Ask Us Anything! Spotlight on RefNote Schedules
July 12, 2024
Presented by: Jesse Conner
Length: 1:05:51
The fourth installment of our Ask us Anything series is on Reference Note Schedules! Our Reference Notes (RefNotes) tool provides a quick way to spec and place site furniture, play structures, hardscaping materials, retaining walls, and pretty much any other item you need in your landscape plan. It's a powerful feature, and it deserves a powerful scheduling system. Join us to see the unveiling of our newly revamped RefNotes Schedule, hear about our development intention, and provide feedback in a live Q&A session.
Webinar Contents:
Note: The following catalog of content covered in this webinar is time stamped to allow you to follow along or skip to sections of the video that are relevant to your questions. You can also search for content on this page using the FIND command in your browser (CTRL + F in Windows, Command + F in Mac OS.)
- Intro/TOC
- Land F/X Reference Note Schedules
- What is a Reference Note?
- History of Land F/X Reference Notes
- Development Roadmap
- Open Call for Testing
- Demonstration
- Dialog Box Tour
- New Capabilities
- Open Q&A
0:00 – 2:58: Intro/TOC
2:59 – 13:17: Land F/X Reference Note Schedules
What is a Reference Note? (2:59)
- A Reference Note (RefNote) is a text notation to some aspect of the project.
- The notations can reference a schedule note, blocks/objects, polylines, or hatches.
- Called out by text that is organized by a number, CSI division, or letter identifier.
- The Reference Note Schedule organizes and displays descriptions, quantities, details, and more.
Examples of RefNotes and RefNote Callout styles (3:30)
More information on RefNotes (3:45):
- Getting Started with RefNotes (webinar)
- Reference Notes: Getting Started (documentation page)
- Reference Notes Organizations & Divisions (documentation page)
- Streamlined Life Cycle of a Site & Hardscape Project (webinar)
History of Land F/X Reference Notes (4:12)
Development Roadmap (6:32)
Development Roadmap – Tables (6:32):
- Today's schedule code increases agility and allows us to implement improvements faster.
- Table-style schedules allow us to never be done, and allow for continued influence.
- Under the hood, RefNote Schedule code powers 11+ other features:
- Civil/Survey Legend
- Concept Graphics Schedule
- Detail Report
- Irrigation Zoning Schedule
- Keynote Schedule
- Lighting Schedule
- Northing/Easting Points Schedule
- Project List
- Sheet Index
- Spot Elevation Schedule
- Zoning Schedule
More information on site tools: Simple Site Layout and Grading Tools (webinar) (9:00)
Development Roadmap – what's been done (9:16):
- Table-style RefNote Schedule.
- Amenity blocks scaled evenly and legibly.
- “Sort by” option.
- All Work Areas schedule.
- Subdivision-specific user fields.
- RefNote Schedule checks for length layers.
- Symbol and code in separate columns.
- Photo column.
- Length symbol displays in schedule.
- Cell content alignment improvements.
- Space below description logic revised.
- Ability to edit
- More!
Development Roadmap – what's ahead? (10:40)
- Railing objects will display in schedule.
- Improvements to available Railing objects.
- Show Division and Subdivision titles, or one or the other.
- RefNote items in Plant Schedule.
- Custom division sorting.
Open Call for Testing (11:20)
- Our development is based on our own wants and vision, and then yours!
- We use our Community Forum to announce testing opportunities.
- RefNote and site schedule beta testing.
- Reminder for constructive criticism, please!
- We are designers, you are designers. We love examples!
Beta testing – all new commands (all become default as of August 2024) (12:37):
- refnoteschedule_new
- irrigzones_new
- sheetindex_new
- projectlist_new
- spotelevschedule_new
- northeastpointschedule_new
- civilsurveylegend_new
- zoningschedule_new
- conceptgraphicsschedule_new
- detailreport_new
- keynoteschedule_new
- lightingschedule_new
13:17 – end: Demonstration
Dialog Box Tour (13:17)%
Our new RefNote Schedule dialog box (13:17)
New Capabilities (16:51)
Entire Palette schedule with plotted gridlines (16:51)
Symbol columns and scaling (17:34)
Entire Drawing schedule with photos (17:56)
Web page URLs inserted into the RefNote Schedule as clickable hyperlinks (20:29)
Inserting RGB color value into the RefNote Schedule (21:11)
Table-style schedule with nonplot gridlines (21:27)
Adjusting column widths in the schedule (22:02)
Space below description or the Space above header settings (23:00)
Placing a RefNote Schedule that includes all Work Areas in the drawing (23:37)
Length items now display the actual linetype within the schedule (25:01)
Placing a RefNote Schedule that lists RefNotes by code only (26:07)
Editing a placed schedule (26:30)
Running a single-division schedule (27:06)
Language strings (27:59)
Unit column inserted automatically into schedules sent to MS Excel (28:30)
Adding RGB values to schedules (29:22)
Adding a hyperlink to a schedule (31:48)
Retrieving RefNotes that have been deleted from the Manager but have been placed in the drawing (33:23)
Open Q&A (37:09)
Referencing a RefNote in a detail (37:09)
Different methods for duplicating an existing RefNote (39:20)
How to deal with a long RefNote schedule (41:39)
Sorting the schedule by object type (45:25)
Tips for making the RefNote Schedule smaller (46:05)
How to use RefNote Divisions and Preferences (49:27)
Including quantities in the schedule (52:05)