Groundcovers and Shrub Areas: Flats, Sods & Seeds
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Once you've added groundcovers and Shrub Areas to a project, you can choose to represent these plants in several possible ways:
- Individual plants
- Flats
- Sods
- Seeds
Editing Plant Information: Overview
You can specify one of the plant count options listed above by editing the plant information for your groundcover or Shrub Area.
Once you've added a plant to a project, we offer several methods for editing that plant's information:
From the Plant Manager
Select the plant, then click Edit.

Using the Block Data/Edit Plant Tool
If you need to edit a groundcover or Shrub Area you've already placed in your drawing, you can select the plant using our Block Data/Edit Plant tool:

F/X Planting ribbon, Edit Plant button

Plant Label toolbar

F/X Planting pull-down menu, Edit Plant option
or type FX_PlantInfo in the Command line
Once you've selected the Block Data/Edit Plant tool, click the hatch representing the groundcover or Shrub Area you want to edit.
Flats, Sods, or Seeds
Once you select a plant to edit, the Plant Info dialog box will open. Here, you can edit all data assigned to the selected plant.
For detailed instructions on editing plant information, see our Edit Plant Information documentation.
The Plant Info dialog box includes a Container/Rootball Size menu, which determines the way in which the selected plant will be counted in your project. For trees and shrubs, you'll simply use this menu to specify a size for this plant when used in your design.
If you've selected a groundcover or Shrub Area, you have several additional options for designating a "size" for your plant:
- Flat: Count this plant in number of flats. You'll determine the number of plants in each flat later.
- Sod: Count this plant in square feet, inches, meters, etc. of sod.
- Seed: Count this plant in square feet, inches, meters, etc. of planted seeds.
Looking to create a seed or sod mix of different plant species? Use our Concept Plants tool.
Counting Your Plants

Once you select the Flat option from the Container/Rootball Size menu, you'll see a Flat Count menu.
You'll use this menu to select the number of plants (or "plugs") in each of your flats. For example, if you plan to use flats containing eight plants each, select the number 8.
If you don't select a spacing value for plants measured in flats, the plant quantity will be calculated in area rather than the number of plants, and will appear as such in the Plant Schedule.
Remember: The Flat Count menu is only available for plants you've added as a groundcover or Shrub Area.
To count this plant individually, enter a Plant Spacing value.
To count this plant in square footage or square meters, leave this field blank.
For further information, see our Shrub Area and Groundcover Spacing documentation.
In the interest of avoiding confusion with the contractor, quantities of flats (or six-packs, etc.) will only appear in the Plant Schedule – not in your plant labels. Instead, a plant label for a groundcover or Shrub Area will show a full plant quantity in that area.