Export a Drawing (DWG) as a JPEG (JPGOUT Command)
You want to export or print your drawing to a JPEG (.jpg) file.
You can export your drawing to a JPEG image using the JPGOUT command.
1. Type JPGOUT in the Command line and press Enter.
2. In the Create Raster File dialog box, use the Save in menu to navigate to the folder where you want to save the JPEG file.
Type a File name, and press Save.

3. The cursor will turn into a pickbox, and you'll be prompted to Select objects or <all objects and viewports>.
Use the pickbox to select the objects you'd like to export into the JPEG file, or right-click to export your entire drawing and all viewports.
Your drawing will be saved as a JPEG file (with a .jpg extension) in the folder you selected.