Ask Us Anything: Spotlight on SketchUp
December 6, 2024
Presented by: Jake Lott
Length: 1:01:32
Join us for another exciting Ask Us Anything webinar. This one will focus on the Land F/X SketchUp Extension. Have your most pressing questions answered, and learn how this powerful tool integrates with your design workflow. We'll also provide an exclusive sneak peek at game-changing updates currently in development, such as a full Plant Manager, a new site content library, a growing generic plant content library, and helpful tools like Mimic, Copy-Along, and Align-to-Face. Don't miss this chance to explore what's new, what's coming, and how our extension can take your projects to the next level.
Several users have contacted us to request a list of the SketchUp keyboard shortcuts used in this webinar. We've made these shortcuts available as a downloadable PDF file, linked below.
This list of commands is not an extensive list of all standard key commands offered by SketchUp (for example, L for the Line command and A for the Arc command). This list is specific to the commands offered within SketchUp and other plugins that typically do not have pre-assigned key commands but are useful tools in day-to-day modeling.
Webinar Contents:
Note: The following catalog of content covered in this webinar is time stamped to allow you to follow along or skip to sections of the video that are relevant to your questions. You can also search for content on this page using the FIND command in your browser (CTRL + F in Windows, Command + F in Mac OS.)
- Intro/TOC
- How to Install the Plugin
- Sneak Peeks
- New Planting & Generic Content
- Manufacturer 3D Viewer
- New Tools
- Proper Workflow Between CAD & SketchUp
- Poll & Questions
0:00 – 2:22: Intro/TOC
2:23 – 4:11: How to Install the Plugin
4:12 – 11:22: Sneak Peeks
New Planting & Generic Content (7:27)
New planting content (7:27)
New generic site content (8:00)
Manufacturer 3D Viewer (8:56)
Material upgrades (8:56)
New Tools (11:01)
Plant Manager, Highlight, Copy Along, Mimic, Align to Face (11:01)
11:23 – 51:01: Proper Workflow Between CAD & SketchUp
Linework setup (11:23)
Setting and matching the units (14:39)
Sending layers from CAD to SketchUp (15:29)
Entering your Support ID And creating a SketchUp library folder location (20:22)
Matching the Land F/X project between the SketchUp model and CAD file (20:42)
New features as of presentation time:
- Importing layers as groups (21:18)
- Importing all layers at once (22:41)
Turning existing linework into contours (26:05)
Closing off the linework (29:25)
Moving objects to their correct elevations (30:15)
How to assign shortcut keys (33:34)
New site amenities (37:51)
Copy Along tool (41:58)
Mimic tool (45:54)
Exporting a SketchUp model into CAD (44:08)
Plant Manager (still in beta testing mode as of presentation time (46:55)
51:02 – end: Poll & Questions
Importing generic amenities into SketchUp from CAD (51:02)
Exporting into LUMION (53:28)
Align to Face tool (53:48)
Our future plans to make the Pant Manager accessible via the Land F/X Portal (57:40)