Working with Scale
February 19, 2016
Presented by: Amanda Berry
Length: 1:00:53
Scale is the most fundamental Land F/X feature. In this webinar, we'll start with the basics of scale in both Imperial and Metric systems. We'll then continue into advanced tips and tricks for creating a perfect-looking sheet.
Webinar Contents:
Note: The following catalog of content covered in this webinar is time stamped to allow you to follow along or skip to sections of the video that are relevant to your questions. You can also search for content on this page using the FIND command in your browser (CTRL + F in Windows, Command + F in Mac OS.)
- TOC/Intro
- Fundamentals of Land F/X Scale
- Set Your Units and Set Your Scale (Imperial and Metric)
- Using Work Areas With Scale – Multiple Scales
- Editing Scale with Rescale Objects
- Land F/X Scale vs. Annotative Scale
Placing a leader with text in Model Space (6:11)
Placing the same leader with text in Paper Space (demonstration of scale from Model to Paper Space) (8:30)
Text Styles (10:30)
Using our Text tool (from the F/X Site ribbon) to create specific text styles (including point sizes) for specific purposes (10:30)
Placing multiple-line text (MText) in a customized text style (13:09)
Scale and Units overview (14:15)
Note: Do not blindly trust the Drawing Units dialog box. It might show one type of units when the drawing is drawn in another type of units. (15:10)
Double-checking the drawing units by drawing a 9-unit polyline and checking its length against an object of known size (e.g., a road or tree) (15:45)
Correcting the units in the Drawing Units dialog box (if necessary) (17:00)
Setting the scale (17:20)
Determining the necessary scale for the drawing in Paper Space, then setting the scale (18:05)
Completing the same steps in Metric (19:00)
Setting up a viewport (19:50)
Setting the active viewport scale at 1:300 (21:45)
Setting a different scale – 1:250 (22:00)
Note: Make sure you’re setting up your sheets correctly. For information on proper sheet setup, see our Sheet Setup webinars (22:45):
Placing objects (callouts, dimensions, hatches, text, etc.) with the scale set (24:30)
Labeling in Paper Space (29:00)
Placing objects in Metric units (29:35)
Dimension Scale (DimScale) blocks (30:45)
Note: For detailed information on Work Areas, please see our Work Areas webinar.
Creating a Work Area to differentiate one area from the rest of the drawing (34:48)
You can either draw a Work Area or use the Select option in the Command line to select an existing polyline boundary that will serve as the Work Area. (36:10)
Scaling the Work Area (36:45)
Placing an object within the Work Area (37:57)
Creating a new viewport and setting its scale (38:25)
Note: If your drawing is becoming too cluttered with Work Areas, you can create a blank drawing that only includes Work Areas, and then Xref it into the main drawing. If you do, make sure you put the Xref on the same layer as the Work Areas in your main drawing. (42:45)
Changing a drawing’s scale and rescaling all existing objects using the Rescale Objects option in the Viewport Scale dialog box (44:55)
Note: This feature will scale objects down based on the difference between the original scale and the new scale. (45:50)
Changing the scale in Metric (46:48)
Selecting objects to rescale (47:49)
Using the QSELECT command to select all objects that are scaled at the old scale, then changing them to the new scale (48:20)
Scale bars (50:00)
Placing a scale bar from our Discipline Graphics library, then placing another scale bar for the Work Area scale (Metric) (50:10)
Placing scale bars in Imperial (51:20)
Note: We generally don’t recommend that Land F/X users scale their drawings in Annotative Scale at all, unless they’re extremely familiar with it. If your office knows Annotative Scale well enough to use it, you’ll simply need to know how to turn LANDFXANNO on and off.
How to turn LANDFXANNO on and off (54:00)
The most common scaling issues (54:26):
1. Units are set incorrectly
2. Annotative scaling is turned on
How to recognize that Annotative Scale is on: select an object (e.g., a callout) and look in the Properties panel. If the Annotative menu is set to Yes, Annotative Scale is turned on. (54:40)
Turning LANDFXANNO off (55:55)
Note, however, that when we place another callout, it will still be set to Annotative because the block that the callout is referring to is defined as annotative as well. (56:08)
To fix this issue with callouts, you can either:
- Delete and purge the existing callouts, then place them again (56:20), or
- (for plant labels): Open the Planting Preferences and select a different plant label style. Then run a PURGE or PRG command. Select the original plant label style. Your labels will now not be Annotative. (56:40)
Note: This webinar doesn’t cover linetype scale (LTSCALE). File that one under sheet setup. (58:45)
Example of a situation where you might want to use Annotative Scaling: In a grading plan, you’ll have a number of Spot Elevations, and you’ll sometimes need different scales for the same Spot Elevations in different situations. In this case, Annotative Scale may come in quite handy. (59:22)