Constraint Lines Appearing Around Drawn Objects
You're noticing constraint lines around drawn objects in AutoCAD such as lines and polygons, like those pictured to the right, or you've drawn lines using the Line command, and when you move one of the lines an adjacent line moves with it.

You'll see these geometric constraints when the CONSTRAINTINFER system variable is set to 1 (on). Setting this value to 0 (zero) will turn it off.
1. Type CONSTRAINTINFER in the Command line and press Enter.
When prompted to enter a value, type 0 and press Enter again.
2. (AutoCAD users only) Now type CONSTRAINTSETTINGS in the Command line and press Enter.
If you have F/X CAD, you can skip this step, as the CONSTRAINTSETTINGS command is not available in F/X CAD.

In the Constraint Settings dialog box, uncheck the option to Infer geometric constraints.
3. To delete existing geometric constraints from objects in your drawing:
- First, select all the objects from which you want to remove the constraints.
- Then type DELCON in the Command line and press Enter. The constraints will be deleted.