Intro To Land F/X Details
March 21, 2014
Length: 55:15
- Intro/TOC
- Detail Explorer
- Detail File Structure
- Creating Details/Detail Templates
- Editing Details
- Placing Details
- Referencing Details
- Details Tips & Tricks
Accessing the Detail Explorer (2:56)
- From the F/X Details menu
- From the Details toolbar
- From the Details Preferences
Note: You can also access the Detail Explorer from the F/X Details ribbon.
The Detail Library (4:00)
2 categories:
- DETAILS (for project-specific details or personal/office details)
- STANDARD DETAILS (for details pertaining to CSI)
Creating a new detail folder (4:50)
Creating subfolders (Land F/X allows up to 4 levels of folders/subfolders) (6:15)
The default location for the Detail Store Folder (shown in theDetails Preferences) (7:42)
Note: If desired, you can set this folder location to a shared network folder such as Dropbox. This will ensure a cloud backup while also allowing you to sync your details between home and office. (8:44)
The Details folder within the LandFX folder (9:30)
Note that the detail folders in this folder will all correspond with the folders in the Detail Explorer. (10:10)
Note also that each detail has three corresponding files in the folder (11:15):
- The detail drawing itself
- The detail’s preview image (slide), which we see in the Detail Explorer
- The detail’s data file
Detail Templates (12:15)
Customizing detail template title blocks to meet your office standards(12:50)
- Opening a detail template base title block from the Details Preferences (13:00)
- Editing the detail template as a block in CAD (13:15)
Placing the edited detail template to see the changes in the title block (14:50)
Note the non-plot tick marks in the detail templates, which allow you to set the width and height of the template (15:05)
The Detail Builder tools (16:10) (Note: These tools are now also available on the F/X Details ribbon.)
Detail blocks (17:05)
Placing a detail block (17:40)
Loading a layer state (18:00)
Drawing with different layers (18:50)
Placing a detail block into a detail template (19:15)
Inserting a sheet template (19:40)
Selecting a scale and size for the detail template (21:30)
Saving the detail using the Save Detail tool (22:05)
Adding the detail to a project (23:10)
Note: When saving a detail in Land F/X, always use the Save Detail, Edit Detail, and Update Detail buttons. (23:55)
Editing a detail from the Detail Explorer (25:05)
Right-clicking on a detail to Edit, Delete, or Print it (we’ll select Edit from this menu to open and edit the detail) (25:20)
Adding annotations to the detail (25:30)
Enlarging a detail and placing it on a different template with an increased scale, which also scales up the text in the detail (26:15)
Detail Bubble Callouts (27:17)
Placing and annotating Bubble Callouts (27:50)
Changing the order of the Bubble Callouts and generating a Bubble Callout schedule (28:30)
Copying the bubble callouts to the larger detail template. Note that Land F/X automatically adjusts the scale of the callouts when we move them to the larger template. (29:05)
Saving the edited detail again using Save Detail (30:20)
Overwrite the Existing Detail vs. Prompt for a New Detail (30:23)
(This is why it’s important to use the Land F/X Save Detail command when saving a detail. If you save a detail by pressing CTRL + S, you will automatically trigger the overwrite command.)
Setting and saving a Dimension Style (DimStyle) (32:00)
Adding details to a project (34:15)
Setting up the detail grid (38:24)
Creating a non-plot layer (38:30)
Creating a workspace for the detail by drawing and offsetting rectangles (39:02)
Inserting a sheet template (39:40)
Placing details on the sheet, within the grid, from the Detail Manager (40:11)
Saving the sheet and placing details on a new sheet (41:44)
Note that the Detail Manager organizes the placed details by the sheet they on which they are located. (42:20)
Placed vs. Unplaced details in the Detail Manager (42:50)
The Sheet Index in the Project Manager (44:10)
Editing the Sheet Index (44:15)
The Four Detail Callout Options (44:25)
- Placeholder
- Detail Callout
- Associate Callout
- Update Callout
Placing a Placeholder Callout (44:52)
Associating a callout with a detail (46:00)
Changing the callout style by right-clicking just before placing it and selecting a style from the menu (46:25)
Copy details to project folder (checkbox in the Details Preferences) (48:00)
(When you have this box checked, each new detail you create in the Detail Manager will have a copy saved automatically in the current project’s folder.)
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