Lunch and Learn: Engaging Students in CAD Design Using Land F/X
Land F/X University Rep and Usage Technician Amanda Berry is fired up to give her lunch-and-learn presentation at CELA 2019. Interested in attending? Sign up below!
Overview: Engaging Students in CAD Design Using Land F/X
Landscape architecture students will use a variety of software platforms over their careers. The industry is trending toward BIM, and this trend will inevitably continue as software continues to evolve. For landscape architecture, BIM means the use of specific tools and smart objects – as in placing "trees," "sprinklers," and "walls" rather than generic CAD blocks and lines.
Presented by Amanda Berry
Land F/X Usage Support
Land F/X has established itself as the premier BIM platform in the landscape architecture field, with more than half of all firms using it as an add-on to AutoCAD, SketchUp, Rhino, and/or Revit. It proves equally valuable in an academic setting, where the use of smart, industry-specific software helps focus instruction on design principles and methodologies rather than mundane and archaic CAD commands. This presentation by Amanda Berry will demonstrate these capabilities and show why they are imperative tools for today's students and tomorrow's design professionals.
Started: March 7, 2019
Ended: March 7, 2019