Power Tip: Customizing Rotary Symbols
October 11, 2021
Each block in our vast library of irrigation symbols is already predefined in the system and assigned to a manufacturer, so you won't even have to think about setting it all up. But what about customizing the symbols themselves? We'll show you how to tailor our Rotary irrigation symbols to your liking by editing their source blocks. We'll also show you how to play with the ordering of our symbols – for example, if you want to add some variety among the first few default symbol families. It's as easy as renaming the source blocks, allowing the system to reorder them automatically. With our help, you’ll be a pro at customizing our irrigation symbols!
See our Customize: Irrigation Symbols documentation.
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Our software tailors AutoCAD®, Revit®, and SketchUp® to the needs of landscape architects, irrigation designers, and other professionals. We automate your most tedious tasks and ensure accuracy, giving you more time to design.