Unable to Create or Place a Work Area
You're unable to place a Work Area in your drawing.
Other Work Area issues:
- Are your Work Areas not recognizing one of your hatches? Or is a hatch being recognized and calculated by more than one Work Area? Here's what to do.
Further issues with a Work Area in your drawing? Use our General Work Area Troubleshooting steps if you have:
- Received a message that the system cannot find the title associated with a Work Area.
- Placed a Plant or Irrigation Schedule, and the schedule is not showing the items in one or more of your Work Areas, although it is showing all other relevant items (plants, irrigation equipment, etc.) in your drawing.
- Deleted the title of a Work Area (but not the Work Area itself), and now when you try to place a schedule, the system is unable to find your Work Areas.
Quick video
Work Areas use our Zone Text Style in their titles. You most likely have a font assigned to the Zone style that is either:
- Corrupt, or
- Not installed on your computer.
You essentially have two options to fix this issue:
- Option 1: Select a different font for the Zone Text Style
- Option 2: Investigate and address the issue with the problematic font
Option 1: Select a different font for the Zone Text Style
If you don't mind selecting a different font, this option may be quicker and easier.
Don't want to select a different font? Use Option 2.
1. Open your General Preferences.
2. Highlight the Zone Text Style from the list, and click Edit.
3. In the Text Manager, select a different font (example: Arial). Click OK to save the change.
4. Place a Work Area.
- If the Work Area places successfully, you've solved the issue.
If the Work Area does not place successfully, you may have selected another font that is missing or corrupt. You can either:
- Repeat steps 1 through 4, selecting yet another font for the Zone Text Style, or
- Move on to Option 2.
For more information on using Work Areas, see our Using Work Areas webinar.
Option 2: Investigate and address the issue with the problematic font
Use this option if:
- Your office standards require you to use the original font that was assigned to the Zone Text Style, or
- You tried to select a different font by following the steps in Option 1 above, but that font was also missing or corrupt.
Follow our steps to fix corrupt fonts.
Don't see the font file at all? Install the font on your computer.