Land F/X 103: Understanding Blocks and Customized Rendering
February 3, 2016
Presented by: Amanda Berry
Length: 1:04:11
Bring your academic projects to the next level with rendering tools in Land F/X! You can add your own personal style to your CAD drafting by saving customized blocks directly into the program.
Webinar Contents:
Note: The following catalog of content covered in this webinar is time stamped to allow you to follow along or skip to sections of the video that are relevant to your questions. You can also search for content on this page using the FIND command in your browser (CTRL + F in Windows, Command + F in Mac OS.)
- Intro/TOC
Create Your Own Blocks
Custom Plan Graphics
- Custom Discipline Graphics
Custom Plan Graphics
Using Land F/X Colored Blocks
- Placing Context
- Turning on the Color!
Dial in Your Color Palette
- Using Block Data, Site Color, and Color Render
Other Things to Customize
- Plant Callout Style
- Text Styles
Exporting a block from SketchUp into CAD using Parallel Projection (4:37)
Creating a “scene” of the SketchUp block (saving camera location, visible layers, etc.) (8:00)
Exporting the block using 2D Graphic (8:35)
Setting the units for the block when imported and exporting the block (10:20)
Custom Plan Graphics (12:28)
Importing the block into CAD using the INSERT tool (12:28)
Placing the block and zooming in (14:02)
Customizing the linework in the block (14:15)
(For detailed instructions, please see our Section Cut Details from SketchUp Power Tip.)
Loading a Layer State (15:00)
Saving the block into Land F/X using the Save Block tool (16:30)
Adding the block as an Amenity Reference Note (RefNote) (20:45)
Placing the RefNote (block) (23:30)
Custom Discipline Graphics (25:15)
Overview of the Discipline Graphics library (25:50)
Creating a custom block to save in the Discipline Graphics library (26:45)
Opening the layer where the block will be drawn (28:30)
Drawing the block (29:25)
Saving the block (31:35)
Placing the block from the Discipline Graphics library (32:45)
Placing Context (34:14)
Placing blocks of known relative size (example: people) to provide a scale reference (34:30)
Examples of some of the available blocks in our Plan Graphics library (35:45)
Placing Plan Graphics (36:00)
Placing dynamic blocks along a polyline using the Copy Along Polyline tool (with random rotation) (37:40)
Turning on the Color! (39:00)
Adding color to blocks by turning the Site Color tool on (39:00)
Customizing the colored blocks by changing the color fills (40:25)
Turning the color layer on and off (42:10)
Placing a color hatch within a closed polyline boundary (42:35)
Note: The Boundary command won’t work with 3D polylines. (43:35)
Adding more color fills throughout the site (44:20)
Isolating layers for easier hatching (46:30)
Un-isolating the layers (48:50)
Turning Color Render on (49:19)
Example of a Plant Schedule that includes colorized plant symbols (49:55)
Previewing a colorized plan (50:20)
Using Block Data, Site Color, and Color Render (51:05)
Using the Block Data tool to change the color symbol assigned to a block (51:05)
Using the Regenerate command, or turning color off and back on, to reconcile the draw order (51:50)
Regenerating the Plant Schedule to show the correct symbols (53:05)
Placing photo callouts for plants and other blocks (54:20)
Bringing a colorized plan into a photo processing program such as Photoshop for further rendering (55:50)
Plant Callout Style (58:12)
Changing the Plant Label (Plant Callout ) style in the Planting Preferences (58:12)
(For detailed information, please see our Customizing Plant Labels Power Tip.)
Text Styles (59:20)
Changing the Text style and point size using the General Preferences (59:20)