning existing sheets.
HotFix: Concept Graphics Schedule, when including linked RefNote Length items, does not mistakenly report not a polyline.
HotFix: Detail Manager, Renumber button, actually renumbers details now.
HotFix: Creating RefNotes, when using numeric divisions and suffixes, suffix is incremented rather than subdivison.
HotFix: Project Manager, Assign Sheet, does not use command line calls to avoid fatal error.
Update 16.68
August 14, 2020
Lighting, IEC 60228 wiring added.
Detail Manager, Renumber button added.
HotFix: Associating a Naked detail callout within a detail, correctly updates callout.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, with Both symbol and code selected, symbol is correctly offset to the left.
HotFix: Edit light fixture, correctly displays fixture height.
Update 16.67
August 10, 2020
Additional layers created for lighting blocks.
HotFix: Placing a Naked Detail Placeholder, will not generate error.
HotFix: Adding a light fixture, uplights with a designated height are not mistakenly displayed as downlights.
HotFix: Placing generic blocks, using keyboard keys to advance to a different block, attribute status is correctly refreshed.
Update 16.66
August 7, 2020
Plant Label customization, supports Group as a tag name.
Plant Shadows, supports Generic blocks.
Plant Schedule, when including Concept plants by Group, Code of each member plant is included.
Irrigation circuiting, performs inside polyline calculations on objects rather than crossing window.
HotFix: Detail Callout, correctly fires Naked style if that was chosen previously for that detail.
HotFix: Preferences, Block Layers, saving revised color choices with local data will not generate error.
HotFix: Area for Drip Emitters, adding a second model with local data, emitter assignments are correctly saved.
HotFix: F/X CAD 2021, correctly locks a license on startup.
Update 16.65
July 31, 2020
Detail Callouts, Naked style callout switched to MText field.
Update Detail Callouts, processes both Model Space and Paper Space entities at once for better performance.
Irrigation Flow Zones, switched to MLeaders.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, when selecting a Work Area, allows selecting the multileader work area title.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, Drip Emitter Area without any emitter assignments, will not generate error.
HotFix: Recalculate Zones, turns off spray radius layers.
HotFix: Highlight Station, allows selecting circuit or flow zone mleaders.
HotFix: Detail Explorer, Save Detail, additional error handling for bad/missing xml data.
HotFix: Placing details, when a detail contains a callout to another detail that is not in current project, callout is not mistakenly reverted to a placeholder.
Update 16.62
July 17, 2020
Tech Support, sends Parallels version if applicable.
Placing Rain Bird RVAN 14 rotary sprinklers, radius can be adjusted below 75% to match catalog values.
HotFix: Verify Lighting, a custom fixture with nothing entered for Watts will not generate error.
HotFix: Match Plant, Match Object, when selecting a generic block that was just placed, Q/E keyboard commands correctly advance to the next block.
HotFix: Placing Generic plants with Shotgun mode, W/S keys adjust spacing.
HotFix: Editing irrigation equipment, Replace button, equipment with only a single size will not generate error.
HotFix: Placing a site block, number keys will not mistakenly enter plant shotgun mode.
HotFix: Watering Schedule, with output to Excel, valves without a precip rate will not generate an automation error.
Update 16.61
July 3, 2020
Area for Drip Emitters, allows selecting a Bubbler.
Generic Plant blocks, support 1-0 keyboard commands for shotgun mode.
Plant Schedule, when including Concept plants by Group, and including Cost, if any member plants have a cost assigned, group cost is zeroed out.
HotFix: Adding an Area for Dripline to the project, drip hatch data is downloaded as necessary.
HotFix: Photo Callout, when placing photo in paperspace, having a work area with an assigned scale near the drawing origin will not interfere with scaling.
HotFix: Plot Scale, Rescale objects option, compatible with lighting fixtures that have photometrics; also compatible with Northing/Easting callouts.
HotFix: Replacing a rotor with a rotating arc symbol, arc indicator is correctly maintained.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, Renumber option, compatible with notes within a numeric sub-division.
HotFix: Dimension tools, default dimstyle for Decimal Feet, settings corrected.
Update 16.60
June 26, 2020
Generic Plants, allow entering a width at the command line.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, Area for Drip Emitters, emitter quantities appear correctly.
Update 16.59
June 23, 2020
HotFix: Editing an Area for Drip Emitters, closing and reopening emitter panel with no emitters defined will not generate error; saving of emitter assignments will not generate error with local data.
Update 16.58
June 19, 2020
HotFix: Common function to query drip emitter assignments, with local data, will not generate error.
Update 16.57
June 19, 2020
Irrigation Manager, allows adding more than one Area for Drip Emitters per project.
Area for Drip Emitters, includes toggles to only apply to certain plant types.
Edit Irrigation Equipment, dialog upgraded to latest programming standards.
Plant Color Render, inner dialog content marked as safe for IE security settings.
HotFix: Drip Accessories, correctly access symbols from Drip folder.
HotFix: Selecting a Drip hatch, on first use, hatches are correctly sorted.
HotFix: Insert Detail Template, correctly sets drawing scale for use with common annotation functions.
HotFix: Editing an existing Work Area with a custom scale, will not generate error.
HotFix: Editing a RefNote item corrects errant callout assignment.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, output to Spreadsheet, when including Cost and Detail, Total column is correct.
HotFix: Tech Support, copy current drawing to zip file, compatible with AutoCAD 2021.
Update 16.56
June 5, 2020
Placing generic blocks, keyboard commands Tab/R added to cycle through dynamic block states.
Detail Viewport function created.
Startup, F/X CAD license validation, supports MySQL server installs.
Update 16.55
May 29, 2020
Installer, no longer includes hatch xml files.
HotFix: Verify RefNotes, RefNote callout style without leader, will not cause verification to abort.
HotFix: Placing a shrub area with Scallop linetype, scallop shape file is downloaded as necessary.
HotFix: Verify RefNotes, Length items require having entities on the specified layer in order to be notified of missing callouts.
Update 16.53
May 22, 2020
License Validation, F/X CAD license count validated after 30 day grace period.
Project List, includes a header with ability to order by project number or name.
Color Zones, allows selecting an individual valve; color choice is saved with valve.
Work Area titles, switched to framed MLeader.
New Work Area, allows setting plot scale.
Edit Object, supports editing a Work Area
HotFix: Placing generic blocks, after using keyboard commands to change view or category, rotation setting of different block is respected.
HotFix: Restore UCS, xref support, revised memory variable management to avoid null interface error.
HotFix: Project List, Organization tab, editing a detail folder will not generate error.
HotFix: Common function to access work areas in xref, missing title text will not generate error.
Update 16.52
May 18, 2020
HotFix: Placing irrigation equipment, keyboard command validation will not generate error.
Update 16.51
May 15, 2020
Tools on Site ribbon now require a Planting F/X license. More information
Generic Block placement, Keyboard commands implemented.
Restore UCS, able to restore UCS from an xref.
Common function to query Work Areas, if work areas are in xref and have matching UCS, UCS is automatically migrated to current document.
Common function to assemble details for printing or exporting, rewritten to address multiple issues.
Detail Explorer, with "Show empty categories" unchecked, numeric divisions with no local details but matching FX details are displayed.
Print Details, FX details display category titles.
Save Detail, when specifying a numeric prefix for a project detail, prefix list displays only divisions that have three levels of hierarchy.
Common function to requery fonts, only queries if fonts.xml file is missing.
Match Properties, works with generic blocks.
HotFix: Concept Plant Schedule, Shrub Areas with no percentage fill do not get assigned a quantity.
HotFix: Locate Valve, after sorting by secondary columns, correct valve is highlighted.
HotFix: Detail Manager, with preference setting to copy details to project folder, and no project folder assigned, choosing one after clicking New correctly correctly updates project setting cache.
Update 16.50
May 8, 2020
Colorize Zones command created.
Site ribbon, Copy, Array, and Match tools now require a Planting F/X license; revised Design F/X ribbon released with its version of same tools on Details tab.
Detail Explorer, validation of category edits improved.
HotFix: Placing Hunter MP800SR from Irrigation Manager, does not prompt to select a nozzle.
HotFix: Save Detail, when selecting a numeric division for a project detail, button is disabled to prevent errant double-firing.
Update 16.47
May 1, 2020
Startup, Support Path validation, compatible with App Store installations.
Update, validating installed menu, compatible with App Store installations.
Update 16.46
April 27, 2020
HotFix: Detail Explorer, New/Edit category, does not generate error.
Update 16.45
April 24, 2020
Irrigation circuit zones, zone text created as an MLeader.
Locate Valve, includes POCs at end of list.
Locate Valve, allows clicking on header column to sort values.
Support for custom language file discontinued.
Numerous instance of code accounting for AutoCAD version 2015 and lower discontinued.
Update 16.44
April 17, 2020
HotFix: Opening a blank drawing with RefNote palette docked, will not generate error.
Update 16.43
April 17, 2020
RefNote Manager, type selection changed to option buttons; Undocked version discontinued.
Detail Explorer, Print details, simplified logic for assembling matching details.
HotFix: Placing an ACAD_ISO hatch into a metric drawing, hatch is scaled correctly.
Update 16.42
April 10, 2020
Irrigation Schedule, supports customization of language strings in Preferences.
Irrigation Schedule, when itemizing pipe, and colorizing pipe by size, pipe block is set to corresponding pipe color.
HotFix: Northing/Easting Schedule, when regenerating, points with descriptions do not include an extra blank line.
HotFix: Detail Explorer, allows printing a level 4 division of standard details.
Update 16.41
April 3, 2020
Common function to assign irrigation symbol, assigns default symbol if all symbols in category are in use.
HotFix: Detail Callout, with dialog box collapsed without preview, detail photo buttons are not visible.
Update 16.40
March 31, 2020
Labeling Concept Plants, landing distance setting taken from plant label preference.
HotFix: Preferences, editing discontinued layer with no description, will not generate error.
HotFix: Lighting throw pattern calculation, additional error handling for beam angles that do not have a lux value meeting minimum target.
Update 16.37
March 30, 2020
HotFix: Place Head, Copy Head Along Line, specialty fixed-arc emitters without a half-circle nozzle, will not generate error when copying.
HotFix: Irrigation functions that access POC instances, helper function created that is compatible with revised block naming.
Update 16.36
March 27, 2020
Lighting, downlight lighting throw patterns, additional logic to avoid duplicate or non-planar points.
Irrigation Manager, adding Custom equipment to project, default block is downloaded before displaying edit dialog.
Custom Bubbler, Custom Drip Emitter, allow changing symbol.
Edit Light Fixture, displays both Watts and Volt-Amps.
Lighting callouts, display Watts to one decimal place.
Move Piped Equipment, supports pipe with hops.
HotFix: Calling out a transformer before wiring it, will not assign first tap.
HotFix: Water Source, correctly places revised naming of POC and Water Meter blocks.
HotFix: Common Multileader function, if multileader style already exists, system respects current setting of landing distance.
HotFix: Detail Manager, additional error handling for slow network drive response when looking for photos.
Update 16.35
March 23, 2020
HotFix: Placing RefNote items, with local data, marking of item as placed will not generate error.
Update 16.34
March 20, 2020
Keynote Callout, manager upgraded to docked palette.
Detail Explorer, updated to latest OpenDCL programming standards.
HotFix: Detail Explorer, Export and Import buttons include associated photos.
HotFix: Lighting Manager, with local data, equipment is only displayed in their relevant category.
HotFix: Lighting Manager, Verify, generic transformer will not generate error.
Update 16.33
March 13, 2020
Detail Explorer, Search functionality improved.
Detail Explorer, allows assigning photos to details.
Irrigation equipment symbol names renamed for ease of customization.
Edit Detail, automatic project assignment excludes templates.
HotFix: Size Mainline, Critical Analysis dialog height increased.
HotFix: Placing a RefNote set to no arrow, block preview is not mistakenly offset.
HotFix: Labeling a Concept plant, with label style that includes Field1, and a design group with no member plants, will not generate error.
Update 16.32
March 7, 2020
HotFix: Force reloading of OpenDCL on startup discontinued pending further testing.
Update 16.31
March 6, 2020
Print Detail, detail category information moved to upper left, slightly increasing height available for detail.
Block libraries, dialog box initializes to last folder chosen.
HotFix: OpenDCL force reloads project file, to prevent issues that may occur if another user updates Land F/X.
HotFix: Trees in a Concept Shrub Area, in an Imperial drawing, have their spacing calculated correctly in feet rather than inches.
HotFix: Edit Valve, Station Analysis, Design Pressure line is included.
HotFix: Elevation Graphics, Detail Blocks, editing a block before downloading it, scale will not be mistakenly set to Dimscale.
HotFix: Editing a Concept Graphics Area, Linetype selection is saved correctly.
Update 16.22
February 27, 2020
Edit Light fixture, dialog box revised with Reconfigure button to choose different configuration options.
Size Lateral Pipe dialog, when pressure variation causes velocity to be reduced, label "Actual Velocity" is changed to red along with velocity text.
Critical Analysis, Station Analysis, dialogs ported to OpenDCL.
Placing RefNotes, legacy support of block style callouts discontinued.
HotFix: Edit Object, selecting a generic block and choosing to convert it to a Land F/X entity, does not prompt to select manufacturer.
Update 16.21
February 7, 2020
Lighting Schedule, dialog allows selecting additional options.
HotFix: Editing Area for Dripline row spacing, with Dripline hatch scaled at row spacing, hatch is scaled correctly in a metric plan.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, with Entire palette option, Shrub Areas that have a linetype but no hatch pattern assigned, will not generate error.
Update 16.20
January 31, 2020
HotFix: Editing a Concept Line, when choosing a new symbol, selecting Cancel will not blank out symbol assignment.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, respects selecting a single Division.
Update 16.15
January 28, 2020
Support for AutoCAD version 2015 ended.
RefNote Preferences, allow setting default callout and arrow style.
HotFix: Valve Schedule, valve type compatible with using a Pipe Transition Point without a drip area and only piping to individual emitters.
HotFix: Irrigation Manager, editing emitter and changing only design pressure, manager correctly requeries revised data.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, Cost checkbox setting respected.
Update 16.14
January 24, 2020
RefNote Preferences, allow setting Schedule Defaults.
HotFix: Error handler, revised method of checking known error messages.
Update 16.13
January 13, 2020
RefNote Schedule, dialog ported to OpenDCL.
HotFix: Planting Preferences, editing Plant Groups, with cloud data, compatible with Unicode characters in group names.
HotFix: Project Manager, editing Sheets, with cloud data, compatible with Unicode characters.
HotFix: RefNote Callout, callout style without a leader arrow will not generate error.
Update 16.12
January 10, 2020
Insert Detail Template, additional scales of 1" = 50' and 1" = 100' added.
HotFix: Plant Info dialog, legacy cloud data backup markers will not interfere with Plant Data button functionality.
HotFix: Common function to backup a project, automatically converts illegal characters in project name.
HotFix: Project List, deleting the current project removes its association from dwg.
HotFix: Piping Dripline, does not allow connecting directly to a valve.
HotFix: Editing a Concept Node, updating of existing symbols will not generate error.
HotFix: Project Manager, Description allows entering linebreaks.
Update 16.11
December 20, 2019
Project List dialog ported to OpenDCL: resizable dialog, with Edit and Report buttons, and Organization tab.
RefNote Callout, automatically sets leader end point based upon point selected.
HotFix: Editing a RefNote object that has been called out, changing the number correctly updates callout.
HotFix: Labeling Shrub Areas in a metric plan, with AREA tag in callout, area is rounded to nearest 0.1 square meter.
HotFix: Common function to create a temporary line, additional error handling when drawing corruption prevents entity creation.
HotFix: RefNote Preferences, reordering user fields, SQL statement updated for compatibility with MySQL.
Update 16.10
November 27, 2019
HotFix: Plant Colorization, turning off color, with millimeter units and alphanumeric blocks, blocks are scaled correctly.
Update 16.05
November 22, 2019
HotFix: Verify Lighting, updating callouts, tap number is correctly updated.
HotFix: Common function to look up valve number, additional error handling to deal with hyphens in valve number when combining multiple values in one attribute.
HotFix: Lighting IES file processing, additional logic to account for tab-only separated values.
HotFix: Creating a RefNote Area, choosing an manufacturer and then clicking back to choose Generic, correctly prompts for hatch pattern.
Update 16.04
November 13, 2019
Lighting Manager, Circuit button added with ability to define zones.
HotFix: Grading Manager, selecting a symbol for a new item will not generate error.
HotFix: Lighting IES file processing, target lux set based on maximum value regardless of position; compatible with lamp data spanning multiple lines; compatible with rows of all 0 lux.
Update 16.03
November 8, 2019
Highlight Object, when highlighting wired light fixtures, command line displays total wattage, lowest voltage, and transformer tap.
Edit Wire dialog, when selecting segment of verified wire, dialog displays amperage and current gauge of selected segment.
RefNote Callout, allows calling out lighting fixtures, equipment, and wiring.
3D Connection, imports and exports lighting fixtures.
HotFix: New/Edit project, with cloud data, compatible with unicode characters for project name.
Update 16.02
November 1, 2019
Lighting Manager, Verify button performs wiring validation and voltage drop calculations.
Update 16.01
October 29, 2019
Lighting Manager, prevents user from adding more than six types of wire.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, pipe drawn as an arc, that has been exploded, will not generate error.
HotFix: Lighting Manager, adding a fixture to project with photometric data, symbol placement will not generate error.
HotFix: Editing a lighting auxiliary or power symbol, changing block will correctly update in drawing.
HotFix: Lighting Schedule, output to table, displaying wiring will not generate error.
Update 16.00
October 25, 2019
Lighting Manager, additional categories of equipment added; ability to draw Wiring; Fixture options have ability to add custom values.
HotFix: Editing an Hunter MP815 Rotator, changing design pressure, GPM will update correctly.
Update 15.94
October 21, 2019
HotFix: General Preferences, with cloud data, requerying layer list will not generate error.
Update 15.93
October 18, 2019
Startup, RegApp warning message, ported to OpenDCL.
HotFix: Drawing open, reading of Irrigation Preferences, with cloud data, internet outage will not generate error.
HotFix: Labeling plants within viewport, when moving labels to Paperspace, compatible with having more than one viewport on sheet.
HotFix: Editing a Plant, deleting existing cost, with cloud data, will not generate error.
Update 15.92
October 11, 2019
Plant Manager, Concept Plant Manager, Stipple pattern removed from hatch options for Shrub Areas.
Common Block Selection dialog, spacing calcuations for sub-folders improved; minimum width set for any folder name.
HotFix: Editing Dripline, Replacing with a different model, placed dripline is correctly updated.
HotFix: Plant Shadows, processing Concept Plants placed without embedded data (pre 13.60), with local data, will not generate error.
HotFix: RefNote Preferences, New Division, orphaned sub-division will not prevent division from being created.
HotFix: Associate Detail Callout, copying the detail number text entity and using it as unrelated text, will not generate error.
Update 15.91
October 4, 2019
PlantFile integration, plants are added with selected Cultivar name.
SheetSet integration, ignores empty sheet number "----".
Valve Schedule, valve type reported as Dripline if connected as such; Heads column for Dripline lists total length.
Size Lateral Pipes, single length Dripline calculates precip rate for a fixed area 12" wide.
Lighting, fixtures with IES files are placed with lighting throw footprint.
Startup, menu path validation, compatible with AutoCAD App Store installation.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, with Dripline Perimeter option selected in Preferences, and Drip Quantity unchecked, will not generate error.
HotFix: Railing to Poly, Spline to Poly, Region to Poly, SuperJoin, compatible with PEDITACCEPT set to 1.
Update 15.90
September 27, 2019
Edit Plant, Change Plant button, with cloud data, plant list is sorted by botanical name.
HotFix: Edit placed spray head, changing nozzle from Full to partial, will not generate error.
Update 15.84
September 26, 2019
Common function to create MLeader styles, block attachment style changed to Center Extents.
Save Dimstyle, deleting of existing dimstyle, optimized to a single data call.
HotFix: Save Dimstyle, unchecking saved dimstyle, correctly deletes substyles.
HotFix: Draw Pipe, additional error handling to avoid error during Undo.
HotFix: Common function to sort irrigation valve sizes, additional error handling for missing values.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, re-generating multiple schedules in Modelspace, with units either millimeters or centimeters, schedule is scaled correctly.
HotFix: Edit Irrigation Equipment, when restoring missing equipment to project, accounts for non-standard drip hatch names, and mismatch between model ID and symbol code.
HotFix: RefNotes, placing a generic amenity, if block is missing on local install, defaults to scaling in Inch units.
HotFix: Editing MP Rotator 800SR, changing design pressure calculates GPM correctly.
HotFix: Replace irrigation equipment, updates embedded model ID.
HotFix: Manage Preferences, when set to By User, New and Delete user buttons are not mistakenly disabled for an Admin.
HotFix: Edit RefNote, Cost displays correctly.
Update 15.83
September 20, 2019
Plant Size Preferences, with cloud data, checking of existing field values is case sensitive.
Draw Pipe, highlight circle sized to match symbol size.
Irrigation Schedule, Valve Schedule, Dripline length total includes perimeter if preference is selected.
Site Color palette, Detail Manager palette, Verify Laterals, Verify Mainline, HiDPI version of image buttons added.
Detail Bubble Callout, updated to latest programming standards, drag/drop reordering compatible with HiDPI displays.
RefNote Preferences, User Field drag/drop reordering, compatible with HiDPI displays.
Plant Preferences, Plant Groups, drag/drop reordering, compatible with HiDPI displays.
Lighting Manager, drag/drop reordering, compatible with HiDPI displays.
Concept Plant Manager, design group drag/drop reordering, compatible with HiDPI displays.
HotFix: Rotor symbols with two attributes will correctly populate second attribute with degree of arc.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, when including Site Amenity blocks, if block is in drawing but has not been downloaded to current installation, block is scaled correctly.
HotFix: Highlight Station, highlighting a Cap with all non-plot linework will not generate error.
Update 15.82
September 11, 2019
Irrigation Preferences, additional setting to include dripline perimeter.
Dripline flow calculations, rounds to the nearest whole emitter.
K-Rain strip sprays added to database.
HotFix: Editing a generic light fixture, selecting the lamp dropdown will not generate error.
HotFix: Importing items from another project, with cloud data, Unicode characters will not get backslash prepended.
HotFix: Placing Impact heads, keyboard commands to change model will not generate error.
HotFix: Verify Plant Labels, highlighting a Multileader will not generate error.
Update 15.81
September 6, 2019
Color Render, after turning color on, fires HatchToBack and TextToFront commands.
Detail Preferences, Sheet Ordering button allows setting sheet prefix sorting.
Common function to highlight irrigation equipment, highlight circle sized at block width.
HotFix: Highlighting drip emitters, highlight circle sized correctly around symbol.
HotFix: ImportCSV, missing block folder in plant data will not generate error; importing N/E points, when also setting a note, with local data, will not generate error.
Update 15.80
August 30, 2019
Detail Manager, Search and List Click events, do not query SheetSet information, for better performance for multiple subsequent calls.
Update 15.77
August 28, 2019
HotFix: Lighting Manager, adding fixtures with local data, will not generate error.
Update 15.76
August 28, 2019
Plant Schedule, title position calculations changed to match RefNote Schedule.
Drawing Dripline, is able to insert pipe fittings in an existing segment.
Edit Light Fixture, Replace fixture button added.
HotFix: Lighting Manager, RefNote Manager set to Grid view will not generate error.
HotFix: Plant Manager, importing a plant with a group that is not listed in current preference set, group list is requeried.
HotFix: Detail Callout, when including detail title, missing metadata file will not generate error.
HotFix: Editing a Schematic Irrigation Area, missing cost data will not generate error.
HotFix: License Validation, missing ODBC registry data will not generate error.
HotFix: XLayer, missing entity data will not generate error.
Update 15.75
August 26, 2019
Lighting Manager, fixtures pull from improved database with additional fields and photometrics.
Concept Plant Schedule, Size column includes all user fields.
HotFix: Copy Head Along Line, with symbols that rotate, does not mistakenly include xhair angle rotation.
HotFix: Edit RefNote, errant data without cost field will not generate error.
HotFix: Edit generic block, converting to Site Amenity, will not generate error.
HotFix: KeyNote callout, will not generate error.
HotFix: Detail Manager, Search box, rapid subsequent keyboard presses will not generate error.
Update 15.74
August 16, 2019
Plant Manager, adding plants to project, partial name search also queries common name.
Edit RefNote, updated to latest programming standards.
Plan Graphics, Elevation Graphics, Discipline Graphics, Detail Blocks, require blocks to be stored in a sub-folder.
Save Block, simplified validation of block name length.
Save Block, enforces saving into a sub-folder of one of the block libraries.
HotFix: Labeling Concept plants, with Field1 option, labeling trees/shrubs will not generate error.
HotFix: Lighting Manager, drag and drop fixture, with local data, will not generate error.
HotFix: Editing a generic plant, converting to a schedule plant, with color render turned on, will not generate error.
HotFix: Placing dimscale blocks into metric plan drawn in centimeters, blocks are scaled correctly.
HotFix: Arc Leader, with local data, does not generate error.
Update 15.73
August 9, 2019
Planting Preferences, allows setting Concept Label preference for labeling concept plants.
Update, does not notify users of CAD version 2019 and below regarding menus out of date.
HotFix: Irrigation Manager, fixed-arc rotors display only once per nozzle.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, fixed-arc rotors assigned to single-attribute symbols display correctly.
HotFix: Preferences, changing preference set and then clicking Ok before preferences have requeried will not generate error.
Update 15.72
August 6, 2019
HotFix: Plant Manager, Importing plants from another project, with local data, plant group is correctly assigned.
HotFix: Placing Shrub Area onto existing area that is labeled, label pointer is updated to new hatch.
Update 15.71
August 5, 2019
Plant Manager, Import, retains assigned plant group of plants from other projects.
Plant Outlines, Plant Shadows, Plant Colorization, dialog boxes updated with common On/Off/Cancel buttons.
HotFix: Project List, Restore project from LFX file, with SQLite data source, message regarding increasing column sizes only appears once per column.
HotFix: Insert Detail Template, D keyboard command allows toggling up to 5 modules wide.
Update 15.70
July 31, 2019
Project Manager, updated to latest programming standards.
HotFix: Project load, querying of plant groups will not generate warning with MySQL Server versions 5.7.5 and greater.
HotFix: Menu out of date message, does not appear for CAD versions 2015 and 2016.
Update 15.64
July 19, 2019
Lighting Manager, allows drag/drop reordering of fixtures.
HotFix: Editing a Groundcover assigned Stipple hatch, will not generate error.
Update 15.63
July 19, 2019
Plant Schedule, requeries data for shrub areas and groundcover spacing, rather than relying on embedded data.
Irrigation Schedule, supports custom schedule blocks for rotors.
Hatching in Metric drawings, supports MEASUREMENT setting of 1 for acadiso.pat file.
Project List, when called from a tool requiring a project, Restore button is no longer disabled.
Project List, when called from an Import button in a manager, Templates are listed before Projects.
Plant Label Group, allows reassigning plant selection when calling out concept plants.
HotFix: Edit Dripline, Pipe Data button is correctly disabled.
HotFix: Drawing Dripline or Lateral pipe, able to connect to each others fittings.
Update 15.62
July 12, 2019
HotFix: Prototype license notification message for F/X CAD, discontinued pending integration with actual license data.
Update 15.61
July 11, 2019
Edit irrigation equipment, if equipment is not in current project, attempts to add it back.
Plant Preferences, Plant Groups allow drag and drop re-ordering.
Update, OpenDCL is reloaded before backing up all projects.
Locate Valve, also highlights the selected valve.
Common function to create MLeader Style, sets DIMBREAK size at 0.125 for Imperial, 3.175 for Metric.
Edit Plant dialog, flat count value of 15 added.
Draw Pipe, improved logic for piping to fittings, to be compatible with layer name changes.
Pipe Fittings, support Work Area Layer Suffix setting.
Draw Pipe, when inserting a fitting into existing pipe, supports Work Area Layer Suffix setting.
Pipe Label, supports Work Area Layer Suffix setting.
Zoning Schedule, defaults to one blank line between items with no description.
HotFix: Editing a Concept Line/Node/Area, selecting an Indexed color will not generate error.
HotFix: Verify Plant Labels, repairing of label that has been copied, MLeader style callout will not generate error.
HotFix: Editing a plant, changing to/from Shrubs/Trees, existing symbols will not generate missing block error.
Update 15.60
June 28, 2019
Irrigation Preferences, Pipe Callout Layer by Class option added, to separate pipe callouts by layer per pipe class.
Irrigation Preferences, Pipe Callout Mask option discontinued, masks added by default to all pipe callouts.
Circuit, Valve Schedule Colorize Zones, New Flow Zone, use revised list of truecolor values.
New Work Area, uses revised list of truecolor values.
Concept Graphics Schedule, total cost appears beneath notes.
HotFix: Plant Info dialog, multiple changes to prevent error from Block Selection taking focus during rapid clicking.
HotFix: Valve Callout, placing callout without first registering any mouse movement will not generate error.
HotFix: fxREF, when xref is unable to be attached, does not generate error.
HotFix: Plot Scale, Rescale objects, rescaling Mleaders, missing style property will not generate error.
HotFix: Startup, with AutoCAD and local licensing, opening a file with RefNotes or Details, license validation correctly opens database connection.
HotFix: Concept Plant Manager, changing percentage fill or spacing with no design group selected will not generate error.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, output to Spreadsheet, processing of plant group name will not generate error.
Update 15.56
June 21, 2019
Lighting Manager, converted to dockable palette.
Detail Layer States, downloads available cloud content.
Adding Rotors to project, if rotating arc or symbol, additional blocks are downloaded immediately.
HotFix: Adding a Drip Emitter or Bubbler to project, Symbol rotate setting is correctly saved.
HotFix: Editing a RefNote, assigning a Photo from a network drive, accounts for OpenDCL bug prior to
HotFix: Plant Info dialog, does not mistakenly convert plant code to uppercase on dialog initialization.
HotFix: Placing Spot Elevations, placing every set distance, if target specified is shorter than increment distance, does not generate error.
HotFix: Pipe Callout, labeling Sleeves, with legacy style pipe labels in drawing, will not generate error.
HotFix: Valve Callout, changing an existing value to duplicate another, correctly updates callout.
HotFix: Valve Callout, when calling out VIH Rotors, Increment option will not generate error.
Update 15.55
June 19, 2019
Rotor symbol library expanded, with rotating arc indicators and symbols.
Pipe Sleeve callouts, created uniquely from Mainline callouts, with a text frame.
HotFix: Editing a plant, Change Plant button, Add New, with local data, apostrophe characters in plant name are correctly translated.
HotFix: Plant Manager, clicking Import or selecting a plant group, after receiving an error running an update, will not generate error.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipes, with legacy pipe callouts, errant pipe data with minimum size of 30" will not generate error.
Update 15.54
June 14, 2019
RefNote User Field values, secondary row, data stored in memo field.
Place Valve, placing onto arced mainline, arc bulge and offset calculations improved.
Move Piped Equipment, correctly handles arced pipe segments.
HotFix: Place Plant, Q/E keys will not generate error.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, Alphanumeric blocks correctly display.
HotFix: Copy Along Line, selecting an object other than a block or hatch will not generate error.
Update 15.53
June 12, 2019
Draw Pipe, arced pipe offset is calculated more accurately.
Placing Valves directly onto curved segment of mainline, pipe curvature is retained.
Pipe Distance calculation, correctly accounts for curved pipe.
HotFix: Editing a plant, setting a detail will not generate error.
HotFix: Verify Laterals, highlighting apparent intersections will not generate error.
Update 15.52
June 10, 2019
HotFix: Plant Schedule, when including symbol, block folder processing will not generate error.
Update 15.51
June 7, 2019
Startup, License Validation, Reactivate, changes to support Autodesk App Store installation.
Edit Plant, 2D symbol stored without folder prefix; Place Plant, Plant Schedule, Color Render, 3D Connection, use common lookup function to determine symbol folder.
Edit Plant, upgraded to latest programming standards, with local variables replaced with data constructs, and several improvements to requery/save logic and program flow.
Edit Plant, allows selecting a generic block to convert.
System variable USERS3, controlling spray head type, no longer set to default on load.
Copy Along Line/Arc/Polyline, do not require a project active to copy generic block.
Triangular Array, Rectangular Array, do not require a project active to array generic block.
Mirror, allows selecting generic blocks.
Highlight Plant, works on generic plants.
Nuke, if an error is encountered when saving file, brings up a knowledge base article.
Common block selection dialog, variable names standardized and made unique to avoid namespace collision.
Layer tools fx_LAYISOLATE and fx_LAYFREEZE created as alternatives to AutoCAD versions, with improved behavior with blocks and xrefs.
HotFix: 3D Connection, Import, correctly respects unchecking Trees or Shrubs.
HotFix: Match Plant, when selecting a generic shrub, block is correctly scaled.
Update 15.48
May 31, 2019
General Preferences, display of latest version switched to cached lookup.
Planting MLeader callouts style 3, 4, 6, and 7, converted from block-style to MText multileaders.
Plant Preferences, allows selecting PlantFile as database provider, for adding plants to project, and viewing plant data.
Superjoin, processes 2D polylines.
Plant Schedule, name column header made consistent whether stacking or combining names.
Size Lateral Pipes, when Friction Loss exceeds Pressure Variation at Minimum Velocity, message box indicates what has happened and how to resolve it.
Size Lateral Pipes, when sizing all valves and Friction Loss exceeds Pressure Variation, system zooms to valve in question.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipes, custom attributes in valve callout are not blanked out.
HotFix: Common valve number sorting function, correctly accounts for numeric start and alphabetic suffix.
Update 15.50
May 31, 2019
HotFix: Common function to assemble plant sizes, with cloud data, groundcover sizes ending with @ sign will not generate error.
HotFix: Plant Size Preferences, changing column count will not generate error.
HotFix: Highlight Station, selecting a valve placed within a drip area that is not piped to any laterals, will highlight drip area.
Update 15.47
May 24, 2019
Plant Label, with MultiLeader style, only fires a single license validation.
HotFix: Valve Callout, when renumbering existing callouts, missing valve will not generate error.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipes, Dripline that is no longer in current project will not generate error.
HotFix: Match Properties, custom drip emitter block with non-standard spray radius block will not generate error.
HotFix: Dragging plants from Plant Manager to Concept Manager, with code preference set to GS, if subject plant has a code longer than two characters, it is added to concept group correctly.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipe, in a Metric drawing, if pressure variation requires a velocity reduction, will not errantly turn pressure variation off.
HotFix: Common function to update valve callout, if swapping of callout block fails, will not generate error.
HotFix: Detail Manager, New detail, variable renamed to avoid namespace collision.
Update 15.46
May 20, 2019
Pipe Callouts, text created on Layer 0.
Placing Sprays, legacy toolbar, radius button no longer dynamically updated.
HotFix: Valve Callout, renumbering valves, checking for combined attribute tags will not generate error.
Update 15.45
May 20, 2019
Valve Callout, supports multiple tags in a single attribute.
HotFix: Legacy toolbar to place heads, radius selection will not generate error.
Update 15.44
May 17, 2019
XLAYER tool created to quickly change layer colors and/or linetypes.
Planting Multileaders, support multiline text and underlining top line.
Common MultiLeader placement function, text background masks default to 1.1 offset factor.
fx_MaskSize command line tool created to set all MLeader background mask offset factors.
Valve Callout, supports attribute tag of HEADS for number of heads.
Concept Graphics, graphics default to no gradient.
Edit RefNote, leader arrows populated from PNG files rather than slide library.
3D Connection, dialog box ported to OpenDCL; checkboxes added to control which object types are affected.
HotFix: Concept Graphics, output to Spreadsheet, processing description will not generate error.
HotFix: Edit Plant, Code textbox does not require a second dialog initialization to respect preferences setting of capitalization.
HotFix: RefNote Preferences, creating a sub-division with local data, will not generate error.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, output to Paperspace in a plan with centimeter units, schedule is scaled correctly.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, when including Concept Shrub Area by Group, and no shrub areas plants are in project, group is included correctly.
Update 15.43
May 10, 2019
HotFix: Plant Schedule, with Quantity before name, and no symbol or code, will not generate error.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, output to Spreadsheet, more than one size used size field will not cause blank header row.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, when re-generating a schedule in Paperspace, schedules on other layouts will not get confused with current tab.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, when including concept plants By Plant, with All work areas, will not generate error.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, with output to JSON, does not include emitter notes for drip emitter areas.
HotFix: JSON output, inch marks in string fields are escaped.
Update 15.42
May 3, 2019
Irrigation Rotors, symbol family added with spray direction indicators.
XCOPY and XCORO commands created, as wrappers for MOCORO.
XLAYER tool created, at beta test phase.
Plant Schedule, Alphanumeric symbols in an xref are bound into the current drawing.
Highlight Plant, Highlight Object, function renamed to match latest standards.
Highlight Plant, echoes plant name to command line.
Save Dimstyle, Edit button added to bring up Dimstyle Manager.
Schedule Integration, URL field lengthened.
HotFix: Schedule Integration, processing of post destination will not generate error.
HotFix: Schedule Integration, post header sets content type as JSON.
HotFix: Update, will not attempt to toggle DIMZIN system variable.
Update 15.41
April 29, 2019
Schedule Integration, common helper function created for schedule output with multiple levels of error reporting.
Update 15.40
April 26, 2019
Update, downloading VLX adds URL token to avoid cached version.
Plant Labels, with MLeader callout, font in block matches setting in Preferences.
General Preferences, new option of Schedule Integrations allows configuring connections to schedule processors.
Irrigation Schedule, new option to send schedule to a Schedule Integration resource.
License Validation, with SQLITE database, attempts to write registration info to empty database.
Update 15.33
April 22, 2019
FX_LAYERCOLOR, lists name of layer selected at the command line.
License Management screen, updated appearance and functionality, local license calls moved to AWS.
Update, additional notifications for menu loaded from incorrect location, too old, or not installed.
HotFix: Update, force reloads OpenDCL on success.
HotFix: Color Render, RefNote Areas and Volumes are correctly ordered beneath all plants.
Update 15.32
April 11, 2019
Concept Graphics, changing color for Nodes and Lines updates in drawing.
Concept Graphics, area types allow setting a depth.
Dimension tools, when prompting to use defaults, indicate type and units.
Random number generator upgraded for better results when called successively.
Detail Callouts, sheet references sorted by common sheet sorting logic.
Irrigation Schedule, includes an option for dripline quantity as area or length.
HotFix: Plant Size Preferences, after deleting a size value, clicking past the range of remaining values will not generate error.
HotFix: RefNote Preferences, updating a division description with local data will not generate error.
Update 15.31
April 8, 2019
Plant Labels, when MLeader block consists of only a single attribute definition, MLeader is created with MText.
3D Connection, post operating numeric conversions done with real-to-string wrapper function.
Sheet Index, drag/drop functionality discontinued in favor of revised sheet ordering logic.
HotFix: RefNote Preferences, deleting a Subdivision, with local data, does not generate error.
HotFix: Plant Size Preferences, editing column titles will not mistakenly rename all titles as default.
HotFix: Preferences, changing preference set and then making changes or canceling will not mistakenly affect original preferences.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, when running on a single work area, title of schedule includes work area name.
Update 15.30
March 29, 2019
Plant Label, with MLeader style callout, and fixed length landing distance, MLeader style dogleg length does not include half of callout width.
HotFix: Irrigation Preferences, pipe class dropdown does not mistakenly show the next class.
HotFix: Copy Along Line/Polyline, random rotation setting will not generate error.
HotFix: Common function to convert real numbers to strings, accounts for variations in DIMZIN setting.
Update 15.27
March 27, 2019
Planting Preferences, when callout arrow option None is selected, applicable plant type checkboxes are disabled.
Plant Schedule, title and header assembly code updated for commonality with RefNote schedule and dual-language capability.
RefNote Manager, when placing Amenity objects, Q/E keys allow cycling through items.
HotFix: Helper function that queries plant size columns, error handling adding for missing column title.
HotFix: RefNote Preferences, drag and drop user field reordering, SQL query compatible with MySQL.
Update 15.26
March 25, 2019
Preferences, migrated to OpenDCL, incorporating several wishlist requests.
Preferences, Save Dimstyle, saves Suffix (DIMPOST) setting; Save operation batched for better performance; revised dialog allows deleting saved dimstyle, browsing saved variables, and previewing dimstyle.
Preferences, General tab includes button for Acad Support Paths; Numeric Display dialog ported to OpenDCL for better display.
Preferences, RefNotes tab, Divisions and Sub-divisions combined into treeview; splitter control allows maximizing display area for divisions or user fields.
Preferences, Planting tab, Code capitalization option split for Trees/Shrubs, logic revised for code capitalization and editing of plant to mixed case variant of same code; MLeader style callouts added.
Preferences, Details tab, changing detail library location no longer moves the physical files.
Plant Labeling, support for MLeader callouts added throughout.
LANDFXCLASSIC and LANDFXRIBBON now only link to relevant documentation.
Plant Info dialog, Code textbox automatically capitalizes typed characters according to setting in Preferences; save logic allows changing Code or Size to a mixed case variant of existing.
Update 15.25
March 15, 2019
Nuke, removes associated proxies from point objects.
Concept Schedule Text Style discontinued.
Irrigation Schedule, Drip Emitters with By Nozzle option, display indentifier next to model.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, Keynote Schedule, secondary language logic for title will not generate error with numeric division headers.
HotFix: Schematic Irrigation, Delete functions correctly.
Update 15.24
March 8, 2019
Backup All Projects, from Projects screen and Update, also backs up detail category files.
RefNote Schedule, when running for a single division, title includes division code only if code is numeric.
Edit Detail, if lock file is detected, and is less than 24 hours old, created by a different computer/user, system prompts to open read-only.
Preferences, when changing plant callout, prompts user regarding changing labels in current drawing.
HotFix: Hunter MP Side Strip, spray pattern dimensions corrected.
HotFix: Concept Nodes, with a width setting of exactly 0.4, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 5.0, or 6.0, are scaled correctly.
HotFix: Placing heads, switching to copying along line from fixed-arc, when half-arc spray pattern block is not defined in drawing, spray pattern is defined correctly.
Update 15.23
February 21, 2019
Preferences, Edit Layer and Edit Block Colors, Color selection no longer includes ByBlock.
Import Project, with SQLite data source, only notifies user a single time regarding upgrading database definition.
Place Head, Piping, Highlight Station, Copy Head, Irrigation Schedule, logic accounting for strip sprays moved to common functions.
HotFix: Photo Callout, selecting a photo on a network path works.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, User Field column widths, wider columns to the right will not be mistakenly copied on subsequent row processing.
HotFix: Detail Builder Blocks, blocks are placed on correct layer.
Update 15.22
February 8, 2019
Error reporting function, includes includes database configuration.
Save Detail, additional logic for setting detail number when using CSI prefix and saving to folder with existing details.
Edit RefNote, querying of User field existing values in other projects, query optimized for better performance.
Edit RefNote, with secondary row/language user field row, existing values from other projects are padded into dropdown.
Placing valves and equipment, when placing on mainline, symbol rotation is applied before calculating pipe offsets.
Save Block, when saving a Plant Callout, confirms auto-generated filename.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, Schematic Areas in a metric plan, flow calculations simplified; cost correctly applied.
HotFix: Edit RefNote, User field, dropdown of available values does not mistakenly repeat values.
HotFix: Edit RefNote or Light fixture, with local data, empty user field data will not get mistakenly saved.
HotFix: Schedule helper functions, additional error handling to avoid missing string error when block paths are not complete.
HotFix: Move Piped Equipment, using A/D keys to adjust radius, fixed-arc nozzles retain their correct rotation.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, User Field column widths are not mistakenly applied to the next column over.
Update 15.21
February 4, 2019
HotFix: Irrigation Preferences, corrects errant symbol scaling data.
HotFix: Edit Lighting fixture, dual language support will not generate error.
HotFix: Site Color palette, additional error handling for click events when no document is open.
Update 15.20
January 30, 2019
Size Mainline, with VIH Rotors connected via Lateral pipe to Shut-off valves, and using Spot Elevations, elevation change is not mistakenly counted twice.
RefNote Schedule, initial support for dual language display, and/or alternate language customization, with table output only.
HotFix: Lighting Schedule, dual language support will not generate error.
Update 15.19
January 25, 2019
fx_CHOP command created, to automate Trimming multiple lines with a Fence selection.
Size Mainline, if pressure or flow are exceeded, prompts user to view a knowledge base article.
Update, fires database maintenance for SQLite installs.
Update 15.18
January 18, 2019
Projects screen, Backup All projects, backs up read-only projects.
Save Detail, updating of detail name in existing projects, multiple changes to preserve Unicode characters.
Bahraini dinar (BHD) added to currency display formats.
RefNote Schedule, output to table, with user fields and column widths, field title allowed to wrap naturally.
Draw Lateral Pipe, pipe offset calculations account for circles and arcs with origin point other than 0,0.
HotFix: Changing design pressure for Rain Bird R-VANs, placed full heads will not have GPM multiplied by 360.
HotFix: Assign detail, when selecting detail by sheet in current project, detail name displays correctly.
HotFix: Piping to drip emitters with rotating symbols, pipe is offset correctly.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipes, Size Mainline Pipes, system will not revert all labels to legacy callouts.
Update 15.17
January 14, 2019
HotFix: Adding a Bubbler or Drip Emitter to project, with local data, symbol rotate option will not generate error.
Update 15.16
January 11, 2019
Adding Drip Emitters or Bubblers to project, checkbox allows setting symbol rotation.
Plant Labels, allow attribute definitions of AREA and DENSITY.
Plant Labels, allow merging more than two values into a single attribute.
Plot Scale, Rescale Objects option, rescales Multileaders.
Save Detail, resaving an existing detail, gives preference to Mtext contents over previously saved title.
HotFix: POLYDIVIDE, loop control will not generate error when attempting to split to greater than two areas.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, changing schedule destination after editing editing extra lines will not generate error.
HotFix: Size Mainline, repeated sizing of mainline will not replace legacy callouts.
Update 15.15
December 21, 2018
Dimension tools, dimstyle names changed for more consistency.
Detail Explorer, performance optimized for determining if six-digit numbers are project folders or CSI divisions.
HotFix: Placing adjustable sprays, more adjustments for using Q/E keys to change radius.
HotFix: Replacing or changing design pressure for adjustable/full nozzles, flow is calculated correctly.
HotFix: For cloud data users, unicode characters transmitted and stored as UTF-8.
Update 15.14
December 14, 2018
Move Piped Equipment, adds keyboard commands to adjust radius or nozzle; Right Click restores head to original position.
Pipe Sleeve, defaults to last sleeve class used.
Valve Schedule, number of heads column also displays length of dripline.
Plant Label, Plant Schedule, Local Common name cloud access switched to XML for better commonality of unicode display.
HotFix: Size Mainline, errant mainline not connected to anything will not generate error.
HotFix: Detail Template, placing into a file with metric unit other than meters, centimeters or millimeters, will not generate error.
HotFix: Concept Plant Manager, clicking on design group list when not populated will not generate error.
HotFix: Cloud data, all data access calls translate Unicode characters to display correctly.
HotFix: PolyDivide, additional error handling when source polyline cannot be restored.
HotFix: Railing/Fencing/Walls, walls are able to be assigned a width.
HotFix: Friction Loss calculation function, error handling added for errant pipe data.
Update 15.13
November 30, 2018
Error handler function, maximum selection set error routes to KB article.
Copy Head Along Line, ~ key allows toggling between spacing adjustment and radius reduction.
Irrigation Manager, Edit Irrigation Equipment, Replace operation not allowed for Rotary sprinklers.
Preferences, Numeric Display option added with space for thousands separator and period for decimal separator.
Valve Schedule, additional option of Pipe by Size.
Spot Elevation, when placing along line or polyline, or in grid, Undo marker set to rollback batch placed callouts in one step.
Spot Elevation, abbreviation choice is remembered even if blank.
Spot Elevation, placing relative to existing, all dialog box settings are remembered.
HotFix: Railing, support files correctly download.
HotFix: Helper function to calculate Dripline Area flow, errant polyline boundary will not result in divide by zero error.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipes, valve not in project will not generate error.
HotFix: Copy Plant Along Arc, additional error handling when midpoint cannot be calculated.
HotFix: Basing an irrigation project on a template, with cloud data, Area for Dripline will not have row spacing mistakenly removed.
HotFix: Plot Scale dialog, mismatched unit type will not generate error.
HotFix: Insert Detail Template, Window option, template boundary is correctly moved from 0,0.
Update 15.12
November 23, 2018
Insert Detail Template, dialog box switched to OpenDCL.
Detail Callout dialog switched to OpenDCL.
Railing, support files moved to Landfx/Blocks/Graphics/Lines.
HotFix: Detail Manager, Detail Callout, with cloud data, secondary language titles are correctly converted to Unicode.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, with Outlines turned on, schedule placed into Modelspace with a UCS, outlines are aligned correctly.
Update 15.11
November 16, 2018
Save Detail, with cloud data, title is processed remotely to preserve Unicode characters.
HotFix: Editing a Concept Node and choosing a different symbol will not generate error.
HotFix: Editing Area for Dripline, with local data, changing design pressure will not generate error.
Update 15.10
November 15, 2018
Pipe Label, Imperial labels are created on the fly.
Irrigation Preferences, new setting for Pipe callout mask.
3D Connection, Export Design, alerts user if nothing found to export.
Placing Valves, layer created for each size inherits plot style setting from Preferences.
Plant Schedule, when stacking name columns, header listed as Botanical/Common Name to save space.
HotFix: Copy Plants Along Arc, hovering over start point will not generate error.
HotFix: Concept Graphics, editing a Node object, preview displays correctly.
HotFix: Detail Explorer, sorting of details accounts for CSI numeric prefix.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, Entire Palette option will not generate error.
HotFix: Variable Arc button in Ribbon, with local data, adjustables marked as adjustable/full are correctly accessed.
Update 15.09
November 12, 2018
HotFix: Placing Adjustable sprays from ribbon, correctly matches on nozzles marked as Adjustable/Full.
HotFix: Placing Adjustable sprays, Q/E keys correctly toggle between adjustable radii.
HotFix: Placing/Updating a Detail Callout with detail title will not generate error with SQLite database engine.
Update 15.08
November 9, 2018
HotFix: Detail Report, compatible with detail title in revised column location.
HotFix: Spray Radius ribbon button, includes adjustables marked as adjustable/full.
HotFix: Pipe Label, when picking secondary pipe sleeve line, label snaps to segment chosen.
Update 15.07
November 9, 2018
HotFix: Common place hatch function, dripline scale adjustment will not mistakenly fire when placing groundcover.
Update 15.06
November 8, 2018
Nuke, quarantine filename includes numeric suffix as necessary to ensure unique filename.
Pipe Label, Match Properties, allow changing the size of Pipe Sleeve.
Irrigation Preferences, new option allows scaling Dripline hatch to match row spacing.
Runtime Schedule, several changes to allow including Caps.
Place Head, support for Spray VANs that are adjustable/full.
Size Lateral Pipe, Drip Emitter Areas, will not reduce flow for transition points that are unpiped.
Editing/Adding Dripline, Design Pressure dialog disables radius reduction slider.
Runtime Schedule, supports multiple POCs in a single drawing.
Detail Explorer, sorts details numerically to better account for details numbered both below and above 100.
Legacy function to rename custom blocks with LAFX prefix discontinued.
HotFix: Adding Rain Bird R-VAN Rotaries to project, Strips are correctly tagged for use with Q/E keys to switch nozzles.
HotFix: Size Mainline, with a looped mainline feeding VIH rotors via lateral pipe, lateral flow is correctly passed on to loop without needing to size a second time.
HotFix: Editing Dripline, changing Design Pressure, will not mistakenly change emitter spacing.
Update 15.05
November 2, 2018
Save Detail dialog box, changed to OpenDCL.
Detail Manager, detail title moved to remarks field to support longer titles.
Command line helper tool FX_SPOTELEVATIONZALIGN created to move spot elevation arrow blocks to specified Z elevation.
New layer created, LI-EQPM-DRIP, for drip equipment; layer added to list toggled by T key while drawing mainline.
Verify Mainline, Pipe Callout, improved process of locating Pipe Sleeve callout on line segment other than the one selected.
Match Properties, can be used to assign Pipe Sleeve sizes.
HotFix: BatchMan, save as version 2018 will not generate error.
HotFix: Plant Label, with a work area layer suffix, target layer locked will not generate error.
HotFix: Sizing Pipes, when calculating precip rate for full circle rotors, will not needlessly zoom extents when a UCS is active.
HotFix: Size Mainline, with VIH Rotors connected via lateral pipe, pipe size filter correctly scoped to Lateral pipe sizes.
HotFix: Size Mainline, with VIH Rotors connected via shut-off valves, will not erroneously state zero flow for all valves the first time the mainline is sized.
HotFix: Detail Callout, when including title, accounts for title being in either legacy or new column location.
Update 15.04
October 26, 2018
Area Total, Length Total, support pre-selecting items to tabulate.
Common Place Hatch function, when setting layer for work area layer suffix, unlocks and thaws layer as necessary.
Irrigation Manager, adding equipment, Model selection dialog is resizable with dynamic columns.
Irrigation Schedule, title includes work area name if applicable.
Valve Callout, support added for 10" valves.
HotFix: Placing Heads, additional error handling when pressing C to Copy along polyline and then returning to placing heads singly.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, name heading correctly states Botanical and Common when stacking names.
Update 15.03
October 24, 2018
Copy Along Polyline, D option to Draw, begins from source block start point.
Copy Along Line/Arc, P option allows switching to copy along polyline.
Details, dual-language details, secondary langauge title is italicized only if it does not include unicode characters.
HotFix: Copy Along Line/Arc, after clicking first point, compatible with UCS.
HotFix: Copy Along Line, switching to Arc mode, midpoint calculations are set correctly.
HotFix: Copy Along Polyline, does not allow selecting a polyline within a block.
HotFix: Copy Along Polyline, error handling added for cases when polyline is unable to be offset.
HotFix: Copy Along Polyline, copying across a closed polyline's start point will not generate error.
HotFix: Copy Along Arc, arc can be created in any direction.
HotFix: Concept Plant Manager, selecting Delete when no palette plant is selected will not generate error.
Update 15.02
October 16, 2018
HotFix: Version number corrected.
Update 15.01
October 16, 2018
Draw Pipe, when changing Class, edited class name is displayed at command line.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, with first column set to none, and remarks below name, remarks display correctly.
HotFix: Grading Manager, editing Northing/Easting point descriptions, with cloud data, points will not duplicate.
HotFix: 3D Connection, sending site amenities, correctly adjusts for current UCS angle.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, with Amenities as blocks, sending schedule to Paperspace with drawing in Decimal Feet, blocks are scaled correctly.
HotFix: RefNote Manager, Northing/Easting Points are not displayed.
Update 15.00
October 12, 2018
PHATCH command available, and integrated into hatch placement tools as a P keyboard option.
Revised Welcome screen (LANDFX command) with integrated training challenges.
Plant Schedule, revised logic for Shrub Area and Ground Cover Spacing/Density column, to correctly display as blank to match rest of schedule.
Update, F/X CAD version information sent on completion.
RefNote Preferences, User Fields, Set Widths button discontinued.
HotFix: Copy Along Polyline, after clicking to accept partial placement, start position will not snap to errant location with a UCS.
HotFix: Editing a RefNote Area, changing hatch pattern will not reset linetype to Non-plot.
Update 14.97
October 9, 2018
Copy Along Polyline, switched to dynamic copy style; supports selecting a polyline in an xref; offsets selected polyline to align with selected block.
COPYALONGPLINE command created, with legacy Copy Along Polyline functionality.
Enterprise command, requeries project and preference data after switching between local and cloud data.
MTEXT2MLEADER tool created, at initial beta test stage.
HotFix: Slope Callout, correctly prompts for ratio or percentage.
HotFix: Nuke, frozen layers are thawed via command line to ensure they are processed correctly.
Update 14.96
October 1, 2018
Plant Preferences, allows editing default Plant Groups.
Common helper function to create Text Style, brings up relevant KB article when font cannot be loaded.
Text Manager, adding new font, excludes Open Type fonts from the list.
Tech Support, installed F/X CAD versions sent with debugging information.
Plant Label by Group, right-clicking for first window point allows using previous window/polygon.
HotFix: Concept Plant Manager, with local data, when setting a color symbol while creating a design group, color symbol is correctly saved.
HotFix: Placing Site Amenities, if right clicking to select no rotation, item is correctly marked in database as having been placed.
Update 14.95
September 21, 2018
Error handler, accounts for missing OpenDCL library.
Preferences, Block Color conversion, descriptions updated to match CTB.
Plant Colorization, improved ordering logic when both concept and regular plants are in drawing.
HotFix: Editing a Concept Tree/Shrub, symbol is scaled correctly in millimeter plans.
Update 14.94
September 19, 2018
HotFix: Incomplete layer color conversion data will not generate error on startup.
Update 14.93
September 19, 2018
STB support: editing a Layer or Block Color from Preferences allows setting a Named Plot Style to be applied.
Placing Spot Elevations, placing along line/polyline, restores OSNAP setting.
Placing Spot Elevations, after placing Slope dimension, restores previous Dimstyle.
Install.xml file, version number and version date discontinued.
HotFix: Concept Plants within a Drip Emitter Area will not generate error.
Update 14.92
September 14, 2018
Common function to sort plant sizes, rewritten to better account for embedded numbers.
Insert Detail Template, restores current layer.
Detail Sheet Index, integration with SheetSets, compatible with multiple MText formatting codes.
Tech Support, additional error handling when assembling debugging information during a cloud data outage.
Concept Graphics, Lines and Nodes, width is correctly shown and editing in Feet units when working in Architectural Inches.
Concept Graphics Schedule, allows selecting a single Division of linked RefNote items to run on.
Concept Graphics, allow setting Cost; Concept Graphics Schedule can include Cost.
Concept Graphics, Import, does not unset Width setting.
FXPLODE helper tool, compatible with Solid Concept Lines.
Startup, SECUREREMOTEACCESS added to system variable checking.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipe, additional error handling for errant duplicated pipe data.
HotFix: Adding irrigation equipment to project, errant cached xml data will not generate error.
HotFix: Plant Size Preferences, setting default cost for a size, with local data, will not generate error.
HotFix: Pipe Data, Layer button for Sleeve types 2-4 will not generate error.
Update 14.91
September 10, 2018
HotFix: Copy Head Along Line, will not generate error.
HotFix: Plant Color Render, Export to SketchUp, legacy command name archived to avoid error with older menu installations.
Update 14.90
September 7, 2018
POLYDIVIDE, custom dialog box simplifies options and provides more object-specific details.
Concept Plant Schedule, Ground Covers show quantity in area, regardless of legacy spacing setting.
Irrigation Manager, adding Rotary sprinklers to project, View Data button in model selection dialog, capability restored.
Error handler, common known errors now redirect to appropriate KB article.
Updated CUI with hover tooltips, multiple command redefines.
HotFix: Drip Emitter Area, having Concept plants within area will not generate error.
HotFix: Concept Plant Manager, Import a design group, member plants are correctly imported.
Update 14.87
August 17, 2018
HotFix: Common function to add one or more items to a project, local data will correctly add multiple items; adding only one item to cloud data will not generate error.
Update 14.86
August 17, 2018
HotFix: Common function to archive offline irrigation performance data, will not intermix existing local and remote data.
Update 14.85
August 16, 2018
Common block and hatch selection dialogs, slide background color set to Modelspace background color.
Common function to save multiple items to a project, cloud data save time vastly improved.
Concept Lines, revised method of assigning color to blocks and deriving block name.
POLYDIVIDE, compatible with polylines that have Linetype generation enabled.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, hatch symbol for Ground Covers and Shrub Areas, first hatch in group has two leading spaces.
HotFix: Common function to cache pipe data, will not require accessing cloud data for first call during session.
Update 14.84
August 13, 2018
HotFix: Plant Schedule, plants with legacy data recovery setting do not have quantity mistakenly mulitplied.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, including Concept plants, zombie plant check will not mistakenly highlight all concept plants.
Update 14.83
August 10, 2018
HotFix: Plant Schedule, including Concept plants, with plants in drawing that are not in project, will not generate error.
Update 14.82
August 10, 2018
POLYDIVIDE, compatible with UCS, hatches, and Land F/X objects.
Edit RefNote Amenity, changing block will update in drawing.
Valve Schedule, common sorting function updated to support two-character prefixes and/or three-digit numbers.
Plant Schedule, quantity calculations of areas and concept plants use common function for more consistency across schedule types.
Plant Schedule, logic for offset toggling of tree symbols improved.
Plant Schedule, when including Concept Areas by Group, empty lines are not inserted between member plants.
Xhair angle, revised processing of polylines, to support arc segments.
Common function to archive irrigation performance data, improved logic to minimize cloud lookup calls when called successively.
License Validation, simplified logic for fatal exit conditions; additional exit conditions for local licensing with cloud data or trial install.
Projects screen, with Cloud Licensing and Local Data, disallows operations that will generate subsequent license validation failure.
Program Load, if trial version has expired, notifies user rather than prompt for Support ID.
Block Selection dialogs, mouse wheel scroll capability enabled for Windows 10 users, contingent on Inactive window scrolling setting turned off.
HotFix: Concept Plant Schedule, when processing member plants of a Shrub Area, non-standard symbol assignment will not generate error.
Update 14.81
August 3, 2018
HotFix: missing data_id tag in install.xml will not generate error.
Update 14.80
August 3, 2018
Placing Concept Plants, supports Q/E keyboard commands to switch plants.
Edit Concept Plant, allows setting Detail reference, to be displayed in Plant Schedule when including concept plants by Group.
POLYDIVIDE, additional error handling for unable to decurve polyline, and/or crossing polyline at the same angle as a segment.
HotFix: Concept Plant Manager, creating a new design group, selecting a symbol after closing new group dialog, symbol is saved correctly.
HotFix: MatchLine, Section callouts, right clicking after selecting first point will not generate error.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, Groundcovers with Flats, system will not mistakenly convert to flats twice.
HotFix: Irrigation Source Data, clicking Place immediately after creating a new POC will correcty place the new item.
Update 14.75
August 1, 2018
POLYDIVIDE, helper tool at initial operating capability, available for testing feedback.
ENTERPRISE command, allows toggling between Cloud Data and Local Data.
Concept Plant Schedule, Trees/Shrubs with a Percentage fill display their individual quantities.
Plant Schedule, additional refinements to quantity calculation and blank spacing row, when including concept plants by group.
Watering Schedule, output to Spreadsheet, in a metric drawing, valve flow calculated at full precision.
Startup, additional error handling when opening a detail and local database connection is missing.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, empty schedule contents will not generate error.
HotFix: Using Edit Plant ribbon button to edit Concept plants with local data, will not generate error.
Update 14.74
July 27, 2018
Plant Schedule, option to Include Concept Plants.
Concept Plant Schedule, additional options of Fill/Spacing, and Cost.
Concept Plant Manager, total percentage treats 33 and 66 as real numbers.
Startup, Trusted Sites validated.
Placing Lighting or Grading blocks, requires setting drawing scale.
HotFix: Editing Design Pressure for Dripline, will not overwrite row spacing.
HotFix: Spot Elevation, does not mistakenly turn off Object Snaps during callout placement.
HotFix: Concept Graphics, assigning a hatch to an area rather than a truecolor will not generate error.
HotFix: Creating a Concept Plant and assigning it a symbol, with local data, symbol is correctly saved.
Update 14.73
July 23, 2018
Spot Elevation callout, toggles Osnap mode in order to attach arrow block to MLeader object.
Sizing lateral and mainline pipe, when current pipe class size is insufficient, message displayed allows accessing Pipe Data screen.
HotFix: Concept Plant Manager, selecting a symbol after creating a new design group will not generate error.
HotFix: Concept Plant Manager, Importing or Copying a design group with local data will not generate error.
Update 14.72
July 20, 2018
Concept Plant Manager, changed to dockable palette with numerous wishlist items addressed: Copy button for Design Groups, drag and drop ordering, resizeable dialog, highlight button, drag plants from plant manager, fill percentage total visible.
Concept Plant Schedule, additional option of Include Xrefs.
Single Length Dripline flow calculations, emitter quantity always rounded up.
Place Valve, when snapping to pipe segment rotation, accounts for UCS.
Valve Schedule, sorting logic improved to account for all possible valve numbering options.
Match Head, data lookup uses common function.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, for Schematic Irrigation areas, area type indicator "IRZ" is not mistakenly added to titles.
HotFix: Drawing Save reactor, compatible with folder paths containing characters other than basic Latin (ASCII).
Update 14.71
July 17, 2018
Detail Explorer, allows renaming categories that contain details.
Northing/Easting Point placement, compatible with background mask.
HotFix: Valve Callout, errant RefNote callout blocks will not generate error.
Update 14.70
June 29, 2018
Pipe Data, Available sizes renamed to Unused sizes.
Highlight Station, allows selecting unconnected pipe to highlight all pipe of the same size.
Common function to display quantity or cost, compatible with numbers up to 9.9 quadrillion.
Detail Title, multi-line titles displaying dual languages, bottom row is italicized.
Welcome Screen, logic for displaying simplified; dialog changed to modeless.
Update 14.62
June 22, 2018
Concept Graphics switched to a dockable Palette that includes color swatches of items.
Concept Graphics Schedule, dialog box allows setting display options.
Site Color palette, displays numeric color value.
Match Properties, when selecting a truecolor solid hatch as the destination, allows applying to all instances of the same color.
Palettes set as the default view for Managers.
All cloud-based block downloads moved to S3.
Update, non-English installs do not attempt to download updated language files.
Common cloud data connection function, reports server side error status.
Plant Manager, adding plants, plant database calls switched to XML.
Irrigation Manager, adding equipment, symbol data request switched to XML.
Lighting database moved to AWS.
HotFix: Valve Callout, placing multiple callouts in a Metric plan, correct callout block is placed for subsequent valves.
Update 14.61
June 8, 2018
Highlight Station, when highlighting single-length Dripline, GPM total is displayed at command line.
RefNote Schedule, running a schedule for a single division and a work area will include work area name in title.
Concept Graphics Schedule, spacing of Concept Lines adjusted, height adjustments to better account for photo and/or tall description.
Entry commands created for several tools for revised ribbon.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, when displaying Symbol, column minimum width is set independently of group title.
HotFix: Irrigation Preferences, Spray Family symbols correctly download from S3.
HotFix: Site Amenities, downloading block will not attempt to download SLD and XML files, avoiding 403 error.
Update 14.60
June 1, 2018
Single Length Dripline, now accesses manufacturer data.
Circuiting, Flow Total, includes single-length Dripline total.
Spot Elevation, when placing relative to existing elevation, respects existing suffix; numeric precision logic made consistent for first point versus auto-placed points.
Copy Along Arc, command line prompt notifies of Keyboard commands.
HotFix: Detail Report, detail number and title columns will correctly increase in size as necessary.
HotFix: Hunter MP815 Rotary, angle is correctly limited to 270 degrees.
HotFix: Plant Schedules for Work Areas with a custom scale, generate at the work area scale initially as well as when re-generated.
Update 14.58
May 24, 2018
HotFix: Highlight Station, selecting a pipe segment correctly highlights connected entities instead of all similar pipe in drawing.
Update 14.57
May 24, 2018
Hunter MP815 Rotary added.
Rain Bird RVAN models updated.
HotFix: Valve Schedule, Caps and unpiped valves correctly display Head and Pipe count as zero.
HotFix: Editing irrigation equipment, Replacing equipment with Custom equipment will not generate error.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, a schedule font with an extremely wide space character will not cause the heading column to misalign.
HotFix: Plant Label Group, selecting a label and Right Clicking to reposition will not revert quantity to 1.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, re-generating a schedule for a work area with a custom scale, schedule will remain at overall scale.
Update 14.56
May 11, 2018
Plant Label Group, right clicking after selecting sample plant toggles to single label.
Plant Label Connecting Arc, allows pressing L to switch to connecting line.
Cap, System Monitors, identifier attribute value shows up in Critical Analysis and elsewhere.
Valve Schedule, includes Caps.
Irrigation Schedule, output to Drawing, symbol placement adjusted slightly to better line up with relevant line of text.
Insert Detail Template, Layer State feature discontinued.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, fonts with an extremely wide Space character will not cause symbol column misalignment.
HotFix: Viewport Scale, Rescale objects, correctly rescales valve callouts.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, items within the same category are ordered by their name.
Update 14.55
May 4, 2018
Valve-in-Head Rotors, allow piping to by Mainline.
Size Lateral Pipe, for metric plans, flow values respect numeric settings from Preferences.
Size Lateral Pipe, if friction loss is more than allowable pressure variation even at minimum velocity, system prompts with dialog box.
Size Lateral Pipe, Size Mainline Pipe, dialog box allows pressing Enter for OK.
Watering Schedule, for metric plans, flow totals respect preference setting.
Irrigation Schedule, POCs sorted to appear in same order as in source data dialog.
Valve Callout, allowable tag names for valve number updated.
Match Head, supports selecting a drip hatch or schematic area.
Update, files moved to S3.
Common function to automate backup up projects from Update and Project Files, backup file for Preference Sets with permissions as By User or Read Only is named correctly.
Common function to download a file, additional reporting of server errors.
HotFix: Editing an Area for Dripline, with local data, editing both row and emitter spacing will not generate error.
HotFix: Pipe Data, Layer button, pipe layer mistakenly set to non-plot will not generate error.
HotFix: SketchUp Connection, Send Layer, plans in millimeters are not accidentally sent as centimeters.
Update 14.54
April 30, 2018
All schedules, improved method of setting column widths for best compatibility with fonts.
Concept Graphics, Concept Lines re-engineered: allows selecting existing polyline or drawing one on the fly; command line helper FXPLODE returns Concept Line to source polyline; Continuous Solid linetype option added.
Concept Graphics, dialog box allows editing Width and Gradient state of a Concept Node or Concept Line.
Concept Graphics, Area objects offer additional data settings.
Zoning Manager, item type selection removed.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipe, with multiple classes of pipe, and Label Minimum Size option turned on, additional classes of pipe are correctly labeled at minimum size.
FXPLODE, only allows selecting a block.
Update 14.53
April 23, 2018
HotFix: Planting and Irrigation Schedules reverted to prior version, pending further testing of revised column width calculation.
Update 14.52
April 23, 2018
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, column spacing calculations correctly account for symbol width and space between columns.
Update 14.51
April 20, 2018
HotFix: Plant Schedule, column width calculations will not generate error.
Update 14.50
April 20, 2018
RefNote Schedule, Drawing output, column width settings respected.
RefNotes, Areas able to access manufacturer hardscape data.
Update 14.49
April 19, 2018
Command line function DRIVE created to assist with learning keyboard commands.
Detail Callout, when including RefNote, callout is correctly tagged as a notation.
Detail Explorer, Import, selecting an invalid export file will not generate error.
Runtime Summary, compatible with UCS.
Irrigation Schedule, if dripline boundary layer is set to print, that layer is used.
Irrigation Schedule, if dripline hatch has a custom layer assigned, that layer is used.
Plant Colorization, entity drawing order adjusted so that RefNote Areas are at the bottom.
HotFix: Size Mainline, with a looped mainline, valve schedule correctly displays pressure at POC from the higher demand side of the loop.
HotFix: Concept Graphics Schedule, column spacing corrected, DashDot concept line placement corrected, photo placement enabled.
Update 14.48
April 16, 2018
Plant Database moved to AWS.
Plant Colorization, single-sided vines renamed, and are correctly scaled and rotated.
Project Manager Permissions, Manage Preferences, setting away from By User will delete any existing user permissions.
Project Manager Permissions, Manage Preferences, with local data and cloud licensing, permissions are saved and queried with the project data, and master user list is pulled from licensing.
HotFix: Project Manager Permissions, Manage Preferences, setting to By User with Local Data, ignores mixed case version of same username.
HotFix: Project Manager Permissions, Manage Preferences, setting of Admin performs case-insensitive match on username.
HotFix: Project Manager Permissions, with local data, permissions changes are correctly applied to selected user.
HotFix: Project Manager Permissions, Manage Preferences, if set to By User and there are no Admins, current user is elevated to admin.
HotFix: Legacy Site toolbar, Line Graphics button capability restored.
HotFix: Plant Color, single sided vine symbols are scaled and rotated correctly.
HotFix: Place Head, rotor symbols where the nozzle attribute has a background mask, will not generate duplicate owned entity audit errors.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, when displaying cost, groundcovers in flat quantities have total calculated correctly.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, symbols where the attribute has a background mask, attribute value is correctly displayed in schedule.
Update 14.47
April 3, 2018
HotFix: Cloud Licensing users, with support about to expire, clicking Yes to renew support will not generate error.
HotFix: Concept Graphics Schedule, if last item is a Concept Line that has no notes, will not generate error.
Update 14.46
March 30, 2018
Copy Along Line/Arc, S key restores block to block spacing regardless of previous spacing; command line indicates true distance spacing as well as percentage.
Copy Along Arc, snapping to start point for mid point will not generate divide by zero error.
Pipe Sleeve, command line prompt indicates that pressing C can be used to change class.
HotFix: Editing a generic block to convert it to a RefNote, will not generate error.
HotFix: Color Render, when turning Off, Stipple hatches are not mistakenly left on color transparency layer.
HotFix: Copy Along Line/Arc, selecting a Site Amenity, does not mistakenly fire single placement.
HotFix: Concept Graphics Schedule, Concept Line symbol calculations will not generate error.
Update 14.45
March 23, 2018
Valve Callout, valve size moved to a block attribute.
Concept Graphics Schedule, Concept Line symbol placement adjusted.
FX_LAYERCOLOR tool created, at Beta stage for additional testing.
Source Data, Booster Pump, Flow Zone, Size Mainline, with Metric plans, numeric entries over 1,000 are translated according to numeric preferences.
Edit RefNote, validates current drawing regardless of placed status of item.
Place Plant, pressing C or V to Copy without first placing one will alert user.
License Validation, revised logic to provide support remaining notice and renewal information to cloud data users.
OpenDCL library out of date message, uses standard alert call.
Save Detail, immediately recreates index file for target folder.
Update 14.43
March 16, 2018
SketchUp Connection, Send Layer, apostrophe in layer name is automatically converted to legal character.
Match Block, compatible with generic plants, and non-LandFX blocks.
Preferences, Block Colors, cloud data users with default preference set, color changes are correctly saved.
Update 14.42
March 13, 2018
HotFix: Place Rotary, T option change type to rotor, nozzle is correctly changed.
HotFix: Copy Head, specify distance, compatible with Inch units.
HotFix: Copy Along Line/Arc, remembers last copy spacing for the block selected.
Update 14.41
March 12, 2018
Multiple changes to Match Block, Copy Along Line/Copy Along Arc, Place Head, Place Drip Area, and Place Block, to have similar capability via keyboard commands.
Copy Along Line/Copy Along Arc, changed to dynamic style with keyboard commands to adjust.
Head Copy, keyboard command "1" added to specify a distance.
Place Slope Callout, pressing Esc correctly restores previous layer.
Edit Plant, if Preference Set is Read-Only, ability to Add New container size is removed.
HotFix: Edit Plant, plants in project with missing size data will generate error.
Update 14.40
March 5, 2018
Place Head/Equipment, addtional keyboard commands available to change Type, Model, and Category.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, Area items with Both symbol and text code, code displays correctly.
HotFix: Editing an unsized pipe segment created by placing equipment directly on mainline, will not generate error.
HotFix: SQL queries utilizing LEFT function, will not generate error with SQL Server.
Installer, Single User, Local Data option changed to SQLite data engine.
Update 14.33
February 23, 2018
HotFix: Plant Schedule, will only attempt to access cloud-based data if fields have been specified.
Place Head, U keyboard option allows undoing arc selection.
Support added for SQLite, as a local database alternative to MySQL.
All project number references standardized, discarding trailing spaces, for better compatibility across local data platforms.
Update 14.32
February 17, 2018
Concept Graphics Schedule, re-engineered to display photos alongside items.
Site Development, areas integrated into Concept Graphics.
Update 14.31
February 12, 2018
Irrigation database moved to AWS.
RefNote Manager, Callout button, sets last command history to enable right-click to repeat.
Command line fx_RecalcZones, with local data, correctly disconnects from database.
Alphanumeric plant blocks, respect the width setting of Callout Light font.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, with cloud data, user fields appear correctly.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipes, when auto-switching pipe classes, and with a work area layer suffix, layer processing will not generate error.
Update 14.30
February 3, 2018
Watering Schedule, when setting zones individually, valves are sorted by common helper function rather than alphabetically.
RefNotes, Import, will only attempt to import user fields for notes that are assigned a division.
HotFix: Legacy Site toolbar, Leaders button correctly displays specified toolbar.
Update 14.23
January 19, 2018
Support for AutoCAD 2013 removed.
Plant Manager, when adding or copying plants to project, helper function to determine unique plant code, detects any existing trailing number in existing code.
Valve Callout, suggested value respects last alphabetic prefix entered.
Load Layer State, dialog box switched to OpenDCL.
Detail Bubble, schedule MText is created without hard returns at the end of each line.
Command line helper LANDFXDIALOGRESET created, to reset all dialog box positions.
RefNote Schedule, Colorize option added, at initial beta testing phase.
Irrigation blocks moved to S3.
HotFix: New Project, basing project on template, cloud templates that have only some irrigation equipment are not mistakenly displayed as having none; plant names that have been edited to include single quote character will not generate error.
Update 14.22
January 12, 2018
Projects, creating a new project based on a template, for cloud data users, process moved to server for better performance.
Valve Callout, Size Lateral Pipes, support callout tag of PRECIP; compatible with attributes that have background masks.
Delete Station, allows selecting an item along the mainline to remove it and reconnect adjoining mainline.
Command line helper REAT created to reload all text styles.
BatchMan, Redefine Text Styles added as common action.
Site Amenities database and content, fully ported to AWS and S3.
Update 14.21
January 5, 2018
Project Permissions, Manage Preferences, ability to add and delete users made functional.
Highlight Station, Plant Label, Set Plot Scale, Verify Site Callouts, Edit Plant, license validation updated to current standards.
Preferences, Installation and Server Info, for cloud data users displays the active AWS server.
Logic for spawning Welcome screen simplified and standardized, compatible with latest license validation standards.
Project Manager, performs license validation.
Project Manager, Manage Preferences, permissions rules modified so that admins cannot demote themselves.
Projects, Backup, Backup All Projects, uses common helper function to determine backup filename.
Projects, Backup/Restore, Upload/Download to option discontinued.
Command-line function fx_RecalcZones created, to recalculate zones without having to use the Circuit dialog box.
HotFix: Project Manager, setting user permissions, repeated setting of permissions for same user are processed correctly.
HotFix: Irrigation Caps, compatible with block definitions utilizing background masks.
Update 14.20
December 29, 2017
Startup, additional error handling for missing internet connection.
License related internet operations re-routed to dedicated handler, for expediency and fault tolerance.
Common function startup, revised for better fault tolerance of internet outage.
Update 14.12
December 20, 2017
AWS RELEASE -- all cloud data, licensing, and content calls moved to Amazon Web Services.
Size Lateral Pipes, logic improved for single length Dripline to avoid negative pressure loss when velocity is reduced.
Edit Drip Equipment, dialog box allows clicking on image preview to change block.
Detail Explorer, search box, additional error handling.
HotFix: Adding Area for Dripline to project, with cloud data, subsequent dripline models are assigned next available hatch.
Update 14.11
December 11, 2017
HotFix: Startup sequence, database connection validation, compatible with MySQL ODBC Connector 5.3.
Update 14.10
December 8, 2017
Match Properties, if destination block has attributes, they are erased.
Common function to enforce plot scale, improved logic for dealing with metric drawings on startup.
Setting spray radius, setting legacy toobar image is contingent on Ribbon being turned off.
Size Lateral Pipes, More Info destination help topic updated.
Plant Colorization, Access Denied message when downloading new symbols, message circumvented.
Startup validation, common function startup initialization, additional error handling for clean exit when install.xml is missing or inaccessible.
All installers re-engineered and updated.
Update 14.05
November 29, 2017
Plant Schedule, when stacking plant names, Common name changed to a hyphen will not be mistakenly replaced by sizing text.
REDEFINEBLOCK, fires ATTSYNC if selected block has attributes.
IMPORTCSV, ability to place Trees added, tool released at Initial Operating Capability.
Size Mainline, if critical station has a net negative pressure demand due to elevation change, critical analysis will correctly reflect that.
Detail Text, Detail MText, text is placed on the Detail Text layer.
HotFix: Copy Head Along Polyline, when using Q/E commands to adjust radius, facing angle of head is recalculated correctly.
HotFix: Delete Station, when deleting a valve on a mainline segment, when mainline segments are joined, adjoining item beyond deleted segment is correctly updated.
HotFix: Placing Schematic Irrigation Area, compatible with SQL Server, companion text object is created correctly.
HotFix: Plant Colorization, color blocks that are unable to calculate a width will not generate error.
Irrigation Schedule, Area for Dripline, displays quantity in linear units.
Update 14.00
November 3, 2017
Command line helper tool IMPORTCSV, dialog box added with additional functionality, as beta release.
Update 13.96
November 2, 2017
Place Head, heads are placed at 0 (WCS) Z elevation.
HotFix: Pipe Sleeve, with a rotated UCS, and Orthomode on, both first and second points are correctly translated.
HotFix: Editing an Area for Drip Emitters, Replace button will not mistakenly set the nozzle for placed hatches.
Editing Dripline, validates row and emitter spacing is more than 1 inch/cm.
Command line helper tool REMOTEASSISTANCE created.
Update 13.95
October 26, 2017
HotFix: Debugging code for cloud data calls removed.
Update 13.94
October 25, 2017
Valve Schedule, correctly sorts valves labeled with a number and a letter suffix.
HotFix: Sizing pipes, block creation of metric pipe sizes, compatible with UCS.
HotFix: Startup, alert message of missing data source will not generate an internal stack limit error.
HotFix: Pipe Sleeve, with Orthomode turned on, compatible with UCS.
Update 13.93
October 13, 2017
HotFix: Creating a custom bubbler/emitter will not generate an error.
HotFix: Save Hatch, improved reading of hatch pattern data from pat file; saving a custom hatch will not prematurely close file.
HotFix: Mainline Break, subsequent placements on a looped mainline will not cause pointers to be transposed.
HotFix: Placing an imperial dimscale block into a work area with a custom millimeter scale, block is scaled correctly.
HotFix: SketchUp Connection, Export Design, correctly sends site amenity rotation.
Update 13.92
October 3, 2017
HotFix: Editing a dripline emitter spacing, lookup variable is updated correctly; saving will not generate error with local data.
Update 13.91
September 27, 2017
Copy Head Along Polyline, when selecting a fixed-arc nozzle other than a full or half, copies as a half.
HotFix: Entering Unicode characters for an item description, with cloud data, characters are not prefixed with backslashes.
HotFix: Edit Irrigation Equipment, when editing Dripline and changing row or emitter spacing, lookup array is correctly updated.
Update 13.90
September 22, 2017
HotFix: Plant Manager, adding plant to project, Data button will not result in a 404 error.
Area for Dripline, data redone to allow for manual row spacing.
Update 13.88
September 20, 2017
HotFix: Downloading cloud-based blocks, metadata file is not requested for Graphics library to avoid access denied error.
Update 13.87
September 20, 2017
HotFix: Error handler, sending of error report will not generate error.
Update 13.86
September 19, 2017
HotFix: Update, errant download location corrected; debugging knockout in download file function restored; debug message added to download file function.
Update 13.85
September 18, 2017
HotFix: Plant Outlines, functionality with 2D symbols restored.
Update 13.84
September 15, 2017
License Validation, improved messaging to indicate whether or not the current installation has the requested license type.
Highlight, Railing, and related common functions, compatible with Conceptual RefNote Schedule.
Plant Outlines, works with Color plant symbols.
HotFix: Placing Drip Equipment, when symbol is set to Manual rotation, placing onto a Mainline correctly snaps to pipe angle.
All Cloud Data calls compatible with Amazon Web Services.
Legacy cloud data "get" function discontinued.
Plant Shadows, when turning shadows off, freezes layers to account for AutoCAD 2018 bug, Issue #193058.
Update 13.83
September 8, 2017
HotFix: Circuiting, Uniformity, ability to select Zone restored.
Update, improved logic and alert message for legacy versions of AutoCAD.
Common helper function for reporting AutoCAD version, improved logic for future versions.
Plant Color Render, when turning color render off, accounts for alphanumeric source blocks having been purged from the drawing.
Common layer creation function, compatible with truecolors.
Update 13.82
August 30, 2017
HotFix: Size Mainline, labeling of pipes, additional error handling for pipe segments that have zero flow.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipe, Area for Dripline flow calculations, additional error handling for legacy dripline data missing row or emitter spacing.
HotFix: Edit Irrigation Head, changing design pressure, when in a plan drawn in mm or cm, radius is correctly rescaled.
Update 13.81
August 30, 2017
HotFix: Project Manager, Sheet Index, changing project detail folder location, when copying details to new location, detail scale factor is copied correctly.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipe, checking of drip area connections, addtional validation to avoid generating error.
Startup, HPMAXLINES added to system variable setting validation.
Update 13.80
August 28, 2017
HotFix: Size Mainline, initial setting of minimum size, pipe missing empty pressure and flow data will not generate error.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipe, validation of drip area connections, having a valve callout will not generate error.
Update 13.74
August 25, 2017
In a sweeping reimagining of how to place irrigation heads, multiple extensive changes have been made to Place Head, Copy Head Along Line, and Copy Head Along Polyline:
Place Head, additional Keyboard options to copy along Line or Polyline; additional keyboard option to toggle between Full/partial arc heads.
Copy Head Along Polyline and Line, consolidated into a single function offering dynamic preview, Keyboard commands to control copy options, vastly improved performance, improved angular calculations, auto-selection of more viable spray arc and direction, and support for radius reduction.
Copy Head Along Polyline, attempts to locate polyline automatically; allows selecting Polylines, Lines, or Arcs; allows selecting linework within an Xref; allows Drawing a polyline on the fly; UCS support.
All instances of code that reference irrigation equipment, updated for compatibility with embedded data.
Placing head, using A/D keys for radius adjustment, logic simplified, and overall radius reduction enforced.
Verify Laterals, Zooms Extents at beginning, for best compatibility with drip area validation.
Size Lateral Pipe, for Schematic Areas, errant mainline fittings will not affect flow calculation.
Size Lateral Pipe, Size Mainline Pipe, class auto-switching will not span across empty pipe classes.
HotFix: Irrigation Preferences, Schedule Defaults, with local data, changes are saved correctly.
HotFix: Verify Mainline, having an irrigation schedule in modelspace will not generate error.
HotFix: Size Laterals, Size Mainline, valves that have been removed from the project but remain in the design will not generate error.
HotFix: Preferences, Manage Preferences, By User permissions, removing Admin status from multiple users, system prevents removing last admin.
Update 13.73
August 7, 2017
Pipe Label, when selecting an existing label to reposition, adds a lasso if necessary.
Pipe Label, after labeling a pipe, immediately fires repositioning of the label.
Pipe Label, when repositioning, supports R keyboard option to Remove lasso.
SketchUp Connection, multiple minor changes to how plant placements are exported and imported.
HotFix: Startup, if drawing is not associated with a project, default permissions are set to By User, with local data, does not generate error.
Update 13.72
August 1, 2017
Plant Schedule, with stacked names, symbols are aligned with top name.
Detail Manager, with preference to copy details to project folder, system prompts user with confirmation box before displaying folder assignment dialog.
Plant Colorization, moves plant labels to front.
Update 13.71
July 28, 2017
HotFix: Update, posting of new version will not generate error.
Update 13.70
July 28, 2017
Revised Land F/X Ribbon and menus. See separate workstation installer to install.
Edit irrigation equipment, logic for disabling Replace button corrected.
Size Lateral Pipe, Pipe Transition Points in Dripline areas reduce flow.
Irrigation Manager, helper function to sort by nozzle has improved logic for non-numeric values.
Irrigation Schedule, allows displaying drip emitters by nozzle.
Sketchup Connection, posting of layers and placements updated to common helper function.
Size Lateral Pipes, for Dripline Areas, splits flow between number of connections.
Update 13.66
July 21, 2017
Save Block, maximum length for block name increased to 35 characters.
Common block placement function, toggles attribute handling system variables as necessary.
Place Head, additional keyboard option allows reducing radius by fixed distance rather than percentage.
HotFix: Northing/Easting Point Schedule, with cloud data, point descriptions are correctly displayed.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, logic for displaying code as text for amenities and areas corrected.
HotFix: Plant Colorization, additional error handling when applying color gradient to Stipple groundcover.
Update 13.65
July 14, 2017
Detail dimensioning, supports saving a dimstyle with a linear scale factor of 12, to draw a detail in decimal feet units and dimension it in architectural inches.
Plant Schedule, output to Drawing, with stacked names, and multi-line remarks as a column, there is not an errant blank line in remarks.
Common function for querying cloud data, switched from Get to Post to bypass local internet cache for greater speed.
Discipline Callouts, functions defined for most callouts to allow right-clicking to refire.
Place irrigation block, attribute processing when placing subsequent blocks is compatible with attribute background masks.
HotFix: Dripline flow calculations compatible with legacy dripline that has been edited with interim dialog box capability.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, Amenties with Both code and symbol, and Callout as text, code displays correctly.
Update 13.64
July 10, 2017
HotFix: Lateral Pipe Size, Dripline pipe data assembly will not cause missing class error.
HotFix: Irrigation Manager, editing or creating a Booster Pump, pressure increase and maximum flow values are correctly updated and able to be edited.
Update 13.63
July 7, 2017
Edit Object, supports Grading blocks, Concept Nodes, and Concept Lines.
RefNote Schedule, User Field options all including All, Used, or None.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, Volume items respect setting of having both symbol and code.
HotFix: Grading Schedule, blocks and callouts appear correctly.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipe, custom Dripline will not generate a missing pipe data error.
HotFix: Editing a valve, entering a valve elevation will not generate error.
Update 13.62
June 30, 2017
HotFix: Project Manager, Permissions tab, setting project to Read/Write, project record is correctly updated.
HotFix: Editing a Shrub Area, changing the hatch pattern is correctly updated in drawing.
HotFix: Helper function to assemble pipe data, compatible with SQL Server data source.
Update 13.61
June 26, 2017
HotFix: Zoning, Site Development schedules, assemble of schedule settings will not generate error.
Update 13.60
June 22, 2017
RefNote Schedule, has option to include both Code and Symbol.
HotFix: Plant Manager, Highlight button, correctly highlights Shrub Areas associated with hatch objects.
HotFix: Convert Concept Plant, embedded data will not generate error.
HotFix: Placing valve onto mainline, valve is connected to mainline regardless of rotation setting.
HotFix: Pipe Data screen, Sleeve tab, Layer button action corrected.
Update 13.59
June 20, 2017
Pipe sizing functions, toggle C factor as necessary when changing classes; C factor lookup moved from hard-coded list to cached data file.
Place Irrigation Equipment, supports symbol rotation setting; placing onto mainline will match rotation of mainline.
Size Lateral Pipe, patch code reformatted to release standards.
Common function for querying valve type, compatible with being placed inside of Schematic area.
Project Manager, Permissions tab, By User setting enabled for users with local data.
Preferences, Manage, By User setting enabled for users with local data.
Concept Plants, embed their data into the drawing.
Save Detail, respects read-only setting of project or preference set to prevent user from saving detail.
Detail Explorer, category and detail actions of editing and deleting respect appropriate project or preference set permissions.
Detail Explorer, drag and drop capability respects preference and project permissions.
Edit Irrigation Equipment, dialog box respects read-only setting of project.
Update 13.58
June 12, 2017
Save Detail, canceling out of saving an existing detail to a new number will not generate error.
Reactivate, with cloud licensing, expired trial is reported as such.
Irrigation Manager, adding Drip Emitter to project, missing symbol data will not generate error.
Size Lateral Pipes, size all laterals, dialog box allows pressing Enter for OK.
Plant Colorization, turning off color, color RefNote Areas are correctly processed regardless of hatch library chosen.
RedefineBlock, compatible with Dynamic Blocks.
HotFix: Concept Graphics Schedule, symbol column correctly includes only symbol, and is appropriately scaled.
HotFix: Update, when checking for updates on startup, and support is expired, expiration notice will not freeze update dialog.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipe, pressure variation factor requiring a reduction in velocity will not result in negative friction loss.
Update 13.57
May 31, 2017
HotFix: Uniformity, layer suffix support removed to avoid generating error.
HotFix: Plant Color, Stipple patterns will not generate error.
HotFix: SketchUp Connection, unit conversion corrected for metric plans.
Update 13.56
May 31, 2017
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, processing of xref entities for length items will not generate error.
Update 13.55
May 30, 2017
HotFix: Save Detail, saving existing detail, opening of newly saved detail will not generate error.
HotFix: Error handling function, comparison of installed version to stated version, logic corrected.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, including of Xrefs will not cause Length items in current drawing to be disregarded.
HotFix: Lighting Schedule, uses default column definitions regardless of current preference set.
Update 13.54
May 26, 2017
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, xref processing will not generate error.
Update 13.53
May 26, 2017
As per Autodesk KB of 2017-04-13, for better performance and AutoCAD 2018 compatibility, all calls to access AutoCAD application, document, and modelspace objects standardized to callable functions.
All functions that access xrefs, now utilize common helper function.
Error handler, additional logic to catch installations with version mismatch.
Insert Detail Template, Width Extension of 1.0 added, to facilitate creating details five modules wide.
Common block placement function, checking for existing folder, logic improved for new install on C drive with existing symbol assignments.
SuperJoin, fires OverKill before attempting to Join.
Size Lateral Pipes, additional logic to account for missing pipe at the last head, or pipe continuing beyond last head.
Common hatch selection dialog box, selection of patterns currently in use compatible with SQL Server.
HotFix: Update, with local data and cloud licensing, backing up all projects will not generate error.
Update 13.51
May 24, 2017
Plant Outlines, save current outline status in the drawing.
Plant Schedule, symbols reflect current plant outline status.
Plant Shadows, does not also rotate symbols within existing schedules.
RefNote Schedule, when Colorization is turned on, color is applied to swatches in schedule.
RefNote Schedule, when running from paperspace for a work area, entities in the current layout are included.
Plant Schedule, logic for Vine symbol rotation improved.
Reading of install xml file, abort condition avoids writing empty xml.
HotFix: Size Mainline, missing class of pipe will not generate error.
Update 13.52
May 24, 2017
RefNote Schedule, allows setting Callout display as a block or text.
RefNote Schedule, Extra Lines settings allows setting to 0 to remove lines between items.
Detail Explorer, creating/edtiing categories, will not allow a description consisting of just a space.
HotFix: Size Mainline, layer assignment for automatic toggling of classes will not generate error.
HotFix: Pipe Data, checking Non-potable before selecting a class will not generate error.
Update 13.50
May 19, 2017
Highlight Plant, supports nested work areas.
RefNote Schedule, when selecting a work area, objects are validated by insertion point and majority of boundary points rather than crossing.
Size Mainline, supports nested flow zones.
Common place hatch function, placing a truecolor within a work area with layer suffix, correct pattern layer is created.
Detail Explorer, detail categories saved in two index files for easier editing/updates.
Edit Plant, downloads hatch patterns as necessary.
RefNote Schedule, with Stipple chosen for an Area hatch, Heavy Sand pattern is used.
RefNote Schedule, dialog box allows setting width of Quantity column.
RefNote Schedule, output to drawing, callout is scaled so that attribute text matches size of schedule text.
Save Detail, when overwriting an existing detail, cleanup operations are done before saving so that drawing is not set as being modified.
HotFix: Editing a shrub area with colorization turned on, will not generate error.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, with table output to modelspace with user fields assigned widths, in a metric plan, table columns are calculated correctly.
Update 13.49
May 18, 2017
Size Lateral Pipes, Pipe Data, Pressure Variation slider allows setting to 0 to disable automatic reduction of velocity.
RefNote Schedule, output to table with areas displayed as symbol, re-generating a schedule will not remove extra line of height per item.
Plant Schedule, when running on All work areas, supports nested work areas.
Lighting Manager, lighting data fields switched to hard-coded list.
HotFix: Concept Plant Manager, updating changed symbol in drawing, type-o in code corrected.
Update 13.48
May 17, 2017
Planting, Shrub Areas associated with Hatch object instead of bounding polyline; changes effected to Plant Schedule, Highlight, Verify Labels, Concept Plants, Plant Colorization, Edit Plant, and Match Properties.
Convert Concept Plant, functionality migrated to common plant edit function.
Common function to update install.xml file, makes a backup of current copy first.
Preferences, Irrigation, Spray symbol families, slides populate individually for easier customization.
Layer States: Save Layer State, saves Frozen status; Load Layer State, restores Frozen status.
HotFix: Pipe Data, Sleeve class matching for secondary types account for empty default data, will not generate error.
HotFix: New Flow Zone, pipe class assembly will not generate error message.
Update 13.47
May 15, 2017
Pipe Data, Sleeve class auto-sets to updated classification from legacy setting.
Pipe Data, when configuring multiple classes of pipe to use different size ranges of the same pipe, dialog display is correctly updated.
Update 13.46
May 15, 2017
HotFix: Adding a valve to project, custom callout field is not mistakenly overwritten with default radius reduction.
Update 13.45
May 15, 2017
HotFix: Pipe Data, legacy pipe class designation will be automatically updated to new code style, allowing saving of size range.
HotFix: Pipe Data, saving size range for legacy pipe code with local data, will not generate error.
HotFix: Projects, restoring a Preference Set, overwriting existing with local data will not generate error.
Update 13.44
May 15, 2017
HotFix: Common pipe size filter selection, additional improvements for both local and cloud data, with legacy pipe class settings.
Update 13.43
May 13, 2017
HotFix: Common function to assemble pipe inside diameters, local data query will not generate error.
Update 13.42
May 12, 2017
Pipe Data, revised pipe classes, and Non-Potable checkbox added, combination classes removed; Size Lateral Pipes, Size Mainline Pipe, automatically change pipe class as necessary.
Water Source, additional error handling for missing internet connection and/or pipe data.
HotFix: Irrigation Manager, adding a new Custom bubbler or emitter to project, will not generate error.
Irrigation Manager, adding Custom bubbler or emitter to project, default coverage radius changed to 4 ft.
HotFix: Projects, New Project, basing a project on a template with local data and no irrigation equipment will not generate error.
HotFix: Editing an RefNote from the ribbon, then selecting a detail, will not generate error.
Update 13.41
May 11, 2017
Irrigation Manager, adding heads to project, radius reduction amount is saved.
Projects, Save as Template, with local data, Template is automatically backed up as both a local and cloud copy.
Projects, New Project, basing a project on a template, ability to include irrigation equipment restored; irrigation items are automatically updated with latest performance data.
HotFix: Importing plants from another project, with alphanumeric symbols, duplicate symbol assignments are allowed.
HotFix: Block Data, selecting a RefNote with embedded data that is not in the current project, with local data, RefNote is correctly added to project.
Rain Bird PCS screens added as various Bubbler models.
Update 13.40
May 5, 2017
Irrigation Manager, placing MP Rotary, does not prompt for nozzle selection.
HotFix: Startup, OpenDCL library loaded before license validation, in case license transfer dialog needs to be displayed.
Update 13.38
May 3, 2017
HotFix: Projects, Restore, importing an LFX file, checking of target user permissions will not abort operation.
Update 13.37
May 3, 2017
Save Detail, automatic conversion of text entity to attribute for Notes, looks for text consisting of "Detail-Notes".
Preferences, Layers, lineweight setting correctly saved for cloud data users.
Valve Info, Analysis, water velocity is not mistakenly displaying in meters/second for imperial plans.
Message alerts, use OpenDCL message box if possible.
Global preferences, will not attempt to write new install.xml file.
Common MLeader wrapper function, correctly translates first point if it falls within a work area with a UCS.
Startup, Update Details fires for all layout tabs in drawing, and reports to command line the number of details that were updated.
HotFix: Pipe Sleeve, drawing a sleeve without selecting a pipe, with Orthomode on, sleeve is oriented correctly.
HotFix: Pipe Sleeve, drawing a single line sleeve does not require a third click to place.
Detail Manager, adding details to project, Search box appears correctly, and search is not initially limited to first highlighted category.
Projects, Restore, Import a local LFX project file, does not allow overwriting a project/preferences that is set to Read-Only or By User and user has read-only permissions.
Update, ability to download recovery packages discontinued.
Plant Manager, importing plants from another project, duplicate symbol assignments are allowed for alphanumeric blocks.
Update 13.36
April 20, 2017
HotFix: Installs with Local data and Cloud licensing will not receive license mismatch warning.
Update 13.35
April 20, 2017
HotFix: Detail Bubble Callout, drag and drop action to renumber notes will correctly update embedded data in schedule text.
Detail Explorer, Search box added to search categories; detail information displayed in scrollable text box.
Place Head, A/D keyboard commands to adjust radius, accounts for floating point irregularity.
Detail Manager, placed details on a layout that has been deleted are marked as unplaced.
Sheet Index, deleting a sheet immediately marks any details placed on it as unplaced.
Plant Schedule, using name option of Botanical over Common, and selecting Plant Data fields, will not generate error.
Project Manager, Sheet Index, allows drag and drop reordering of sheets to other than alphabetical.
Detail Report, allows including detail data of Saved, Drawn By, Checked By, and Notes.
New/Edit Sheet, Rename layout option allows synchronizing layout tab name with sheet number.
Edit Detail, upon an error when attempting to open detail, allows user to try again.
Update 13.34
April 13, 2017
HotFix: Irrigation Preferences, Schedule Defaults, Valve/Equipment options are correctly saved when using cloud data.
HotFix: Irrigation Preferences, Schematic Irrigation, double-clicking listbox will not fire a place event.
HotFix: Preferences, Manage, deleting a preference set will not generate error.
Common plant/irrigation entity selection function, will not include items which have been copied to Paperspace.
Block Data, when selecting a Detail Callout, displays Preview Dialog box.
Size Mainline, when encountering a pipe class that is not defined in the current project, will not generate error.
Save Detail, when saving an existing detail as a new number, current detail is closed and new one is opened.
Adding detail to a project, Search box searches all categories and descriptions.
Update 13.33
April 6, 2017
HotFix: Detail Bubble Callout, Schedule button will not mistakenly increment key value in placed callouts.
Update 13.32
April 4, 2017
Project Manager, Remove button allows resetting Detail Folder.
HotFix, Project Manager, will delete extraneous Settings records if necessary.
Plant Photo Callout, search engine changed to Yahoo.
Projects, Delete, allows deleting empty projects.
Update 13.31
April 4, 2017
Detail Manager, placing details, next suggested detail number supports alphabetic detail numbers A, B, C, etc.
Detail Bubble Callout, callout changed to an MLeader.
Detail Bubble Callout, generating a new schedule will update embedded text within callouts.
Detail Template, supports a text object of NOTES to be automatically filled out.
HotFix: Projects, Backup, archive project to, revised numeric conversion will not generate error.
Update 13.30
March 31, 2017
Preferences, Manage button consolidates tasks, and allows setting a Preference Set to Read-Only.
Update 13.27
March 30, 2017
Irrigation Manager, when editing items from docked palette, changes are immediately requeried; removing the entire description for an item with cloud data will not generate error.
Edit Irrigation Equipment, when editing from toolbar/ribbon, with docked palette, changes are immediately requeried.
HotFix: Editing irrigation equipment from undocked manager, changing symbol to one not defined in drawing will not general exception error.
Plant Info dialog, when converting a Concept plant, Apply to All checkbox is disabled.
HotFix: Concept Shrub Areas are associated with the bounding polyline for best compatibility; initial conversion to hatch association reverted pending further integration.
Update 13.26
March 13, 2017
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, with table output, area hatches, and not including a title, hatches are not mistakenly shifted one row.
HotFix: Size Mainline, unscoped local variable will not cause flow zones to be disregarded.
Update 13.25
March 3, 2017
HotFix: Editing a RefNote Area, will not mistakenly remove truecolor assignment.
Projects, when a project is Activated, it is backed up automatically.
Projects, Project Manager, calls to automatically backup a project will generate unique filename to not overwrite previous backup file generated the same day.
Dialog box language files moved into VLX file for non-English installs.
Area Callout, Schematic Irrigation flow placement, Geometric Center placement extended to AutoCAD 2016 and greater.
HotFix: Pipe Data, removes errant pipe data responsible for multiple classes of pipe appearing only once in schedule.
Project Manager, has a Permissions tab allowing setting a project to Read-Only, or By User (Cloud data users only).
Update 13.24
February 27, 2017
HotFix: Concept Plant Manager will not be mistakenly set to read-only for all projects.
Update 13.23
February 24, 2017
Size Mainline, when using only a Monitor, will not warn about zero flow.
Size Mainline, when using Monitors, subsequent sizing with less available flow will not generate warning regarding lack of pressure.
Size Mainline, lookup lists created for pipe sizing data, for faster performance.
Estimator (Site Development) Schedule, does not include Cost if none are specified.
Slope callout, when selecting two spot elevations for a ratio slope, additional logic dictates rounding of value.
Deactivate/Reactivate project, data lock is set correctly when dealing with current project.
Deactivated projects behave differently -- dialog box controls are deactivated, preventing any changes.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, with names stacked, and Upper Case option selected, bottom name is correctly cased.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, rotors with nozzle number outside of symbol, nozzle number appears correctly for multi-line attributes.
Place Detail, Update Details, Save Detail, support attributes of DRAWNBY and CHECKEDBY.
Working with RefNote Length items, when selecting an object in an Xref, extraneous prompts removed.
Update 13.22
February 10, 2017
New Flow Zone, returns to previous layer upon completion.
New Flow Zone, Place Schematic Area, with AutoCAD 2017, flow text is placed at geometric center if possible.
Block Selection dialog, FX-dialog text style used for button position is not deleted after use.
Insert Detail Template, Metric scales of 1:200 and 1:250 added to list.
Project Manager, Sheet Index, SheetSet integration, additional values added to tag list.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, single length dripline will not cause missing block warning.
HotFix: Verify Mainline, pipe sleeves that are labeled on their secondary linework will not be mistakenly highlighted as not called out.
Size Mainline, metric plans with a water meter will not fire repeated database lookups for pressure loss.
Update 13.21
January 30, 2017
Dimensioning buttons, correctly apply DIMDSEP setting from saved dimstyle.
HotFix: Pipe Data, after deleting a non-primary class of pipe, navigating away and back, does not generate error.
Pipe Data, on dialog startup, deletes errant local data records.
Update 13.20
January 26, 2017
Support for AutoCAD 2012 and below discontinued.
Verify Mainline, correctly highlights pipe sleeves with solid fill as not called out.
Size Mainline, revised dialog box.
OpenDCL library set to load on startup.
Verify RefNote Callouts, if RefNote has been removed from project, callout attribute is blanked out.
HotFix: Pipe Data, switching from Lateral tab to Mainline, alternate class of pipe is correctly refreshed.
Update 13.19
January 20, 2017
HotFix: Pipe Data, Layer button correctly updates layer in Preferences.
HotFix: Pipe Data, extraneous Pipe Sleeve records are deleted if necessary when editing defaults.
Update 13.18
January 19, 2017
Pipe Sleeve, respects Orthomode.
Plant Shadows, will not rotate color vine blocks.
Size Lateral Pipe, sizing laterals for all valves, new dialog box allows setting parameters.
Pipe Data, new projects pull all defined classes from preference defaults, rather than just the primary.
HotFix: Size Mainline, having VIH Rotors in project will not generate error.
Update 13.17
January 17, 2017
HotFix: Irrigation Manager, when docked as a palette, adding equipment which requires selecting a symbol will not generate error.
HotFix: Irrigation Manager, adding a Booster Pump or Other equipment will not generate error.
New Flow Zone, dialog box displays calculated pipe size for entered flow.
Update 13.16
January 13, 2017
HotFix: Placing POC from Source Data dialog, modal dialog behavior corrected for both manager and palette.
Detail Manager, Import, selecting a detail that is already in the current project will not add it a second time.
Update 13.15
January 12, 2017
Irrigation Manager, dialog box converted to OpenDCL, with dockable palette.
Concept Graphics, legacy layer names hard-coded for compatibility when applying truecolor.
Irrigation helper functions, coverage layers hard-coded for compatibility with mismatched preference sets.
HotFix: Clicking View Data, then selecting Mainline, then clicking Pipe Data, will not generate error.
New Project, basing project on template, RefNote User Field values are correctly copied.
Update 13.14
January 9, 2017
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, single length Dripline will not be mistakenly duplicated.
Update 13.13
January 4, 2017
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipe, selecting Valve Callout to size a valve will not generate error.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipe, sizing all valves, valves previously independently sized with spot elevation values will not generate error.
Update 13.12
January 3, 2017
Irrigation Manager, pre-loads OpenDCL library for better compatibility with AutoCAD versions 2014 and 2013.
HotFix: Drawing single-length Dripline, C keyboard option will not generate error.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipe, will not mistakenly overwrite Valve to POC elevation.
HotFix: Valve Schedule, re-geneating existing schedule with Elevations, columns render correctly.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipe, manually entered head elevation is correctly registered.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, selecting a Work Area will not cause subsequent irrigation functions to limited to same work area.
Irrigation Schedule, will not include Non-plot Caps.
Place Quick Coupler valve, toggles OSnap off during placement.
Plant Schedule, Groundcovers set to a flat count but lacking a spacing are displayed as an area quantity.
Placing non-plot system monitor cap, does not prompt for flow and pressure.
Update 13.11
December 22, 2016
HotFix: Pipe Data, additional logic to account for mismatched pipe data records.
Update 13.10
December 16, 2016
Last update available for AutoCAD versions 2012 and below.
BatchMan, Change Layer Names and Colors, additional error handling for layer name matching.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipe, Spot Elevation checkbox, compatible with Dripline areas.
HotFix: Size Mainline, additional error handling in revised PSI loss lookup function, to avoid error when equipment missing from project.
Update, OpenDCL library reloading switched to project unloading.
Update 13.09
December 15, 2016
Valve Schedule, Pressure Required at POC, with a looped mainline, value matches Critical Analysis with highest pressure demands.
Verify Laterals, dialog box allows highlighting each type of validation.
Pipe Data, Sleeves allow up to four different classes, and have five different visual styles.
Update 13.08
December 13, 2016
Edit Plant, editing a Shrub Area, additional error handling for missing polyline layer assignment.
HotFix: Labeling a Pipe Sleeve will not generate error.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipes, Spot Elevations checkbox will not generate error due to missing pipe handles.
HotFix: Size Mainline Pipes, PSI loss is correctly calculated for Backflow Devices without embedded data.
HotFix: Pipe Sleeve, sleeve types 2-4 are correctly marked as such.
Update 13.07
December 12, 2016
HotFix: Pipe Data, changing class of pipe sleeve with local data will not result in an error on save.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipes, call to common pipe helper function compatible with local data.
Update 13.06
December 12, 2016
Pipe Data screen, allows up to 9 types of Lateral and 6 types of Mainline; Pipe Size dialog re-engineered, legacy pipe size function archived as PIPESIZEOLD; all helper functions relating to Pipe updated and optimized.
HotFix: Draw Spline command, will not generate error.
HotFix: Grading Manager, with legacy style spot elevations in drawing, will not generate error.
Irrigation Schedule, Drip Emitter areas will not display emitter quantities if Quantity option is unchecked.
Preferences, Edit Layer, color 0 displays as ByLayer, color 7 correctly saves with local data.
Update 13.05
November 14, 2016
HotFix: Verify Lateral Pipes, will not mistakenly highlight all valves with a circular pipe error.
Update 13.04
November 11, 2016
Spot Elevation, automatically placed callouts into Inch and Millimeter plans do not derive their numerical precision from the units setting.
Viewport Scale, Rescale Objects option, resets pipe offset from irrigation equipment.
HotFix: Valve Schedule, PSI @ POC column will not generate error in a metric plan.
Internal helper functions created to simplify logic of identifying irrigation pipe.
Update 13.03
November 7, 2016
Leader with Text, right-click options added to pick arrow, frame, mask options; Detail leader with text defaults to no mask; mask option defaults to last used.
Highlight Station, when highlighting Mainline, pipe dead-ends with Drip areas will not mistakenly highlight drip area as connected.
Drip Emitter Area, flow calculations will not mistakenly count mainline dead-ends the same as laterals.
Draw Mainline Pipe, will not mistakenly connect to Lateral fittings.
Station Monitor added as optional type of Irrigation Cap.
Update 13.02
October 31, 2016
Slope callout, upgraded to a smaller callout, supports slope ratios.
Grading Manager, Grading Legend, compatible with new slope callout and spot elevations.
HotFix: Lighting Manager, with Default preferences, lighting columns are correctly saved.
Update 13.01
October 25, 2016
Place Tree/Shrub, keyboard option L added to Label recently placed plants.
HotFix: Grading Manager, correctly reads in Spot Elevation values from MLeaders; Place button places MLeader style spot elevation.
Update 13.00
October 18, 2016
Spot Elevation and Slope dialogs, help documents linked.
Keyboard command created for legacy Spot Elevation callouts: fx_OldSpotElevation
Update 12.85
October 17, 2016
Verify Plant Labels, additional error handling and exit alerts for locked layers.
Spot Elevation, switched to MLeader callout with improved dialog for specifying Slope.
Startup, exit condition added for Cloud Data encountering server-side error.
Update 12.80
September 30, 2016
Plant Labeling, supports attribute tag of ^REMARKS^ for upper-case.
Support for F/X CAD 2017 added.
Update 12.72
September 29, 2016
HotFix: Update, validation of menu location, incorrect function call corrected.
Update 12.71
September 28, 2016
Startup, support path validation, improved logic for removing errant menu path and adding correct one.
HotFix: Grading Schedule, Slope callout is included.
Schematic Irrigation areas, in metric plans, precip rates over 3.0 are assumed to be set in millimeters.
HotFix: Edit RefNote, if preview picture is missing, will not generate error.
HotFix: Escape handler, corrected unscoped local variable shadow for system variable CMDECHO.
Update 12.70
September 23, 2016
Plant Color Render, block Z scale set along with X and Y to retain uniform scaling.
Match Properties, for Irrigation equipment, when a destination object is first selected, subsequent window matches only that exact model and nozzle/size.
Match Properties, will not process destination blocks that have attributes.
Northing/Easting Schedule, values respect USERR3 setting for UCS.
Placing irrigation equipment/valves, compatible with masks defined via multiline attributes.
RefNote Manager, clicking Place for a Length item that is assigned a layer will create the layer if necessary, and fire PLINE command.
RefNotes, Length items, disregard Xref when assigning layer and calculating total; Schedule displays additional information when calculating for troubleshooting purposes.
Site Callouts, Area callout created.
Update 12.69
September 14, 2016
HotFix: Bubblers assigned symbols from emitter family library are placed with correct embedded data.
Update 12.68
September 13, 2016
HotFix: Drip Emitters assigned symbols from emitter family library are placed with correct embedded data.
Update 12.67
September 11, 2016
Common MLeader wrapper function, toggles system variables ATTREQ and ATTDIA as necessary.
HotFix: Adding irrigation equipment to project, checking for symbols in use will not generate error.
Update 12.66
September 2, 2016
Detail Enlargement, re-engineered to automate the process of copying, enlarging, and trimming the source linework.
Drip Emitters and Bubblers, symbols organized into selectable families.
Common MLeader wrapper function, restores SnapMode to last user preference.
Update 12.65
August 29, 2016
HotFix: Generating a RefNote Schedule with the Renumber option, and the Palette docked, palette will be refreshed.
HotFix: Placing a RefNote with local data and MLeader style callouts, database connection will not be mistakenly closed.
Update 12.64
August 26, 2016
General Preferences, editing Layers, description includes default layer name and color.
Project number validation, hash sign added to illegal character list.
Reference Notes (RefNotes) are now placed as Multileaders (MLeaders).
Irrigation Manager, adding equipment to project, simplified abort logic, especially regarding multiple models with different performance data.
Update 12.63
August 23, 2016
Drawing shutdown reactor, license release simplified.
New Project, disallows illegal file characters in project number.
Update 12.62
August 19, 2016
RefNote callouts, support work area layer suffix.
License validation, with local licensing, license mismatch check will always display regardless of license lock date.
All schedules, exporting to CSV file, support inch marks in text fields.
Irrigation heads placed on different layers depending on type of equipment.
Alphanumeric plant symbols, code placed on unique layer.
Plant Labels, Groundcover and Shrub Area labels are placed on unique layers.
Update 12.61
August 12, 2016
Verify Plant Labels, only turns Lineweights on if there is something highlighted.
Startup, error handling for missing vlr functions.
Leaders with Text, switched to MLeaders.
Cloud Licensing, locks the lowest possible license; license automatically release at 24:00 Pacific Time; licenses automatically downgrade if possible.
Update 12.60
August 5, 2016
HotFix: Save Detail Block, errant function name corrected.
Update 12.59
August 4, 2016
Legacy common helper functions, renamed to avoid namespace collision.
Update 12.58
August 2, 2016
Irrigation Preferences, Spray Family ordering uses hard-coded case statement rather than direct record order for sorting.
Plant Schedule, ignores current setting for work area layer suffix when placing hatches.
Concept Manager, Import concept design group, imported plants will retain their same Code from the source project regardless of Preference setting.
Update 12.57
August 1, 2016
SnapTo command renamed to Xhair angle.
Placing plant blocks, if shadow colors are configured to be translated to different colors, layers are not mistakenly turned on during insertion.
Place irrigation equipment, attribute values have leading and trailing spaces trimmed.
HotFix: Internal pipe data lookup function, accounts for errant lookup code.
Document shutdown reactor, validates document count before closing session.
License validation, with local licensing, license expiration notice will not repeat after restarting session.
Place head, sprinkler symbol placed on layer 0 within combined block.
HotFix: Irrigation Manager, placing Area for Drip Emitters, system does not prompt to select an emitter.
HotFix: Photo Callout, selecting a Concept Viewpoint, viewpoint number is correctly displayed.
Copy Along Polyline, Vines are rotated align with polyline segment.
Plant Schedule, output to a table with centimeter units, hatches are scaled correctly.
Update 12.56
July 18, 2016
HotFix: Reading of cached pressure loss data will not mistakenly use data for the previous size of same equipment.
Update 12.55
July 10, 2016
HotFix: Plant Manager, with cloud data, editing a plant with multiple container sizes, inch marks in the size will not prevent plant from being recognized.
Update 12.53
July 7, 2016
Size Mainline, View Data, pipe that has been manually moved to a different class layer is converted to that class.
HotFix: Placing equipment from Irrigation Manager, list of available size/nozzle options will not mistakenly skip the first entry.
Plant Palette, placing a plant that no longer exists in the local database, uses palette setting of plant group when reassociating.
Highlight Station, Colorize option, Schematic Areas are not colorized.
Editing a Groundcover, entering double quotes to indicate inches will not result in spacing being erased.
Irrigation Manager, adding 10 or more items of the same type of equipment will assign the correct block filename.
Irrigation Schedule, Area for Drip Emitters, emitter count is correctly adjusted for hatch areas.
Save Detail, number slider widens with dialog.
Mainline Break, breaking mainline class 2 or 3 will not mistakenly place on primary class layer.
Move Piped Equipment, if pipe segment is mainline that has been broken, segment is restored to a single segment.
General Preferences, when cloud data is unable to access, exits without an error.
Startup, logic for checking for updated version simplified, using common file date comparison function.
Common function to look up pressure loss for equipment, revised logic to prefer cached session data and local data files for improved performance.
HotFix: Projects, Backup project with details, standard details saved with full hierarchy are correctly backed up.
Update 12.52
June 24, 2016
HotFix: Command-line tool REDEFINEBLOCK, missing block message will not generate error.
HotFix: Viewport Scale, Rescale Objects option, applies to Lighting fixtures.
Block Data, selecting a label for a Concept plant, fires Convert Concept Plant.
License Management Screen, Cloud Licensing users are able to allocate licenses with plus/minus buttons.
Plant Preferences, after changing plant Code, if Palette is docked it is refreshed.
HotFix: With docked palettes, opening a file with a project number that is not in current database will not generate error.
Command line helper tool LOCATEVALVE created.
Irrigation Manager, Place button, if Show Components option is unchecked, system prompts to select which size/nozzle to place.
Place Head, pre-defines Callout Light font.
HotFix: Adding plants to project, code preference of GS is respected when no existing plants of default value are in the project.
Schematic Irrigation, precip rates entered in millimeters are saved in native units.
Update 12.51
May 18, 2016
Additional Metric scales of 1:3000 and 1:4000 added.
Site Color palette, clicking layer on/off buttons with no project active will not generate error.
Update 12.50
May 6, 2016
HotFix: Project Manager, requery of sheet list uses private variable to avoid namespace collision.
HotFix: Plant Manager, Photo button, plant without a Botanical name will not generate error.
HotFix: Detail Palette, selecting a detail, with a SheetSet active, sheet validation will not generate error.
HotFix: Verify Plant Labels, restoring of unassociated plant label to multiple ground cover areas, will not generate error.
New Site Amenity, revised dialog box streamlines the selection of category and manufacturer.
Workstation Installer, checks existing install.xml file for cloud data setting; legacy cuix files under Landfx folder are removed.
Update 12.46
May 4, 2016
HotFix: Detail Manager, Replace detail, will not mistakenly alter file number attribute of unaffiliated details.
HotFix: Common place block function, Q/E keys to cycle blocks will correctly reset rotation setting.
HotFix: Circuit, Schedule, flow total for metric plans reflects preference setting.
HotFix: RefNote block that has been edited or malformed will not generate error with attribute position calculation.
HotFix: Adding a Custom Bubbler to the project, schedule symbol is correctly assigned.
HotFix: Copy Along Arc, when creating a clockwise arc, subsequent Line segments set end point correctly.
HotFix: Runtime Schedule, additional error handling for valve with unknown precip rate.
HotFix: Place plants, paint mode, compatible with a rotated UCS.
Place palnts, Paint mode, cursor position requirements relaxed for faster response.
Detail Palette, Delete detail, if placed detail has recently been deleted, prompt will not indicate it has been placed.
Detail Palette, highlighted detail is selected in paperspace.
RefNote Manager, Edit RefNote, dialog refreshes after editing.
Copy Along Line/Arc, Enter/Space exits current operation.
Adding plants, new plant names have leading spaces trimmed.
Edit Detail, supports selecting a RefNote that has been assigned a detail.
Update 12.45
April 20, 2016
HotFix: Copy Heads Along Polyline, Polyline cleanup operation will not generate error.
Command line helper REDEFINEBLOCK, supports selecting a dynamic block.
HotFix: Planting and Irrigation calls to display a toolbar corrected.
Update 12.44
April 19, 2016
HotFix: Common function InsidePline name spelling corrected.
Update 12.43
April 18, 2016
HotFix: Draw Spline, function restored.
HotFix: Detail Explorer, Print details, correctly recurses Standard details.
HotFix: Assign sheet double click validation.
HotFix: RefNote requery, invalid division validation.
FXREF, command redefinition performance improved; supports non-English installs.
Multiple helper functions renamed to avoid namespace collision.
Update 12.42
April 14, 2016
Verify Plant Labels, reassigning of dead labels, leaders with no arrow (placed as polylines) will not result in only one plant reassigned to each label.
HotFix: Block Data, selecting a generic block to convert to a RefNote, RefNote dialog correctly defaults to Amenity, and does not generate error on close.
RedefineBlock keyboard command, recurses all block folders as necessary.
Update 12.41
April 12, 2016
Plant Info, editing a plant with Plant Palette docked, palette is refreshed after editing.
New RefNote, improved logic with number validation to avoid conflict with legacy key.
Work Area, layer suffix, layer duplication will not cause duplicately owned dictionary warnings.
Place Shrub Area, bounding line supports work area layer suffix.
Match Plant, supports selecting a hatch.
HotFix: Valve Schedule, Colorize zones, Area for Drip Emitters will not generate error with local data.
Match Plant, supports selecting a RefNote, site callout, or detail callout.
Update 12.40
March 31, 2016
Match Head, Place Head keyboard commands, support Toro Precision additional arcs.
Plant Label, blocks with multi-line attributes or text masks support work area scales.
Valve Schedule, Colorize zones, also colorizes drip hatches.
HotFix: Concept Plant Manager, editing plant fill percentages, values are correctly saved.
HotFix: Detail Preferences, Keynote Callouts button will not generate error.
Grading Manager, functionality restored to edit Spot Elevation and Slope text (note this only applies to newly created entries).
Workstation installer, supports AutoCAD 2017.
Update 12.39
March 28, 2016
HotFix: Placing Shrub Area, RefNote Area, Drip Area, layer suffix validation will not generate error.
Update 12.38
March 28, 2016
HotFix: Place Rotor, Q/E functionality restored for cloud data users.
Plant Photo Callout, supports selecting the hatch of a Shrub Area.
Photo Callout, drop shadow created without using command calls.
Common Place Hatch function, Stipple and Solid hatch patterns support work area suffix.
HotFix: Grading Manager, Schedule button functionality restored.
HotFix: Lighting, Grading, Site Amenities, Zoning, Site Development, users with AutoCAD 2014 and lower will not receive error without OpenDCL library loaded.
HotFix: Verify Plant Labels, reassociating of dead label, will not generate error if label has been transplanted without its leader.
HotFix: Detail Manager, clicking on preview will not generate error.
Update 12.37
March 24, 2016
Plant Manager, defaults to last dock status.
RefNote, callout block creation, screen fill and drop shadow are created without using command calls.
Internal function to determine AutoCAD version, compatible with AutoCAD 2017.
Match Properties, improved processing of RefNote blocks when windowing a selection.
RefNote Manager, revised dialog box that is dockable.
Update 12.36
March 17, 2016
Program load, system variable checking moved to after license validation for F/X CAD users.
Verify Plant Labels, attempts to reassociate labels that have been disassociated from their plants.
Verify Plant Labels, no longer performs a silent Verify RefNotes.
HotFix: Detail Explorer, displays the projects a detail is a member of.
Update 12.35
March 10, 2016
HotFix: New Concept Plant, timecode key generation with local data will not generate error.
Common helper function to zoom to area, for zero distance areas, zooms Center rather than Extents.
Update 12.34
March 8, 2016
HotFix: New RefNote, timecode key generation with local data will not generate error.
Update 12.33
March 8, 2016
New Work Area, allows pressing Enter to close dialog.
Place hatch area, if no object is selected with first click, automatically fires Draw option.
Sheet Index, new sheet internal key number generated randomly rather than incrementing from 1.
SketchUp Connection, Export design to SketchUp, ignores objects on frozen layers.
Place Plant, Shotgun mode, right clicking to end rotation respects crosshair angle.
Set Scale, does not prompt to select work areas within an xref.
Update 12.32
March 7, 2016
HotFix: Detail Callout, with local data, selecting detail will not mistakenly close database connection.
Command line shortcut NEWFLOWZONE created.
Update 12.31
March 4, 2016
Detail Manager, revised dialog box with dockable palette.
RefNotes, revised Import dialog box shows full width of note.
HotFix: Verify RefNotes, RefNote objects/hatches that have been switched to Notation will not generate error.
Update 12.30
February 26, 2016
HotFix: Placing Schematic Irrigation Areas, polylines with arcs are decurved.
HotFix: Size Mainline, valves not piped to lateral pipe, and without drip or schematic areas, will not generate error.
Update 12.29
February 25, 2016
HotFix: Update Detail Callouts, checking for Detail Palette without OpenDCL library loaded will not generate error.
HotFix: Flow Total, with cloud data, point of connection and valve estimate correctly shows up.
Concept Graphics, Concept Line, selecting an Indexed color will not generate error when placing arrow.
Planting Preferences, changing plant label style in drawing without plant labels will not mistakenly fire Verify RefNotes.
Size Lateral Pipes, Verify Laterals, Highlight Station all recognize a valve without lateral pipe inside a drip area or Schematic area as being connected to that area.
Plant Label, Snap Mode setting stored in global variable, and is automatically toggled as necessary.
Reactivate command-line helper function, when set to cloud data, will not mistakenly remove cloud data setting.
Placing Drip areas, hatch respects unique layer setting.
Update 12.28
February 23, 2016
Triangular Array, revised angular calculations to align rows at desired angle.
HotFix: Project Manager, changing detail folder with cloud data, checking for existing details will not generate error.
Irrigation Manager, setting a detail for equipment, detail list is not mistakenly filled with previous results when specified target CSI division is missing.
HotFix: Detail Explorer, drag and drop of detail to project detail folder, preference setting of details copying to project folder will not cause detail to be duplicated.
HotFix: With Plant Colorization turned on, editing a plant without a color assigned will not generate error.
Enterprise command, also allows switching to cloud data.
New Viewport, supports storing work areas in a separate xref; undo marker added.
Support for legacy project detail folder discontinued.
Startup, ANGDIR system variable set to Counter-clockwise as necessary.
Photo Callout, search engine changed to DuckDuckGo.
Update 12.27
February 15, 2016
RefNotes, editing an item will immediately update embedded data in drawing.
Startup, Verify RefNotes, redefintion of pre-8.20 metric callouts discontinued.
Editing RefNotes, revised updating of callouts when processing a number change.
HotFix: Verify RefNotes, callout will not be mistakenly tagged as object.
HotFix: Detail Callout, placing callout within a detail, with cloud data, Detail in Project display correctly.
Editing RefNotes, number validation occurs after all other, allowing option to increment existing notes for a number conflict.
Match Properties, when user changes RefNote objects that are called out, callouts are updated.
Update 12.26
February 15, 2016
HotFix: Common place hatch function, M option for Multiple boundaries, will not generate error.
Update 12.25
February 12, 2016
HotFix: Place head, rotating a numeric style symbol will not generate error.
HotFix: Delete Station, preloads OpenDCL library.
Work Area, Layer Suffix, supported by place plant, plant label, place block, place hatch, place head, draw pipe.
Update 12.24
February 11, 2016
Plant Label, better toggling of SnapMode between selecting plants and placing labels; SnapMode is turned off when labeling completes.
HotFix: Placing a RefNote, with local data and a note longer than 250 characters, will not generate error.
New Work Area, new dialog box in preparation of setting for layer suffix.
HotFix: Verify RefNotes, will not mistakenly disassociate schematic irrigation areas.
Update 12.23
February 5, 2016
HotFix: Startup, Verify RefNotes, will not prompt to select work area.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, drip emitter areas without emitters assigned will not generate error.
Plant Colorization, also processes RefNote Areas.
Common block placement function, support for rotation of Vines restored.
HotFix: Save Detail, with cloud data, project folder populates correctly.
Detail Callout, RefNote option, code simplified, metric scaling in modelspace corrected.
Update 12.22
February 2, 2016
HotFix: Verify Site Callouts, when renumbering RefNotes, will not mistakenly disassociate some callouts.
Update 12.21
February 1, 2016
HotFix: Startup, RefNote validation will not hang indefinitely when processing pointers to callouts.
Update 12.20
January 30, 2016
Irrigation Schedule, for Drip Emitter Areas, includes quantities of emitters.
HotFix: Rescale Objects, with local data, heads will not mistakenly be assigned incorrect symbol.
Common block insertion function, streamlined logic for layer color conversion.
Block selection dialog, when placing generic blocks, pressing Q/E to cycle through blocks, rotation status is updated as necessary.
Update 12.19
January 26, 2016
HotFix: RefNotes, placing a Length item to choose layer, compatible with timecode generated key numbers.
Drawing status indicator, helper function created to simplify code.
HotFix: Editing irrigation equipment, with cloud data, changing description for spray heads will not reset symbol.
HotFix: Irrigation Schematic Areas, flow indicator compatible with embedded data.
Copy Head Along Polyline, additional correction for a rotated UCS.
BatchMan, Script file capability discontinued.
Internal function to display a web page, function renamed to avoid namespace collision.
Site Amenities, web pages and content moved to SSL.
Update 12.18
January 25, 2016
HotFix: Length RefNote callouts will not mistakenly use key number, or mistakenly saved with empty embedded data.
Update 12.17
January 24, 2016
RefNotes and related objects, embed full data into drawing.
HotFix: fxCAD, command redefinition moved to initial startup to avoid error during update.
HotFix: Projects, Save As Template, with cloud data, allows overwriting a template of the same name.
Startup, if a drawing is marked as Read-only, system will not update Details, Detail Callouts, or RefNotes.
Text Manager, New text style, checking for existing style name done with lookup variable rather than database call.
RefNote Schedule, regenerating multiple schedules in a metric drawing, schedules are scaled correctly.
Plant Mirror, supports Site Amenities.
Verify RefNotes, revised for improved functionality with callouts with embedded data.
Placing RefNote objects, drawing status is flagged that it includes RefNotes.
Update 12.16
January 16, 2016
HotFix: Editing Plants, selecting a different container size that differs only in case, plant will not be mistakenly deleted.
HotFix: Common lookup function for detail reference in all schedules, empty detail reference will not list a hyphen.
Match Properties, changing Valve or Pipe that is called out, callout is updated as necessary.
Delete Station, when deleting a valve piped to mainline, improved logic for reconnecting pipe segments.
Delete Station, new and improved dialog box, that remembers last selection.
Concept Plant Schedule, with only Shrub Areas in the drawing, Size column will still appear.
HotFix: Place Cap from Existing, all nonplot linework will not generate error.
FXREF, initial release.
Update 12.15
January 12, 2016
HotFix: Detail Manager, browsing standard details with merged cloud details, dividing line will not generate error.
HotFix: Plot Scale, Rescale objects option, with cloud data, irrigation heads are correctly rescaled.
HotFix: Detail Manager, out of scope local variable will not generate error after saving detail.
HotFix: Plant Shotgun, cirlce layout, right click correctly positions primary plant.
Update 12.14
January 12, 2016
HotFix: RefNotes, with local data, creating a new note will not mistakenly use internal Key number for Display number.
Update 12.13
January 11, 2016
HotFix: Editing a valve that is called out, when changing its size, revised callout is correctly downloaded as necessary.
RefNotes, key number derived from microtime rather than incremental integer.
Detail Explorer, available cloud-based details are stored in a lookup variable to avoid repeated internet calls.
HotFix: Placing multiple Groundcovers with Stipple hatch, stipple marker will not be erroneously duplicated.
Detail Explorer, when viewing CSI detail categories, applicable FX cloud based standard and manufacturer details are merged.
HotFix: Watering Schedule, valves that have been disconnected from their emitters will not generate error with Individual Days option.
HotFix: Detail Manager, adding a detail immediately after browsing and selecting a different detail, correct detail is added to project.
Support for AutoCAD 2010 discontinued.
Update 12.12
January 4, 2016
HotFix: Adding a RefNote User Field with cloud data will not generate error.
Command-line helper tool SuperJoin created.
Common helper function created for all RefNote processing, to be compatible with embedded data.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, with cloud data, empty detail reference displays correctly.
Update 12.11
December 21, 2015
Plant Info dialog, Data window widened for better display of custom user fields.
Update 12.10
December 18, 2015
HotFix: Update, post update action will not generate error with cloud data.
HotFix: Saving a detail to a folder associated with a project, will not generate error with cloud data.
Projects, Restore project from LFX file, uploading to cloud data, successive uploads with Internet Explorer 10 or higher will not generate security exception.
Plant editing, # character in new container size will not get translated to %23 with cloud data.
HotFix: Placing MP Rotaries, Q/E functionality for toggling Strip nozzles restored.
Plant Data, Plant Schedule, support custom user fields.
Update 12.08
December 11, 2015
HotFix: Editing a RefNote with User Fields, available field value options compatible with Cloud Data.
Update, additional error handling when primary vlx file is unable to be downloaded.
Concept Plant Schedule, Size option respected for Trees/Shrubs.
HotFix: Plant Info, correctly saves Detail reference with Cloud Data.
HotFix: Repositioning plant labels in Paperspace, attribute offset corrected.
Move Piped Equipment, selection method optimized for pipe fittings restored.
Internal function to query pipe data sizes, accounts for errant setting of empty size.
Command line Xref helper function FXREF created, at initial beta test phase.
Update 12.07
December 7, 2015
HotFix: Irrigation Preferences, default preferences are ordered correctly.
Plant Label Group, repositioning labels that have been moved to Paperspace, compatible with a UCS.
Update 12.06
December 1, 2015
Internal helper function for determining whether polylines are within other polylines, matches if both polylines are identical.
Drip Emitter Areas, when calculating plant quantities for hatch areas, plants with embedded data will first look for updated Spacing in the database.
HotFix: Convert Concept Plant, ability to convert Shrub Areas, capability restored.
HotFix: Valve Callout, respects custom callout setting for Drip Control Valves.
HotFix: Saving a detail into a project detail folder, compatible with cloud data.
HotFix: Placing a detail onto a layout tab without a sheet assigned will not generate error.
Update 12.05
November 20, 2015
HotFix: Detail Preferences, option to add details references in callouts is not reversed.
Copy Along Line/Arc/Polyline, random variation of Dynamic blocks, avoids repeating same block sequentially.
Spot Elevation callout, Grid placement mode added.
Spot Elevation, trims trailing spaces from elevation identifer.
Save Block, marks color conversion status of user-created blocks; respects existing color conversion setting when editing blocks.
Schematic Irrigation, restoration of hard-coded defaults discontinued.
Update 12.04
November 18, 2015
HotFix: Project list, Save as Template and New project based on template, compatible with cloud data.
Verify Mainline, dialog box displays all verification results and allows selecting highlighting any issue.
Move Piped Equipment, allows selecting a pipe callout in addition to any piped equipment.
Place Equipment, placing auxiliary equipment such as Backflow directly onto existing mainline pipe will connect item.
Copy Head Along Polyline, improved logic for determing which direction to orient spray pattern, especially with a UCS.
Match Head, also works with Valves and Equipment.
Size Lateral Pipe, if valve has 0 flow, system will not label any pipe.
Update 12.03
November 13, 2015
Copy Along Arc, after drawing a clockwise arc, start point of next arc is from last block copied.
New UCS, selecting Y axis direction, angle comparison improved, especially for X axis angles of 0 and 180.
HotFix: Plant Manager, Copy plant, with same code, cloud data will not generate error.
HotFix: Place Head, placing Sprays, Q/E keys with cloud data will not generate error.
Plant Schedule, with Plant Data, data column titles respect schedule Uppercase setting.
Lighting Manager, selecting a block from the Power folder, correctly merges cloud-based blocks.
Update 12.02
November 4, 2015
Common place block function, layer color conversion, ignores objects on layer 0.
Match Properties, window selection will process objects from last single selection, not just the first single selection.
HotFix: Editing plants with color rendering turned on, changing code or size will not generate error.
Place Rotary, keyboard commands for nozzle switching corrected for Rain Bird rotaries.
Update 12.01
November 2, 2015
Plant Color Render, Shrub Areas are processed with Groundcovers, leaving their draw order beneath trees and shrubs.
Match Properties, windowing multiple plants after first selecting a representative one, compatible with embedded plant data.
HotFix: Editing a plant with color rendering turned on, edits not involving changing color symbol will not generate error.
Update 12.0
October 30, 2015
Edit Plant, if Colorization is turned on, defaults to that preview, and allows changing color symbol.
Verify Plant Labels, for hatch areas with embedded data, system queries database to confirm accurate quantity in cases where plant spacing was changed without the drawing open.
Update 11.96
October 29, 2015
Plant Label, labeling a hatch area, plants with embedded data query database to ensure correct spacing when plants are edited across multiple drawing files.
Update 11.95
October 28, 2015
Installer, Detail sub-folders of _Standard_ and FX are created, allowing Detail Manager to access cloud details without first opening Detail Explorer.
Cloud Licensing, if initial attempt to contact fails, streamlined procedure for trying again and/or aborting.
HotFix: Irrigation Manager, adding a Custom Drip Emitter to project will get assigned correct schedule symbol.
Copy Along Line/Arc, using Exact spacing, subsequent segments begin from last block rather than last cursor position.
Update 11.94
October 27, 2015
Draw Lateral Pipe, only allows piping to a Shut Off Valve if VIH Rotors are in the project.
Sketchup Connection, Importing design into AutoCAD, assigned blocks that have been purged out of drawing are reloaded.
HotFix: Plant area spacing override USERI4 setting restored for Metric drawings.
Update 11.93
October 17, 2015
Reading of install.xml, support for conversion of installation information before version 10.82 discontinued.
Startup validation, support for cloud data flag.
Workstation installer, Server installer, support for cloud data.
Verify Mainline, checks for whether a Controller has been placed. Allows continuing through all levels of verification. Blanks out orphaned Valve Callouts.
Cloud Licensing, if initial Internet query fails, prompts to try a second time.
HotFix: Runtime Schedule, assigning water application by valve type, selecting each valve type correctly refreshes display.
Update 11.92
October 1, 2015
Common helper function to query block metadata, Plan Graphics blocks default to manual rotation.
Nuke, additional error handling checks for extents beyond infinity.
Photo Callout, selecting a Concept Viewpoint, viewpoint number is displayed next to photo caption.
Site Color Palette, Layer On/Off buttons added.
Common block/hatch edit dialog, description is converted to upper case only for hatches.
Common hatch selection dialog, display captions for hatches/colors in use correctly displays Site Development, Zoning, or Schematic Irrigation title.
RefNotes, placing Site Amenities, support Q/E keys to toggle through Dynamic blocks.
Irrigation Manager, adding multiple instances of Custom equipment in the same category will represent correctly on the schedule.
Startup, Update Detail Callouts, Edit Sheet, Assign Sheet, all process detail number/sheet changes in addition to Detail Manager initialization.
HotFix: Lighting Manager, Up/Down buttons correctly rearrange fixtures.
Edit RefNote, User Field requery, multiple database queries optimized.
Lighting Manager, New fixture, cancelling out of manufacturer selection does not default to Generic.
Plant Color Render, Hatch scaling corrected for Millimeter units.
Update 11.91
September 18, 2015
HotFix: Plant Color Render, missing Internet Explorer setting will not generate error.
Update 11.90
September 17, 2015
Common function to look up Work Area Title, legacy support for work areas before version 4.25 removed.
Plant Schedule, warnings about missing work area title, now occur only once, and only in combination with abort condition.
RefNote Schedule dialog box, correctly displays previously selected output.
Tech Support, additional error handling for out of process zip file creation.
Common Block Insertion function, layer validation, does not turn on Colorized layers.
Site Color Palette, turns on any applicable block color layers.
Runtime Schedule, Total Flow text corrected for metric flows.
Common Web Dialog, sets Internet Explorer browser compatibility mode to 11 Edge.
Place Generic Block, Q/E block cycling, pressing Q to a dynamic block will set to last visibility state; block name and/or state are echoed to command line.
Update 11.89
September 8, 2015
HotFix: Lighting Manager, editing a light fixture will not duplicate user field columns.
Plant Schedule, Density for metric plant areas, values less than 2 plants per square meter expressed to one decimal place of precision.
Common block insertion routines, scale block uniformly.
RefNotes, when in Grid view, Import, clicking Done will not generate error.
Save Block, selecting an existing Dynamic Block, correctly saves dynamic states.
Equip Info, editing a Shut Off Valve, changing valve status from Closed to Open correctly toggles cloud-based block.
Valve Schedule, sorting accounts for character prefix and leading zero.
Valve Schedule, Wire Lengths option, compatible with VIH Rotor plans.
Copy Along Line, optimized copying compatible with UCS.
Update 11.88
September 7, 2015
HotFix: Update, checking menu version, legacy version higher in support path will not mistakenly fire update notification.
Update, menu version checking, confirmation added to notification.
Update 11.87
September 4, 2015
HotFix: Concept Plants, importing a design group, name validation will not generate error.
HotFix: Concept Plant Manager, Delete design group, Yes/No action not reversed for local data.
HotFix: Block Data, Convert Concept Plant, concept group without member plants will not alert user of missing concept data.
Save Block, selecting an existing block compatible with Dynamic Blocks.
Block Data, converting existing block to RefNote, compatible with Dynamic Blocks.
Copy Along Line, Copy Along Arc, revised block placement for better performance.
Copy Along Line, Arc, Polyline, Random rotation option added; automatically cycle randomly through Dynamic Blocks.
Generic Blocks, Q/E keys allow cycling through blocks list and Dynamic Block states.
Concept Plants, editing Shrub Area, changing Linetype changes linetype layer.
Update, alerts if CUI needs updating.
Update 11.86
September 2, 2015
Concept Plant Schedule, member plants within an Area that are set to 33% fill, are calculated at 33.333_%.
HotFix: Saving a project as a template, or basing a project from a template, will not generate error.
HotFix: Deleting a plant from a Concept group, will not generate error.
Update 11.85
September 2, 2015
Cloud-based data, at initial operating capability.
Save Block, existing block of same name will not cause command to fail.
Placing Groudcover, Exclude Shrubs option, Concept plants within area will not generate error.
Place Head, spray pattern creation for End Strips simplified.
Common plant data lookup function, standardized return for Concept plants.
Concept Plants, Code derived from micro-seconds rather than incremental for each project.
HotFix: Plant Preferences, changing label arrow setting will not generate error.
Concept Plant Manager, all database calls upgraded, standardized, and optimized; anciliary dialog boxes switched to OpenDCL.
Concept Plant Manager, removing a plant from a design group no longer removes it from project.
Concept Plant Manager, Import option re-engineered for fewer database calls, better performance, and increased data consistency.
New Project, basing project on Template, database calls standardized and optimized.
Plant Preferences, Open Label Files, downloads missing callout blocks as necessary.
Plant Label Group, repositioning label with leader extension, accounts for floating point irregularity comparing points.
Tech Support, creation of Zip file, uses alternate command delay for better compatibility with AutoCAD 2015 and greater.
Update 11.84
August 30, 2015
HotFix: Plant Outlines, checking for generic cloud-based blocks will not generate error.
HotFix: Command line Reactivate function, Cloud licensing will not generate error.
Common plant data lookup function, extended for use with concept plants.
Match Properties, legacy code for reassigning orphaned concept plants discontinued.
Block Data, Convert Concept Plant, prompt order rearranged to show Plant Info dialog before selection prompt; revised handling of plant data using code as key field rather than name.
HotFix: Irrigation Preferences, saving changes will not generate error.
Update 11.83
August 28, 2015
Place Bubbler/Emitter, Q/E keyboard commands cycle through available nozzles.
Preferences, Save logic simplified and standardized.
HotFix: Preferences, querying licenses in use with Cloud Licensing will not generate error.
Plant Schedule, regenerating schedule associated with a work area, if work area title has been erased, will not generate error.
Plant Outlines, Generic block support, accounts for cloud-based block naming.
Detail Preferences, detail format width and height saved in native units.
Update 11.82
August 26, 2015
Plant Info, setting the Flat count for a Groundcover to empty will not generate error.
Irrigation Manager, Import equipment from another project, correctly checks for missing symbols.
Runtime Schedule, Save Program, logic simplified for better integration with cloud data.
Save Block, unit checking of block existing block, with drawing set to unitless, will not generate error.
Common Web Page dialog, updated to OpenDCL 8.0 to avoid namespace collision.
Work Area in Xref support, custom scale of work area is correctly detected.
Projects screen, Restore, Import project from LFX file, clicking Cancel when prompted for project number will not generate error.
Support for Rain Bird NT Stream Sprays added.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, running on plants in Xref, with embedded plant data, a container size mismatch will not result in the the plant duplicately added to project.
Update 11.81
August 18, 2015
HotFix: Irrigation Manager, creating a custom Drip Emitter area will not generate error.
HotFix: Block Data, converting a block to a RefNote Amenity, block scale calculation will not generate error.
Common function to assemble list of Drip/Schematic areas, legacy support for areas drawn before version 5.58 discontinued.
Block Data, converting a generic block to a RefNote Amenity, blocks in drawing are tagged as Amenities rather than RefNote callouts.
Site Tools, Highlight, capability restored to highlight RefNote Amenities.
Plant Colorization, Concept plants have their draw order set correctly.
Place Groundcover, Exclude Shrubs option will not generate error if Concept Shrubs are within bounding polyline.
Strip Sprays, 1x1, 1x2, and 1x3 format patterns standardized.
Watering Schedule, Save operation optimized for fewer database calls.
Runtime Schedule, Summary chart generation, title does not require a separate database call.
Update 11.80
August 18, 2015
RefNotes, supports Amenity blocks set to Dimscale.
HotFix: Mainline Size, database connection check will not generate error.
Update 11.79
August 18, 2015
HotFix: Irrigation spray head type selection, database connection checking will not generate error.
Update 11.78
August 18, 2015
HotFix: Common Irrigation Lookup function, processing of cloud data parameters will not generate error.
Update 11.77
August 17, 2015
SheetSet integration, timestamp fields are not mistakenly identified as sheet numbers.
Save Block, allows selecting an existing block.
Block Data, allows converting a block in drawing to a RefNote Amenity.
Concept Plant Manager, editing a plant, Change Plant removed pending further functionality.
HotFix: Verify Plant Labels correctly updates labels with revisions to plants with embedded data.
HotFix: Editing a RefNote Amenity, block units for blocks drawn in units other than Inches are saved correctly.
HotFix: Drip Emitter Areas, assigning emitters to plants in Xref, container size lookup compatible with plants having embedded plant data.
Update 11.76
August 13, 2015
HotFix: editing an plant with an Alphanumeric block assignment will not generate error.
HotFix: drip emitter area flow calculation, assigning emitters to plants in the xref will not generate error.
Paint Mode, compatible with plants with embedded project data.
HotFix: Match Properties, selecting a plant without embedded data as source, and one with embedded data as destination will not result in errant zombie block.
Update 11.75
August 12, 2015
HotFix: placing an Alphanumeric plant symbol, code is correctly inserted into symbol.
HotFix: plants placed with local data will not have an errant additional integer added to their embedded data.
HotFix: labeling a Concept Shrub Area, quantity of area is correctly displayed.
RefNote lookup instances switched to common function, improved data integrity for division changes across multiple drawings.
Update 11.74
August 12, 2015
HotFix: Plant Schedule, Shrub Area quantity calculations will not generate error; Alphanumeric symbol lookup will not generate error.
Update 11.73
August 11, 2015
Add Plants to Project, Add from Project and Add from DWG buttons discontinued.
Irrigation, assigning plants to drip emitters, hatch plant spacing uses lookup variable to minimize database access.
Edit Plant, Remarks limited to 254 characters.
Highlight Plant, highlight logic streamlined for plants.
Planting, full plant data saved with each plant for data backup, and ability to Copy/Paste plants between drawings.
Plant Schedule, if regenerating multiple schedules, Costs are only queried from database once; Alphanumeric block scanning also perrformed only once.
Plant Schedule, adds plants to project that have been pasted from other drawings.
Edit Plant, adds plants to project that have been pasted from other drawings.
RefNote Manager, highlighting of current item after editing improved, particularly with CSI divisions and suffix numbers.
HotFix: RefNote Callout, calling out a Length item will not generate error.
Projects, Delete, does not prompt user for backup file location.
HotFix: Grading Manager, placing Northing/Easting points will not generate a database connection error; Points are able to have their descriptions edited.
Startup, validation of system variables, F/X CAD that have not checked out a license yet will not generate error.
Project Manager, saving of project name and description consolidated into single database operation.
Projects, Restore from LFX file, LFX files generated before version 7.0 no longer supported.
Common Export Project as LFX function, renamed to avoid namespace collision.
Update 11.72
August 4, 2015
New RefNote, logic for default callout simplified, giving precedence to last selected, then others in project.
Common text style activation function, defaults to Arial for empty font assignments.
Preferences, Save Dimstyle, reading of saved dimstyles optimized for less database access.
RefNotes, Importing from other projects, adjusting for conflict of existing suffix will not result in superfluous incrementing of key number.
Common function to query plant sizes, addition error handling for misordered data.
BatchMan, Layer Names and Colors option, moving objects to a new layer will not generate error.
BatchMan, Layer Names and Colors option, layer information is saved to Windows Registry instead of a local text file.
Plant Photo Callout, selecting a Concept plant with a single-character name will not generate error.
Grading, Northing/Easting Points, data scheme improved for better compatibility with RefNote system.
HotFix: Save Detail, Windowing multiple details to be saved will not generate error.
Block Data, RefNote Callout, RefNote Length operations consolidated and optimized.
Detail Manager, support for legacy system of details copied to project folder removed.
RefNotes, New, Edit, and Delete process modified for better data consistency.
Cloud-based project data, at initial operating capability across planting, details, and refnotes.
Update 11.71
August 4, 2015
Verify Mainline, does not highlight Check Valves as being unconnected to mainline.
HotFix: Selecting a Dripline hatch, custom hatch patterns are available for selection.
Preferences, reading of Block Layer color changes, accounts for missing color assignments.
Verify Mainline, Filtration equipment not highlighted as unpiped if connected to Lateral pipe.
RefNote Schedule, divisions SD and ZA are not excluded.
Save Hatch, additional validation of hatch description; prompts to overwrite existing pattern of same name.
F/X CAD, Release License button enabled with updated AutoCAD interconnect library.
Detail Callout, placing callout with associated RefNote into Metric Paperspace, RefNote block is scaled correctly.
Update 11.70
July 30, 2015
HotFix: Plant label with attribute tag of "Common Name" will not generate error.
Update 11.69
July 29, 2015
Common database connection function, additional error handling for missing server name.
Layer States, downloads Cloud-based content.
Insert Detail Template, downloads default layer state template as necessary.
Installer, Layer State files removed.
HotFix: Site Color, switching to a document without a project associated will not generate error.
Common Text Style creation function, downloads SHX font files as necessary.
Default installation, set to check for updates once a week.
Plant Label system, allows concatenating any two values into a single attribute.
Site Hatch, Truecolor library, capable of downloading additional Cloud-based color libraries.
Site Hatch, Truecolors are able to be edited.
Truecolor hatch selection, Concept Graphic truecolor selection, Truecolors with only Red values are displayed correctly.
Truecolor hatch selection, allows adding new colors to library.
Projects screen, Restore, Import Project, symbol field automatically increased as necessary.
Update 11.68
July 24, 2015
HotFix: LANDFXANNO command, correctly turns Off annotative scaling.
Command line helper function LANDFXRIBBON created.
RefNotes, placing Amenities, determination of block scale made consistent for generic and manufacturer blocks.
HotFix: Projects, Backup, Archive to, will not generate error.
Site Color tool, initial release. See our Get the Latest Land F/X Ribbons page for the latest toolbar and ribbon.
Update 11.67
July 20, 2015
HotFix: Detail Manager, adding a detail to project, capability restored.
Update 11.66
July 17, 2015
New Sheet, simplified logic to avoid newly created sheet being assigned ID number of recently deleted sheet.
HotFix: Projects screen, projects with alphabetic project numbers are not displayed as Templates.
Plant Sizes, improved logic to sort sizes numerically, especially decimal values less than 1.
HotFix: Detail Callout, database connection will not be mistakenly closed.
Common Block Size calculator, calculates shub blocks named VINE-05 by their width.
Place Detail, support for legacy detail folder organization removed.
Edit Detail, support for legacy detail folder organization removed.
Detail Callouts, database marker better accounts for detail changes across multiple sheets.
HotFix: Plant Manager, Importing plants from another project, selecting dividing line between categories will not generate error.
Plant Manager, keyboard event handler added, allowing using arrow and enter keys to select and place plants.
Plant Copy Along Arc, hovering over midpoint will not generate error.
Update 11.65
July 13, 2015
Helper function for determining if a point is within a polyline, processes all points at 0 Z elevation.
HotFix: Planting Preferences, Open Label Files and/or changing plant callout will not generate erroneous missing block message.
Zoning Schedule, Table option disabled.
HotFix: Plant Label Group, moving a leader with an extension line, compatible with UCS.
Save Detail, additional error handling to account for manually edited detail file number.
HotFix: Concept Plant Manager, editing Groundcover plant, changing container size will not generate error.
Place Rotor/Impact, Q/E keys toggle nozzles that consist only of alphabetic characters.
Project selection dialog, query optimized, templates sorted by name.
Update 11.64
July 8, 2015
Common plant data lookup function created for better compatibility with cloud-based data and clipboard-compatible plants.
All plant data functions, support for cloud-based data, at alpha testing.
Plant Label system, supports combined Quantity and Code single attribute.
HotFix: Planting Preferences, Open Label Files button, compatible with cloud-based block naming.
Update 11.63
July 8, 2015
HotFix: Plant Info dialog, Change Plant button, selecting a plant with a different width will correctly update in both drawing and database.
HotFix: Discipline Graphic Callouts, compatible with cloud-based block naming.
License Validation, Request Trial Extension, fires a Tech Support request.
Site Amenities, block type selection dialog converted to OpenDCL.
Update 11.62
July 1, 2015
Common polyline to selection function, improved logic to avoid duplicate vertices.
Edit Plant, improved logic for determining plant type, especially when processing a mismatched container size.
Verify Plant Labels, conditional highlighting of unlabeled trees, improved logic to better account for non-standard block names.
Print Detail, margin calculations account for printable area, and optimized for printable area of no more than 0.5".
Pipe Sleeve, selecting the same point for start and end of sleeve will not generate error.
Installer, Shrub Area linetype placeholder files moved to cloud deployment.
Installer, Plant Label blocks moved to cloud deployment.
Detail Manager, downloads preview slides of cloud-based details as necessary.
HotFix: Placing details, placing a cloud-based detail with newly downloaded metadata will not generate error.
Planting blocks renamed to match cloud-based standards.
Generic Plants, cloud-based blocks are placed with manual scale regardless of metadata setting.
Plant blocks downloaded from the cloud have their metadata set to manual scale.
Update 11.60
June 26, 2015
Ribbon, Site Annotation panel, RefNote Callout switched to dedicated function call.
HotFix: Scanning of xref for plants to assign to drip emitter area will not generate error.
Help buttons reference revised documentation location.
Edit Head, editing design pressure, will not mistakenly convert heads to adjustable.
HotFix: editing plant from Concept Plant Manager, adding a new container size will not generate error.
Zoning, Concept Lines and Nodes integrated.
HotFix: Concept Graphics schedule, Concept Lines, account for cloud-based block naming.
Zoning, Site Development, color selection dialog only displays relevant hatch libraries.
HotFix: Placing a Shrub Area without an assigned hatch will not generate error.
Common function to get polygonal boundary, discards illegal Z elevations.
Startup, language files only loaded for non-English installations; Update, language files only downloaded for non-English installations.
Installer, language files removed.
Installer, MySQL installation, additional error handling.
Workstation Installer, sets write permissions to Program Files Landfx folder; MNR files no longer included with install; existing MNR files erased.
Site Ribbon, Custom Line icon updated.
Update 11.59
June 19, 2015
HotFix: Plant Info dialog, editing Remarks will not generate error.
Irrigation Schedule, output by Nozzle, Rain Bird RVAN Arc and GPM display corrected.
Copy Along Line, Copy Along Arc, Copy Along Polyline, Triangular Array, Rectangular Array, all default to last spacing used for the block selected.
Plant Info, Sketchup component selection, allows setting component for a plant without cloud backup.
Placing Area for Drip Emitters, bounding polyline set to Linetype ByLayer.
Match Properties, hatch boundary polylines set to Linetype ByLayer as default.
Shrub Areas, boundary polyline set to Linetype ByLayer.
Copy Along Line, Copy Along Arc, allow continuing to place additional segments; keyboard command support to toggle between modes.
Viewport Scale, changing the scale associated with a Work Area within an xref will prompt rather than generate error.
Command line helper function DELETEHATCH restored.
Plant Label Group, supports mouse shortcut menu turned off, Right Click to repeat command.
Drawing Save Reactor, automatic project data backup file renamed from "auto_projdata.lfx" to reflect project number and name.
Startup, with Enterprise license server, server name is correctly converted.
Edit Plant, changing a Shrub Area to a Groundcover will update existing hatches correctly.
Railing, when selecting a polyline on a RefNote Layer, system asks to apply to all polylines on that layer.
RefNote Callout, improved support for calling out Railing items and blocks, whether in the current drawing or in an xref.
HotFix: Plant Colorization, applying a solid color to a stipple pattern will not generate error.
Plant Shotgun, supports adjusting spacing while rotating.
Viewport Scale dialog, Annotative Scaling option removed; Annotative Scaling deprecated, and accessible from command-line tool LANDFXANNO.
Viewport Scale dialog, adds value to Annotation Scale list; if viewport is active, prompts to scale.
Generic Plants, support Shotgun mode.
Plant Shotgun, Q/E keys disabled for Concept and Generic plants.
Plant Shotgun, Right Clicking to end rotation retains keyboard specified pattern rotation.
Match Plant, requeries Plant Manager as necessary to support Q/E keys.
Update 11.58
June 19, 2015
HotFix: Plant Info dialog, editing plant width will not generate error.
Update 11.57
June 19, 2015
HotFix: Edit Plant, Change Plant button, will not generate error.
Plant Info dialog, editing groundcover for Metric plan, spacing validation does not fire on every keypress.
Plant Shotgun mode, mode 4E removed and 7F corrected.
HotFix: Plant Info dialog, clicking Apply to All will not generate error.
Schematic Irrigation, selecting a pattern, only Irrigation colors and Site hatches are shown.
Plant Info dialog, Flat Count, displays flat options when changing plant type.
RefNotes, Import, additional data validation when importing notes that have the same number as ones already in the project.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, Include Cost option will not generate error.
Update 11.56
June 19, 2015
HotFix: Plant Info, editing plant code will not generate error.
HotFix: Copy along Line/Arc, selecting a plant will not generate error.
HotFix: Plant Info, editing a Shrub Area or Groundcover newly added to the project will not generate error.
HotFix: Plant Info, editing a Shrub Area will correctly display preview slide.
HotFix: Concept Plant Schedule will not generate error.
Update 11.55
June 19, 2015
HotFix: Update, after reloading downloaded code, license database connection correctly re-established.
License validation, database connection compatible with SQL Server and ODBC authentication.
Common helper function for working with Drip and Schematic Areas, compatible with bounding polylines that have been dimensioned.
Random Arc Line, Random Pointy Line, compatible with Millimeter units.
Plant Placement, pressing K displays applicable Keyboard commands, including new Shotgun mode and Previous/Next plant.
Command line helper function LANDFXCLASSIC created.
HotFix: Concept Plant Schedule, Trees within a Concept Shrub Area have their quantity counted correctly.
Concept Manager, adding and importing plants, revised logic to favor importing plants from the current project. When not importing from the current project, system will default to add selected plant with a unique code.
Copy Along Line, Copy Along Arc, Copy Along Polyline, Triangular Array, Rectangular Array, prompting and behavior with generic blocks standardized.
Plant Schedule, with Plant Data Size, titles appear in Imperial units as necessary.
HotFix: Generating a schedule for a work area with a custom scale, schedule title will not list scale shorthand as title.
Plant Info dialog box upgraded.
Plant Info dialog box includes Flats selection.
HotFix: Verify Lateral Pipe, deleting zombie fittings and labels, compatible with cloud-based block naming.
Place Schematic Irrigation Area, when selecting an existing area, GPM text entity is erased.
Update 11.54
June 19, 2015
Plant Schedule, empty column for Spacing is only included if the related category of plant is included.
HotFix: Plant Manager, adding new plant group will not generate error.
Plant Palette, placing plants with Placed or Unplaced checked, plant list is refreshed dynamically.
Triangular and Rectangular Array, work with generic blocks.
HotFix: Site Callouts, cloud-based callout blocks are downloaded as necessary.
HotFix: Support for Work Areas within Xrefs, reference to work area saved with schedule is correctly resolved when re-generating.
Update 11.53
June 19, 2015
Plant Manager Palette, double-clicking plant list enabled.
Update, reloading primary code re-establishes database connection for backing up projects.
Plant Schedule, updates Placed/Unplaced status of plants.
Plant Manager, changing plant group with multiple plants selected prompts to move plants.
HotFix: Associate Detail Callout, Placeholder callouts are correctly converted to cloud-based Callout blocks.
HotFix: Project Manager, Source Data, Place button, placed POC will be on correct layer.
Plant Schedule, option for stacking names one over the other.
HotFix: Support for Work Areas in Xref, additional logic to account for default xref entities.
Plant Placement, experimental keyboard enhancements at beta test stage.
Save Detail, will not create highlight layer unless necessary.
Update 11.52
June 19, 2015
HotFix: Concept Plant Schedule, pre-loads OpenDCL library.
HotFix: Project Manager, Edit Sheet, browsing for dwg correctly updates display; double-clicking to open dwg does not generate error.
Update 11.51
June 19, 2015
HotFix: Plant Schedule, debugging code will not generate error.
HotFix: Plant Manager, OpenDCL library is pre-loaded before checking status of Plant Palette.
Update 11.50
June 19, 2015
RefNotes, Objects renamed to Amenities; Areas and Volumes combined to Area/Volume.
Custom Line, creates Linetypes folder as necessary.
Save Block, saves block as Unitless.
Plant Color Render, Ground Cover color and textures updated; Plant Schedule and Plant Color compatible with solid color patterns; Shrub Areas colorized.
Nuke, removes linked proxy object data from Lines, Polylines, and Blocks.
Plant Manager, dialog box converted to OpenDCL to allow resizable columns, resizable dialog, and dockable palette.
Installer, Standard details removed, moved to cloud-based FX detail library.
Shrub Areas with deleted hatches will not be counted by Plant Schedule; Verify Plant Labels will remove plant association from orphaned bounding polyline.
Print Details, if PDF output is selected, details are sent to LandFX Output folder on the Desktop.
Detail Explorer, as FX details are downloaded, folders are created in uppercase.
HotFix: Update Detail Callouts, reverting a callout to a placeholder, compatible with cloud-based callout block naming.
Common Hatch Selection dialog, editing a hatch for a Groundcover or RefNote Area, scale and rotation are disabled.
HotFix: Plant Label, Wide arrow, additional leaders scale arrow correctly.
HotFix: Preferences, editing Block Colors, edited colors display description correctly.
HotFix: Inserting Detail Template, changing Preference Set to one with different template size, size is correctly adjusted.
HotFix: Update Plant Labels, additional error handling for when a label cannot be modified.
HotFix: Critical Analysis, additional error handling for selecting a POC that does not have a sized mainline.
HotFix: Project Manager, changes to project name are saved.
HotFix: Common Block Selection dialog, query of blocks in use compatible with SQL Server with Only_Full_Group_By enabled.
Update 11.47
June 19, 2015
Size Lateral Pipe, Drip Emitter Area, Precip Rate calculation accounts for custom plant blocks; precip rates are averaged among multiple areas.
HotFix: Placing valve on mainline, will not generate error.
Place Valve, placing on mainline, pipe offset calculations improved, UCS support added.
Project Manager, Sheet Index list box converted to display columns.
Update 11.46
June 19, 2015
Save Detail, highlight layer is cleared before prompting to select a detail.
Common function to load linetypes, output hidden from user.
HotFix: Size Lateral Pipe, database recovery information will not cause friction loss to be counted as negative.
Update 11.45
June 19, 2015
HotFix: Plant label, Wide arrow style, correctly accounts for revised arrow block name.
Projects screen, requests user to confirm before associating drawing with a different project.
Work Areas, support having work areas within a block or xref.
Concept Plant Manager, Shrub Areas and Groundcovers display member plant spacing and percentage fill.
Place Irrigation equipment, block is marked with identifier for data recovery purposes.
Irrigation spray family N3 audited for insertion point.
Helper function REAL created to REload All Linetypes.
SketchUp Connection, Send Layer, arc segments are processed correctly when drawing has a UCS rotation.
HotFix: Spot Elevation lookup function, will not ignore callouts pulled to the left.
Update 11.44
June 19, 2015
HotFix: Plant Photo Callout, right clicking to abort leader placement will not generate error.
HotFix: Irrigation Manager, adding an Enclosure to a project, symbol will be assigned correctly.
Save Detail, allows users to draw Window around multiple details to be saved at once.
Plant Schedule, when Work Areas are in drawing, prompt changed to allow running overall schedule.
Plant Block selection dialog, folder buttons, font width calculation improved; plant type buttons turned off rather than disabled when choosing a symbol for a project plant.
RefNote, Length item, New layer, layer prefix pulls from Preferences.
Insert Detail Template, when widening template, compatible with a rotated UCS.
Plant Info, when making a copy of a plant at a different size, placed status is copied.
Place Plant, for plants with multiple sizes of same code, placed status marked by size.
Common function to turn on legacy toolbar, error handling directs to workstation installer if necessary.
Update 11.43
June 19, 2015
HotFix: Size Mainline, Use Spot Elevations option compatible with cloud-based spot elevation block names.
Valve Callout, pre-scans for drip areas for custom callout with valve type attribute.
Project Manager, dialog switched to OpenDCL to allow resizing of sheet index.
Layer States, save and restore layer descriptions.
Update 11.42
June 19, 2015
Font Manager, renamed to Text Manager.
HotFix: Spot Elevation, attribute placement and extension line are correctly modified.
HotFix: Startup, OpenDCL library is pre-loaded for users with 2015 and higher.
Plant Colorization, Tree symbols reorganized, Shrub symbols redrawn without gradients.
Update 11.41
June 19, 2015
Layer States, saves and loads Transparency.
Details Preferences, Detail Store Folder renamed to Detail Library.
HotFix: Discipline Graphics Callouts, Revision callout, will not generate error.
HotFix: Update, post update process will not generate error.
Update 11.40
June 19, 2015
HotFix: Detail Explorer, category backup file is correctly updated before each edit.
HotFix: Concept Graphics Schedule, Concept Node size calculation compatible with cloud-based node blocks.
Detail Explorer, Printing details for a category, detail extents and margin calculations improved.
Callout arrow blocks, layers audited, blocks moved to cloud deployment.
Common layer creation function, lineytpe loading reverted to more reliable method.
Discipline Graphics Callouts, Spot Elevation, Northing, Easting, Slope, pre-define Callout Light text style before insertion.
Discipline Graphics Callouts, Detail Callouts, layers and text styles audited, blocks moved to cloud deployment.
Irrigation pipe and valve callouts moved from Graphics/Callouts to Graphics/Irrigation/Callouts.
Update, additional error handling to avoid looping on update validation.
Update 11.34
June 19, 2015
Planting, Shrub Area linetype selection moved to new dialog box capable of merging remote content.
Planting Preferences, Callout selection moved to new dialog box capable of merging remote content.
Spray family N4 symbols audited for insertion points.
Project Files, Restore, Import LFX file, compatible with export files marked as Unicode.
RefNotes, Increment/Renumber compatible with notes without a division and/or single number suffix, such as 1-1 or 32-30-1.
Placing spray heads, Radius selection, database query compatible with SQL Server.
Update 11.33
April 15, 2015
RefNote Schedule, Site Amenities Schedule, when placed into Paperspace for a Metric plan, blocks are scaled correctly.
Startup, system variable ATTMODE validated to ensure attribute display is turned on.
Irrigation Preferences, Valve Edit, callout selection, dialog box renames applicable files to match cloud block standards, correctly merges cloud based blocks.
HotFix: Hatch selection dialog, system will download missing preview slides for hatches that were previously downloaded as metadata only.
Concept Nodes, Concept Lines, blocks migrated to cloud.
Plant Schedule, groundcover quantities expressed as Area round the value in same manner as plant labels.
Update 11.32
April 13, 2015
Plant Labels, areas for metric drawings are expressed to a tenth of a square meter.
Common block selection dialog, querying of blocks in use compatible with SQL Server.
FX Details, Irrigation, Standard, Auxiliary Equipment, detail numbers converted to attributes.
Irrigation Schedule, MP Rotaries, Arc column by Nozzle, values corrected.
Update, checking for anciliary menu files discontinued.
Update, additional error handling and testing of the downloaded update.
Ribbon, Site Toolkit panel, Verify Labels switched to Verify Callouts.
Plant Label, initially selecting a plant that is not in the project will alert user rather than place empty label.
Detail system, for details missing xml metadata, system will attempt to create from legacy blocks table.
Update 11.31
April 1, 2015
HotFix: Hunter MP800SR full-circle heads are placed with correct nozzle designation.
HotFix: Drip Emitter Area, emitter assignment, compatible with groundcover container sizes assigned without an @ sign.
HotFix: Custom Drip Emitter, symbol selection merges cloud-based blocks.
Concept Schedule, for Shrub Area groups, quantity displayed for member plants.
Update 11.30
March 26, 2015
Installer, Trial and University installs use cloud licensing.
Default CTB files audited for consistency across unused colors.
Plant Schedule, after running a schedule for Entire Palette, subsequent schedules will not default to the same.
Update 11.28
March 25, 2015
Plant Label, labeling a plant that is not in the project will not generate error.
Size Mainline Pipe, Size Lateral Pipe, color coding pipe transitions with more than 16 sizes will not generate error.
Common block selection dialog, error handling adding for scroll wheel event firing before dialog initialization.
Startup, when install.xml file needs to be written, additional error handling to avoid writing empty data.
Verify Plant Labels, unlabeled zombie plants will not generate repeated database lookups.
Workstation installer, does not set destination to setup64 location unless landfx.vlx is located.
Landfx/Administration folder renamed to Admin.
Update 11.27
March 24, 2015
HotFix: Plant Schedule, when regenerating a schedule, groundcover quantity is not always represented as an area.
Edit Irrigation Equipment, changing a Drip Control Valve symbol, existing symbols in drawing are changed.
Default install, sample Site Improvement details moved to FX Cloud library.
HotFix: Verify Plant Labels, auto correction of container size mismatch will not generate error.
Common plant label attribute value lookup function, additional error handling for missing plant data.
Verify Plant Labels, improved logic for dealing with zombie plants.
HotFix: Editing a Shrub Area hatch pattern, pattern library will not be mistakenly included with name.
Update 11.26
March 24, 2015
HotFix: Hatch selection dialog, updated cloud-based hatch patterns are not mistakenly filed under Truecolor.
HotFix: Plant Outlines, checking for vine blocks will not generate error.
HotFix: Draw Mainline, Drip Control Valves are able to be piped to.
Mainline Sizing, Valve-in-Head Rotor pipe path optimization discontinued pending further review.
Update 11.25
March 23, 2015
HotFix: Block selection dialog, cloud blocks chosen for a Manager are downloaded upon selection.
Block selection dialog, a dropdown box is added if number of block folders exceeds available space.
Plant Label, Plant Label Update, helper function for processing attribute values standardized and optimized.
Verify Plant Labels function renamed to avoid namespace collision.
Verify Plant Labels, stores plant data in lookup variables to avoid multiple database queries.
Grading Manager, Lighting Manager, symbol selection merges cloud blocks.
Support for legacy block database table (pre 8.60) removed.
Irrigation Head Grid, block name standardized.
Valve Schedule, block name standardized.
Irrigation Schedule, block name standardized.
Internal helper function to local pipe callout, function renamed to avoid namespace collision.
Irrigation Pipe callout blocks, layers audited, block names standardized, blocks migrated to cloud.
Pipe Label function renamed to avoid namespace collision.
Rotor symbols, layers and attributes audited, blocks migrated to cloud.
Valve symbols, layers audited, blocks migrated to cloud.
Irrigation Equipment symbols, layers audited, blocks migrated to cloud.
Water Source, function renamed to prevent namespace collision.
New Project, selecting a template, querying of template data types optimized.
Startup, DIMZIN system variable set to not suppress leading zeros.
HotFix: Irrigation preferences requery, spray family assignments compatible with SQL Server.
Plant Schedule, groundcover and shrub area calculations use common spacing lookup and improved logic to avoid multiple database queries.
Edit Equipment, Drip Control Valves able to have their symbol changed.
Add Irrigation equipment, Drip Control Valves allow adding the same model more than once.
Detail Preferences, legacy installs with no detail format information wll not generate error.
Copy Along Polyline, compatible with generic blocks.
HotFix: Concept Plants, selecting a hatch pattern, pattern name is correctly saved.
Preferences, new preference set, detail template file is copied from source preference set.
Match Properties, retains rotation of destination blocks.
Spray symbols and Schedule blocks, layers audited, blocks migrated to cloud.
BatchMan, Shoot Slide option, toggles off AutoCAD Grid as necessary.
HotFix: reading of block layer color changes will not mistakenly duplicate the color list.
Update 11.24
March 4, 2015
HotFix: Block selection dialog, block sorting will not generate error.
Update 11.23
March 4, 2015
HotFix: Editing a RefNote, refnote type and callout option buttons will not conflict with each other.
Block selection dialog, LAFX- prefix of cloud-based blocks is discarded before sorting by name.
HotFix: Place RefNote Area, Place Drip Area, D option to draw polyline will not result in both polyline and hatch being marked as Land F/X objects.
Update 11.22
March 2, 2015
HotFix: Plant Array, selecting a Concept plant will not generate error.
HotFix: Plant Size list requery, will not mistakenly set Shrub Area or Groundcover sizes to default.
Update 11.21
March 1, 2015
HotFix: Plant Size list requery, empty size will not generate error.
Update 11.20
February 27, 2015
HotFix: Plant Schedule, Include Xrefs option functionality restored.
HotFix: Place Shrub Area, Place Drip Area, Place RefNote Area, D option to draw polyline made functional.
Startup, plant size requery, updates any legacy sizes ending with an @ sign so that they can be editing or deleted.
Elevation Graphics, block layers audited, blocks migrated to cloud.
Detail Blocks, block layers audited, blocks migrated to cloud.
Discipline Graphics, block layers audited, blocks migrated to cloud.
Discipline Graphics, North Arrows, rotation aligned with arrow.
Discipline Graphics, Metric Scale blocks, converted to millimeter units, distance marks validated.
Discipline Graphics, Lighting symbols, rotation aligned with throw of light.
Update 11.19
February 26, 2015
HotFix: Plant Array functions will not generate error.
HotFix: Save Hatch, selecting an user defined hatch pattern correctly renames pattern and slide as necessary.
Site and Detail hatch libraries, flagstone and ashlar stone patterns added.
Update 11.18
February 25, 2015
HotFix: Labeling a Concept Plant will not generate error.
Plan Graphics library, layers audited, blocks migrated to cloud.
Nuke, removes linked AutoCAD Map proxy entities from lines and polylines.
Update 11.17
February 24, 2015
Plant Info function renamed to avoid namespace collision.
Plant Label function renamed to avoid namespace collision.
Plant Label, stores plant data in lookup variable to avoid multiple database queries.
Plant Copy function renamed to avoid namespace collision.
Plant Copy, stores plant data in lookup variable to avoid multiple database queries.
Triangular and Rectangular Array, plant data stored in lookup variable to avoid multiple database queries.
Plant Outlines, sets Undo marker.
Plant Colorization, sets Undo marker.
RefNote Callout, selecting a Length item in an xref, prompts to reassign layer setting to the xref selected.
Nuke, sets object Lineweights to ByLayer.
Nuke, "More info" link added to dialog.
HotFix: Zoning, selecting a Truecolor will not generate error.
Nuke, error handling for illegal drawing extents value.
Update 11.16
February 17, 2015
HotFix: Plant Schedule, plants in custom categories will not be excluded.
HotFix: Valve Schedule, Colorize option will not generate error.
Update 11.15
February 16, 2015
HotFix: Irrigation Preferences, with units set to imperial, will not generate error.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, decoding schedule preferences will not generate error.
Update 11.14
February 15, 2015
Planting, new plant size validation, empty size will not generate error.
Irrigation Preferences, storing of preference session values standardized.
Print Details, a detail requiring color conversion will not generate error.
Common project lookup function renamed to avoid namespace collision.
HotFix: Site Development, choosing a hatch pattern instead of a truecolor will not generate error.
Update 11.13
February 12, 2015
Highlight Station, C option to Colorize selection.
Save Hatch, saving a new hatch will not generate error after saving.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, Shrub Area spacing will not default to on.
Update 11.12
February 10, 2015
Hunter I-20 MPR nozzles added.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, options for Groundcover density and Shrub spacing respected.
Update 11.11
February 4, 2015
Plant ID attached to plants in drawing as 32-bit integer as necessary.
Project Manager, SheetSet integration, MText fields are sorted by size, giving precedence to larger text.
Update 11.10
February 3, 2015
HotFix: Plant Size and Plant List requery optimization compatible with SQL Server.
HotFix: Save Hatch, selecting a hatch not found in acad.pat will not generate error.
HotFix: Hunter MP800SR, placing adjustable will not generate error.
Update 11.09
February 2, 2015
HotFix: Detail Preferences, CSI prefix setting will not generate error.
Update 11.08
February 1, 2015
Plant Colorization, turning off color symbols, alphanumeric symbols are scaled correctly when plan is drawn in Architectural Inches.
HotFix: BatchMan, with AutoCAD 2015 files are not mistakenly saved when No Save is selected.
HotFix: Detail Preferences, revised format of detail format size will not cause error with Imperial detail functions.
HotFix: Planting Preferences, Schedule Defaults, saving will not generate error.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, Shrub Areas and Groundcovers with no spacing will not be flagged mistakenly as not in the current project.
Reading of layer color preferences optimized.
Update 11.07
January 30, 2015
Startup, reading of irrigation symbol preferences optimized for performance.
Startup, reading of plant size values optimized for performance.
Plant Manager, query of plant list optimized for performance.
New Project, Startup, legacy upgrade of unique preferences discontinued.
MP800SR, full circle nozzle added.
Reading and caching of General and Detail preferences, variable structure standardized and optimized.
Reading of installation information and general preferences separated from requerying of detail preferences.
Reading and caching of Planting preferences, variable structure standardized and optimized.
Plant Schedule, schedule settings stored in revised format.
Planting Preferences, Exclude Shrubs option added for groundcover hatches.
Planting, @ sign in container size discontinued as flag for plant spacing.
Update 11.06
January 16, 2015
HotFix: Plant Schedule, Alphanumeric blocks display correctly.
Command line helper function TEXT2ATTRIB created.
Place Hatch functions, keyboard option to Draw polyline added.
Placing Plants, Paint mode, compatible with UCS.
Update 11.05
January 15, 2015
HotFix: Block Selection dialog, users 2014 and lower without OpenDCL library loaded will not generate error.
Update 11.04
January 14, 2015
HotFix: Block/Hatch selection dialog, text color compatible with Windows Classic color theme.
Startup, installation validation, backslashes removed from Server name if necessary.
HotFix: Discipline Graphics, Callouts, Northing-Easting callout restored.
Planting, supports user customized folders for Alphanumeric blocks.
Irrigation, Pipe Data, secondary classes of pipe are able to have their size list edited.
Update 11.03
January 13, 2015
HotFix: Plant Manager, editing a Shrub Area, changing symbol will not generate error.
HotFix: Selecting a new hatch from the cloud library will correctly save to local library.
Update 11.02
January 13, 2015
Block and hatch selection dialogs updated, featuring mouse wheel scrolling capability, block tree navigation, and automatic downloading of additional content.
Plant Preferences, Allow duplicate symbols option discontinued.
Spray family N2 audited for insertion points.
RefNotes, rectangular style callout, side margin increased slightly.
Projects, Backup, backup details for a project, capability restored.
HotFix: Placing plants, Paint mode, calculations improved for custom symbols.
Enterprise command, additional data validation of values entered for license code.
Save Block, smart zooming, better compatibility for AutoCAD 2015.
Head placement, symbol offset for custom symbols ignores layers with NPLT in their name.
Update 11.01
December 5, 2014
Nuke, sets any layers with a DGN linetype to Continuous.
Nuke, additional error handling to alert when proxy objects are preventing final wblock operation.
HotFix: BatchMan, capability for processing multiple files restored for AutoCAD versions 2014 and prior.
Update 11.0
November 15, 2014
Updated Ribbon – to install, download and run our latest Land F/X Workstation installer.
Circuit, Verify Laterals, Zoom Extents calls adjusted for better compatibility with AutoCAD 2015.
Nuke, additional logic to exclude Xclips, and account for AEC prompt during WBlock command from vertical products.
Nuke, excludes blocks with nested Xclips or annotative blocks.
Size Pipe functions, internal PSI loss lookup function, caches results in memory for better performance.
Schematic Irrigation, Precip Rate saved with 4 decimal places.
Detail Manager, Detail Explorer, dialog box closes after Edit or Print detail.
Print Details, additional error handling for missing PC3 file.
Update 10.96
November 8, 2014
HotFix: Detail Explorer, Export Details, compatible with Standard details.
Save Detail, selecting existing detail for next number, compatible with numeric division and details numbered over 99.
Save Detail, additional logic for re-saving an existing detail from a scratch file.
Update 10.95
November 3, 2014
Size Lateral Pipes, Precip Rate calculation for Drip Emitter Areas modified to match flow per canopy of plant.
Save Detail, entity selection set to Crossing for better compatibility with Xrefs.
Edit irrigation equipment, Replace, supports multiple model replacements for the same block.
Switching to Cloud licensing, legacy enterprise license installs do not require restarting AutoCAD.
Viewport Scale, Rescale objects, rescaling for a Work Area, compatible with AutoCAD 2015.
Detail Explorer, editing detail categories, index xml file is archived as a backup before saving.
Stipple, when Annotative scaling is turned on, stipple will be placed with standard scaling.
N6 family schedule symbols audited for insertion point.
Irrigation Manager, Place button added.
Startup, pre-loads OpenDCL library for AutoCAD 2015.
Detail Explorer, right click menu added to treelist.
Import Details, Export Details, buttons moved from Detail Preferences to Detail Explorer.
Details Preferences, Keynote Callouts button added.
Detail Explorer, checkbox added to Show empty categories.
Print Details, moved from Detail Preferences to Detail Explorer; numerous improvements to facilitate detail printing.
Sketchup Connection, Send Layer, additional error handling for layers exported from Microstation.
Command-line function RECOMPILE discontinued.
Update, no longer downloads updated CUI.
Update 10.94
October 20, 2014
HotFix: Add Plants to Project, entering all characters of Genus name will not generate error.
Update 10.93
October 17, 2014
Nuke tool turns off any active UCS or Dview Twist.
Common place hatch function, toggles HPORIGINMODE system variable once per installation rather than HPORIGIN for every hatch.
Add Plant to Project, partial genus search will be highlighted in results.
Plant placement, additional command line parameters available for beta testing.
Update 10.92
October 10, 2014
Enterprise cloud licensing available for beta testing.
Detail preferences of last detail category, last project, last layer state, moved to Registry.
Update options, user list pulls from license system rather than local install.
Enterprise setup, install server discontinued.
Database connection function, server ping on connection fail, additional error handling for Ping service unavailable.
Common function to assemble Sheets, additional error handling for missing object library.
Common function to query individual sheet number, additional error handling for missing object library.
Common function to create schedule timestamp, additional error handling for missing object library.
Update 10.91
October 6, 2014
HotFix: Out of scope temporary variable in license system will not cause all Irrigation functions to fail.
Update 10.90
October 4, 2014
Startup, Background plotting and publishing is turned off for F/X CAD users.
Common Support ID lookup function, optimized for Enterprise installations.
Plant Photo Callout, compatible with sites running Drupal 7.20+.
Startup, Scrollbars turned off only for F/X CAD version 2012 and 2013.
Install, MySQL Server version 5.5 is now default.
Workstation install, copies menu to ProgramData folder for network installs.
Menu recompile function, respects custom menu location.
Update 10.85
September 19, 2014
Preferences, Support ID and current version display support local settings file.
Update 10.84
September 19, 2014
HotFix: Update correctly writes new version number to install.xml if xml file does not exist.
Update 10.83
September 18, 2014
HotFix: Placing head, keyboard commands to toggle radius will not generate error.
HotFix: Update Options, dialog box will not generate error.
Save Detail, additional logic for saving a valid detail copied to a temporary location.
RefNote Objects are placed onto layer L-SITE-BLKS.
Update 10.82
September 17, 2014
Concept Plant Manager, pre-loads OpenDCL library for compatibility with AutoCAD 2015.
Startup, DEMANDLOAD system variable set to Command Invoke as necessary.
Detail Sheet Template, allows selecting Lower Right corner first.
Runtime Schedule, minute by minute selection of eligible valves changed from a recursive best fit loop, to an itirative next available loop, for vastly improved performance with large multi-valve projects and golf course designs.
HotFix: Menu RECOMPILE function, correctly fires CUILOAD rather than MENULOAD for AutoCAD 2015.
Verify Laterals, Verify Mainline, delete zombie pipe callouts.
Support for detail filing structure pre-8.05 discontinued.
Installation information moved from database to local XML file.
Update 10.81
September 8, 2014
RefNote Schedule, output to Spreadsheet, Code is prepended with apostrophe to prevent Excel auto-formatting.
BatchMan, preloads OpenDCL library for better compatibility with AutoCAD 2015.
Preferences, preloads OpenDCL library for better compatibility with AutoCAD 2015.
Sketchup plugin, Help button, destination corrected.
Update 10.80
August 29, 2014
Plant Color Render, turning Off color render, ground covers are correctly processed.
Center Pivot tool, initial operation capability release.
Command line helper function LL renamed to avoid namespace collision.
Update 10.73
August 28, 2014
HotFix: Startup validation will not attempt to remove legacy cuix file.
Update 10.72
August 26, 2014
Startup, AutoCAD 2014 and greater, adds alternate menu path to Trusted Locations as necessary.
Project Manager, editing Sheets, sheet number is converted to legal layout title.
Common function to temporarily zoom to specified area, compatible with AutoCAD 2015.
Detail Callout, Polyline Area style, compatible with UCS.
BatchMan, no longer toggles to Single Document mode; does not toggle backup copy with save option; file opening and processing compatible with AutoCAD 2015.
Common function to query shrub area quantity, renamed to avoid namespace collision.
Common function to query hatch area, renamed to avoid namespace collision.
Export Details, legacy details without XML metadata files will not generate error.
Plant Colorization, additional error handling for missing gradient library.
Update 10.71
August 15, 2014
Common helper function to determine hatch boundary, deletes invisible hatches with no area.
Welcome Screen, setting to turn off respects user account permissions.
Startup, adds menu folder to support file search path as necessary.
Startup, if menu is loaded from sub-folder location, legacy menu files are erased.
Color conversion, recursion of block library for missing metadata files discontinued.
SheetSet integration, ignores fields with more than one period character; ignores fields consisting of all numbers and a single hyphen.
Update 10.70
August 8, 2014
N5 family schedule symbols audited for insertion points.
Plant Label Group, allows repositioning Groundcover labels.
Detail Manager, details that have been relocated are not mistakenly marked as un-placed.
Set Viewport Scale, unit validation simplified; spawning of DDUNITS dialog discontinued.
HotFix: Standard details with 3-digit detail numbers are saved correctly.
Installer, Workstation installer, menu files placed into multiple sub-folders for support of AutoCAD 2015 themes.
Update, Recompile function, load menu from new subfolder location.
HotFix: Set Spray Radius, compatible with AutoCAD 2015 loading legacy menu.
Update 10.65
July 28, 2014
RefNote Schedule, output to table, description text does not have linebreaks added.
Helper function RAT renamed to avoid namespace collision.
Save Detail, allows setting a three-digit detail number.
Startup, MENUBAR system variable turned on only when Ribbon is turned off.
Irrigation Manager, pre-loads OpenDCL library, for best compatibility with AutoCAD 2015.
Welcome screen loads upon drawing startup.
Save Plant Block, function created.
Plant Schedule, Undo marker added around placing schedule.
Detail Explorer, deleting a category will no siblings will correctly highlight parent for subsequent delete.
Place Head, setting spray radius, toolbar image supports AutoCAD 2015 Dark and Light themes.
Update 10.63
July 21, 2014
HotFix: Arc Leaders, Z elevation processing will not cause arrow rotation to fail for counter-clockwise leaders.
Command-line helper function CONVERTALLTEXT created.
Update 10.62
July 18, 2014
HotFix: Verify Laterals, highlighting of objects, processing object type will not generate error.
Update 10.61
July 17, 2014
HotFix: Adding plants to project, additional error handling for missing default detail.
Common block insertion, accounts for hidden unit scaling with AutoCAD 2014.
Center Pivot Designer, released for beta testing.
Update 10.60
June 30, 2014
HotFix: Editing Dripline with missing emitter spacing will not generate error.
Place Groundcover, Exclude Shrubs, additional error handling when unable to reconstitute polyline boundary.
Layers standardized for all irrigation blocks, callout blocks, and miscellaneous graphics blocks.
Viewport Scale, defaults to Feet if no units are set and drawing is set to Decimal.
Update 10.52
June 27, 2014
Preferences, Irrigation, Spray Symbol Families, allow selecting User Defined Family X.
Irrigation Schedule, pre-defines individual spray symbol blocks if they have not been placed yet.
HotFix: Arc Leaders, arrow scaling compatible with Metric drawings.
BatchMan, Change Layer Names, processes layers within blocks.
Irrigation blocks, layer names standardized.
Projects screen, no longer alerts user if there are no projects.
Sketchup Plugin, adding plants, only plants with assigned 3D components are displayed.
Update 10.51
June 24, 2014
Insert Detail Template, Window button added for Metric details.
Project Manager, setting detail folder, dialog box text clarified.
Plant Schedule, Shrub Spacing option accounts for AutoCAD floating point bug.
HotFix: Insert Detail Template, changing unit type capability restored.
OpenDCL Loader, compatible with AutoCAD 2015 installs that have not run the latest workstation installer.
Valve Schedule, toggles ATTDIA system variable as necessary.
Place Detail, for AutoCAD 2014 and greater, force sets hidden dwg unit scaling.
Valve Schedule, ordering compatible with valves numbered with a two-character prefix.
Sketchup Connection, Export Design to Sketchup, compatible with Land F/X Cloud backup of plant palette.
Plant Manager, Adding Plants, New Plant, no longer checks XML helper library before posting plant name.
Plant Manager, Adding Plants, plants added to the project are backed up at
Project Files, importing project from legacy LFX file format, capability restored.
HotFix: Plant Label, repositioning placed label, compatible with labels that have been moved to paperspace.
Update 10.50
May 30, 2014
Verify Mainline, if all valves have not had their lateral pipes sized, it checks their connection status.
Installer, users server-side routing for help messages.
Installer, non-essential irrigation blocks removed.
Installer, checks for newer version.
Update 10.45
May 29, 2014
Nuke drawing cleanup tool, dialog box refined; purges DGN linetypes; accounts for annotative, anonymous, and nested blocks; removes unreferenced images; toolbar button created.
Place Head Grid, discards Z elevation value of first point selected.
Copy Head Along Polyline, compatible with full-circle heads.
Match Properties, updates flow total text associated with Schematic irrigation areas.
Critical Analysis, wording of pressure loss terms simplified.
Schematic Irrigation, Place button will not be mistakenly disabled after drawing pipe.
Update 10.41
May 23, 2014
Plant labels able to be repositioned with the Plant Label Group button.
Plant Manager, adding plants to projects, Genus search performs phoenetic search as well as exact text.
Plant Colorization, flowering symbols grouped by form.
Insert Detail Template, Window button allows dynamically drawing detail border.
Command line drawing cleanup tool NUKE created.
Plant Color Render, Shrub symbol 104 redrawn to scale correctly.
Welcome screen, extraneous proxy objects removed.
Update 10.40
May 16, 2014
Sketchup plugin, Import plants from CAD, correctly erases existing plants.
RefNote Schedule dialog box, Entire Palette option toggles Quantity checkbox.
Irrigation Schedule dialog box, Entire Palette option toggles Quantity checkboxes.
Menus and toolbars, many items renamed slightly for consistency; plant label tools integrated into pulldown menu.
HotFix: Common block metadata editor, correctly processes changing blocks from Dimscale to 1:1.
Update 10.36
May 14, 2014
Detail Manager, updating of placed details compatible with dwg filenames that contain an apostrophe.
Detail Explorer, editing categories, validation requeries category list to prevent data loss during simultaneous edits.
Match Properties, compatible with solid hatches and gradients.
Update 10.35
May 13, 2014
Irrigation Schedule, Rain Bird SQ nozzles display correct arc.
OpenDCL loader, exit conditions simplified.
Site Builder, Dimension buttons, dimstyle creation respects Angular Unit setting from source dimstyle.
Update 10.34
May 9, 2014
Highlight Plant, ability to highlight Concept Plants restored.
Spot Elevation, elevation value defaults to Z value of point selected.
Railing, correctly processes closed polylines.
RefNotes, editing a Notation after previously editing a Truecolor Area will clear symbol display.
Insert Detail Template, dialog displays the cumulative format size selected.
RefNote Volumes, for Metric plans, fill depth is entered in mm.
Preferences, Details, changing detail store folder, message type-o corrected.
Verify Plant Labels, accounts for multiple instances of same label block having differnet attributes.
Font Manager, restricts size setting to within nominal values.
Placing Site Amenities, block scaling compatible with drawings set to Unitless.
Hunter MP800SR rotaries added.
Update 10.33
April 30, 2014
HotFix: Export Details, compatible with revised schema of saving detail scale.
Plant Label, Connecting Line and Connecting Arc, respect arrow preference when labeing groundcovers.
Update 10.32
April 29, 2014
HotFix: Detail Manager, adding details to project with option to Copy to project folder, will not mistakenly convert detail scale.
Update 10.31
April 28, 2014
HotFix: Export Details, Detail Explorer Drag and Drop, compatible with metric details saved with encoded units.
Update 10.30
April 25, 2014
Concept Lines, toggles OSnap mode as necessary.
HotFix: Copy Head Along Line, metric unit processing will not generate error.
HotFix: Equip Info, correctly displays inches between emitters for single length Dripline.
HotFix: Export Details, does not convert detail scale factors to paperspace factor.
Update 10.24
April 23, 2014
OpenDCL library updated to version 8. Additional error handling added to OpenDCL loader, with link to manual update.
Update 10.23
April 22, 2014
Sketchup Plugin, placing plants, pressing Esc does not add extraneous undo operation.
Sketchup Plugin, Import Plants, able to download missing components.
RefNote Callout, block fill status added to block name.
HotFix: Irrigation Schedule, drip emitter notes are not duplicated when re-generating multiple schedules.
Support for metric plans and details in centimeter units.
Site Amenities, includes ability to request a catalog from supporting manufacturers.
Update 10.22
March 21, 2014
HotFix: Concept Plant Manager, correctly saves and displays Percentage Fill and Spacing for member plants that are in mulitple groups.
Detail Explorer, able to drag and drop details from FX detail library.
Detail Explorer, detail right click menu includes Print option.
BatchMan, Change Layer Names and Colors option, supports keyboard commands.
BatchMan, with no files selected, asks to process the current drawing.
Detail Bubble, additional logic to account for Mtext formatting codes.
Detail Callout, various callout types, Z value of first point is discarded.
Update 10.21
March 13, 2014
Rain Bird U Series, special nozzles added.
Plant Outlines, added support for Generic plant symbols; ignores plants on frozen layers.
DeleteAllXdat command line helper function, added ability to window a selection.
Sketchup Plugin, Placing plants, sets undo marker for each; pressing Enter returns to Manager.
Sketchup Plugin, adding plants to project, downloads component as necessary.
HotFix: Viewport Scale, querying layout object will not generate error.
HotFix: Site Amenities, downloads updated preview image as necessary; selecting a different model will always update model and description text.
Draw Lateral Pipe, able to connect to Filtration devices.
Update 10.20
March 7, 2014
Plant Label, Leader arrow endpoint is placed at 0 Z elevation regardless of plant elevation.
Setting Viewport Scale, helper function that queries existing layout tab viewport scale has added error handling for missing printer driver.
HotFix: Edit Turf Impact, is able to change symbol.
Initialization, database tables created if necessary, creates master install record, imports default data.
Common block placement function, if RegApp corruption is detected, prompts user to access help page.
Preferences, Convert Colors button renamed to Block Colors and moved under Layers.
Block Color Conversion dialog, labels added for clarity.
Installer, upgraded to Windows Installer 3.1; MySQL Server installed as a pre-requisite; default preferences and data imported at first initialization.
Default install, layer names updated for better NCS compatibility.
Update 10.13
February 14, 2014
Match Properties, requires selecting a sample block first before performing a window or crossing.
HotFix: Grading Manager, increases size of field used for spot elevation tag as necessary.
All Help buttons updated for revised documentation.
Update 10.12
February 12, 2014
HotFix: Railing, post size corrected for plans drawn in Inch units.
HotFix: Common pipe distance calculator, compatible with mainline split with Mainline Break.
Sketchup Connection, setting library location, allows creating new folder and selecting empty folder.
Concept Plant Manager, Shrub Area and Groundcover percentage fill can vary for multiple groups.
Detail Explorer, allows resizing width to make preview larger.
Update 10.11
February 6, 2014
Place Groundcover, Exclude Shrubs option, compatible with Spline boundaries.
HotFix: Welcome screen, New Project button, project number validation will not generate error.
Common Place Hatch Area function, requires viewport scale.
HotFix: Detail Bubble Callout, selecting an existing note and then clicking Place will not renumber existing notes.
Detail Bubble Callout, changing note text in dialog box and then clicking another note will update display of notes.
Project Selection, when no project is active, allows creating a new project.
Sketchup Connection, Send Layer, compatible with Spline and 2D Polyline objects.
Update 10.10
January 31, 2014
Common sheet list lookup function, error handling added to layout inquiry.
Size Mainline, alert message for unsizeable system changed to account for valve connections and isolation valves.
HotFix: SheetSet integration, ignores Mtext fields with spaces.
Detail Bubble Callout, removes Mtext Formatting from edited schedule text.
Detail Bubble Callout, selecting existing note will disable number editing; Drag and drop enabled for reordering notes; entering an existing note number for a new note will automatically renumber existing notes.
Metric scales of 1:5000 and 1:10000 added.
Minimum standards of AutoCAD 2009 or later enforced.
Update 10.07
January 17, 2014
Lighting Schedule, symbol sizes corrected for metric plans.
Place Head, Special Spray will default to model selected in Type flyout.
Fonts function renamed to prevent conflict with third-party customization.
Font Manager, adding new font, allows adding legacy SHX files that have been copied to Fonts folder.
Plant Colorization, additional error handling for missing 2014 color library.
Lateral Pipe Size, realtime sizing dialog available for advance testing.
Update 10.06
January 6, 2014
Update Detail Callouts, drawing that requires an Audit will not generate error.
Font Manager, adding new font, compatible with Adobe Font Manager.
Plant Schedule, Include Xref option, if plants are found in the current drawing, merges results with plants found in xrefs.
Update 10.05
December 19, 2013
Sketchup Plugin, Import plants from CAD, downloads missing components as necessary.
Grading, Northing/Easting Point Schedule, point precision matches AutoCAD unit preference.
HotFix: Project Manager, SheetSet integration, additional logic to exclude Mtext Field objects.
Fonts, adding new font, shooting of legacy preview slide discontinued.
Preferences, Planting, changing label style away from existing plan with local common name will not generate error.
Startup, FILEDIA system variable set to 1 as necessary.
Project Files, Backup, backup to LFX file, error handling for octal newline character.
RefNotes, generic objects drawn in units other than inches, or inserted into drawings of differing units, are scaled correctly.
Sketchup Connection, Import Design, generic site amenities that are copied in Sketchup are correctly scaled.
Sketchup Connection, Import Design, site amenities that were rotated in Sketchup are updated in CAD.
HotFix: Placing Rotors, Q and E keys correctly cycle through nozzles that have both numbers and letters.
Preferences, Add Font button discontinued.
HotFix: Plant Schedule, colorized groundcovers with textures, textures are moved to front.
HotFix: Place Detail Callout Placeholder, Naked style, will not generate error.
Preferences, Irrigation, Southeast Asia pipe classes added.
Update 10.03
November 29, 2013
HotFix: Delete Station, delete valve option, having only one mainline segment connected to valve will not generate error.
BatchMan, ByLayer options consolidated into a single checkbox; saving will not fire auto backup.
Highlight Station, Size Lateral Pipes, ignore Schematic areas if layer is frozen.
Northing/Easting Schedule, has separate columns for Description, Northing, and Easting.
Detail Callout, additional option of plain text.
Edit Detail, when selecting an attribute definition in an existing detail, logic simplified.
Detail Explorer, standardized logic for evaluation detail categories; numeric categories allowed for top level categories if they do not conflict with standard detail division rules.
Place Groundcover, Exclude Shrubs option, compatible with polylines that have arcs.
Detail Callout, dialog will not mistakenly include previous detail listing.
HotFix: Save Detail, auto-toggling of Gridmode corrected.
Size Mainline, prompts for zero flow and pressure exceeded reworded for clarity; logic added to avoid prompts and velocity reduction with 0 static pressure.
Critical Analysis, pre-selects points of connection, does not prompt user to select if only one POC; prompts reworded for clarity.
Update 10.02
November 22, 2013
Preferences, Layers, descriptions include desired plot thickness.
Drawing Startup, details auto-update if opened into Modelspace.
Irrigation Schedule, Pressure Reducing Valve, pressure limited text respects schedule uppercase setting.
Delete Station, includes option to delete valve.
Irrigation Manager, custom Drip emitter and Drip equipment will not get assigned the same schedule code.
Circuit, Schedule button added.
Sketchup Plugin, downloading of site amenity components, error handling added.
Site Amenities, blocks not drawn in Inch units are scaled correctly.
Update 10.01
November 14, 2013
License management screen, Google Analytics removed.
Sketchup Plugin, settings file discontinued.
Sketchup Connection, writing of registry settings discontinued.
Save Detail, automatically toggles Gridmode when shooting preview slide.
Sketchup Plugin, placing Site Amenities, correctly rotate after placement.
HotFix: Place Groundcover, Exclude shrubs option, multiple bugs corrected -- compatible with plans drawn in Meters, zooms to visible extents of outer polyline as necessary, trees within polyline will not generate error.
Update 10.00
October 31, 2013
Site Amenities Manager added to F/X Graphics menu.
Sketchup Plugin, dialog callback actions compatible with OS/X Mavericks.
HotFix: Editing a Shrub Area, existing labels will not have their quantity removed.
Legacy command DL removed to prevent conflict with user keyboard customizations.
Update 9.93
October 25, 2013
Viewport Scale dialog box, decimal unit selection changed to dropdown box selection with unit names.
Lighting, analytics moved to server side and standardized.
Plant Label, by Group, when clicking on a label to revise it, compatible with labels that have been moved to Paperspace.
Sketchup Plugin, dialog box sizes adjusted for Windows.
Sketchup Plugin, Settings, when assigning Library location, tests write permissions, and validates for apostrophe character.
Sketchup Plugin, placing plants, components are scaled +/- 10%, and randomly rotated.
Update 9.92
October 22, 2013
Verify Plant Labels, Plant Schedule, auto-correct size mismatch.
Verify Plant Labels, performance improved when processing large files.
HotFix: Place Groundcover, Exclude shrubs option, correctly accounts for plans drawn in Inches or Millimeters.
Update 9.91
October 12, 2013
Workstation Installer, improved setting of LandFX menu to load in AutoCAD.
F/X CAD 2014 released, with Service Pack 1 embedded.
Place Groundcover, option to Exclude shrubs.
Update, access Joomla engine directly for latest version information and display.
Preferences, accesses Joomla engine directly for latest version number.
Update 9.90
October 4, 2013
Server and Workstation installers, shortcut links updated.
Update 9.83
October 3, 2013
Sketchup Plugin, Concept Lines, Groups each finished line.
Common helper function for determining drawing units, additional logic to prevent error when using backup variable setting.
HotFix: Sketchup Plugin, ampersand in plant container size will not generate error.
Sketchup Plugin, plants that already have a component assigned will download it on demand; when downloading components, containing folder is created if necessary.
Sketchup Plugin, Projects screen, similar project numbers with leading zeros will not mistakenly match.
Sketchup Plugin, on a PC, the update will notify user of the need to restart Sketchup.
Insert Detail Template, additional error handling when handling layer state file.
All Schedules, output to Spreadsheet, if Excel is not installed, prompts user for CSV file.
Workstation Installer, includes revised Welcome screen, and folder moving instructions.
Irrigation Piping toolbar, Draw Pipe renamed to Draw Lateral Pipe.
Preferences screen, Manage button renamed to Licenses.
Viewport Scale dialogs, Set Annotation Scale renamed to Use Annotative Scaling.
Irrigation Manager, adding rotary sprays to project, logic improved to allow for descriptions varying by model.
Sketchup Plugin, Plant Info right click functionality restored.
Sketchup Plugin, Concept Lines, when switching to select arrow, tool will not continue drawing.
Sketchup Plugin, component lookup function compatible with mixed-case names.
Update 9.82
September 24, 2013
HotFix: Detail Bubble, re-generating existing schedule, correctly processes newline characters.
Discipline Graphics, Callouts, Northing Easting callouts, override created to use UCS values.
Update 9.81
September 19, 2013
Piping, with Orthomode turned on, Snap Angle setting greater than 90 degrees is discarded.
HotFix: Changing design pressure for Rain Bird RVANs, placed heads will have their flow updated correctly.
RefNote Schedule, Extra Lines settings allows adding additional lines for translation or mark-up.
HotFix: SheetSet integration, will not consider a value of all characters or all numbers as a sheet number; Mtext formatting is also discarded.
HotFix: Common function for determining drawing units, bad or missing printer driver will not generate error.
HotFix: Sketchup Connection, Import Design, Plants added to the project within Sketchup will not generate error.
Update 9.80
September 13, 2013
HotFix: Schematic Irrigation, truecolor zones are not placed as a gradient.
HotFix: Insert Detail Template, non-standard detail layer template file will not generate error.
Sketchup Connection, Import Design, Plants or Site Amenities that have been added to the project in Sketchup are imported.
HotFix: Rectangular Array, Triangular Array, non-zero Z elevations will not generate error.
Common detail path function, able to access details with numeric division prefix when corresponding preference is deselected.
Update 9.75
September 10, 2013
Project Files, Backup, Deactivate project, automatically makes backup of project data.
Place Head toolbar, Radius selection, additional error handling when selecting a radius that has no corresponding toolbar image.
Drawing Startup, RegApp checking, additional error handling for corrupt AutoCAD helper library.
Drawing Startup, RegApp corruption message reworded, directs to web page with more information.
HotFix: common multiline text processor for schedule functions, leading line break will not generate error.
Sketchup Plugin, Concept Lines feature, initial operating capability.
Update 9.74
August 26, 2013
Place Concept Graphics, additional error handling for missing color libraries.
HotFix: Sketchup Connection, Send Layer, Circles are not mistakenly reduced in size by half.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, newline character processing will not mistakenly trim extra characters.
Detail Manager, Delete detail, deletes all detail callout records referencing detail.
HotFix: Placing plants that have no calculated height will not generate error.
Valve Info, Elevation from POC to valve label includes desired units.
Update 9.73
August 15, 2013
HotFix: RefNote areas that have had their bounding polyline erased are able to be edited.
Editing Zoning or Site Development areas, gradient colors able to be changed.
Plant Schedule, custom symbols that are calculated to have no height will not generate error.
Zoning Schedule, if all areas are set as FAR, Density and Total columns are correctly displayed.
Preferences, RefNotes, allows editing Zoning and Site Development user fields.
K-Rain rotary sprays added.
Lighting, new fixture defaults to manufacturer selection; model selection dialog updated.
All schedules, reset EXPERT system variable as necessary.
Startup, distributes all CTB files located in Administration folder to plot style path.
Project Files, Backup, option to backup all projects.
Update, has option to Backup all projects.
Valve Schedule, correctly updates schedule title if previous schedule has been erased; Colorize option retained with schedule; previous colorization is removed before regenerating.
Update 9.72
August 7, 2013
Editing RefNote Area, linetype selection allows loading a linetype on the fly.
Sketchup Plugin, settings saved in registry for compatibility with Windows 7 UAC.
Place Irrigation Cap, canceling out of attribute prompts will not generate error.
Update 9.71
July 23, 2013
Project Files, Restore Project from LFX file, accounts for increased fields sizes from Color Render and Irrigation Data.
Plant Schedule, columns and header are correctly updated when last Shrub group and first Shrub Area group have the same name.
Plant Color Render, Shrub 004 blocks resaved without ellipses for proper size calculation.
HotFix: Placing Site Development or Zoning area, Gradient option is respected.
Common block data helper function, does not alert if legacy blocks table is missing.
Preferences, Layer lineweight editing, compatible with lineweights in inches.
Planting Preferences, Wide arrow style added to label arrow options.
Sketchup Connection, Send Layer, loops on layer selection, turns layers off after sending.
Size Mainline, calculates Precip Rate of VIH Rotors.
Update 9.70
July 12, 2013
Sketchup Plugin, menu items moved into a submenu.
SketchUp plugin, modified to conform with Extension Warehouse requirements.
SketchUp plugin, Projects screen has ability to create new project.
HotFix: SketchUp Connection, plants added to the project include Variety.
HotFix: Sketchup Connection, plants added in SketchUp and then exported to AutoCAD are assigned symbols.
Editing irrigation equipment, Replace button, accounts for missing pipe handles.
Irrigation Manager, adding equipment, manufacturer selection, Google analytics moved to server-side to reduce crashes with Internet Explorer.
Equip Info, editing unsized pipe, changing size will update color.
Placing Adjustable Arcs, arcs that begin beyond 180 degrees and span over 180 degrees are created correctly.
Irrigation, View Data buttons throughout, view in default web browser.
Size Mainline, when sizing for a Valve-in-Head system, allows lateral lines to be sized at a different velocity than the mainline.
Valve Schedule, allows excluding head and valve elevation columns.
Pipe Sleeve, additional verification of selected object.
Valve Callout, Size Lateral Pipes, metric flow value uses graduated numeric precision.
HotFix: Placing MP Rotators, when Rain Bird rotaries are also in project, keyboard commands will not mistakenly switch models.
HotFix: Watering Schedule, title is not mistakenly converted to an attribute definition.
Edit Equipment, when selecting a dripline area hatch that has been exploded, will not generate error.
Plant Schedule, for Imperial plans, Shrub Spacing expressed in Inches.
HotFix: Adding plants to project, selecting a different Genus, then selecting Plant Data, correct common name is displayed.
Editing Plants, Shrub Area container size restrictions removed.
Plant Schedule, Shrub Area quantities able to be expressed as Area.
Detail cloud backup, is able to upload a detail that is being overwritten.
Export Details, no longer packages details into a Zip folder.
Detail Explorer, right click menu for details adjusts for detail list scrolling.
Update Detail Callouts, adds detail reference markers as necessary.
HotFix: SheetSet lookup function, additional cross-checking against all sheet set fields.
HotFix: SheetSet lookup function, accounts for title blocks and other non-standard implementations.
HotFix: Placing Details with Sheet attribute into a drawing with an active SheetSet will not generate error.
Adding details to project, allows adding details from entire FX detail library.
Common helper function to determine current sheet, supports AutoCAD Sheet Sets.
Save Detail, additional error handling when existing detail file number attribute has been manually edited.
Associate Callout, additional error handling when assigning a placeholder callout within a detail.
HotFix: Project Manager, changing detail folder when using numeric prefix details, will not generate error.
Project Files, Backup button, eTransmit option added.
Update, automatically downloads CUIX menu file at regular intervals.
HotFix: Sheet Set integration, will not mistakenly interpret a date as the sheet number.
F/X CAD installer, F/X Server installed by default.
Project Files, Delete button added.
HotFix: Paperspace Reactor, selective disabling for Metric plans will not generate error with AutoCAD 2011 and earlier.
Installer, ODBC driver moved to Prerequisite.
Paperspace Reactor, discontinued for Metric plans.
Google Analytics keywords optimized.
New UCS, prompt for X axis direction revised.
New UCS, when selecting an object for X axis, dynamically prompts for Y axis.
Common helper function for determining units, additional error handling for missing layout tab configuration.
Zoning, Site Development, gradient option added; gradient value reduced.
HotFix: RefNotes, Import, warning for updating OpenDCL library closes import dialog first.
HotFix: RefNote Schedule, when running in Paperspace with Length items, Work Area calculations are applied correctly.
HotFix: Discipline Graphics, Callouts, Section Flag, prompts for section and sheet.
RefNotes Manager, Import, alerts user if required OpenDCL library is out of date.
Update 9.69
July 12, 2013