Metric Sheet Setup Webinar
June 24, 2015
Presented by: Amanda Berry
Length: 1:00:30
In this webinar, we'll go over the metric side of our recommended basic methods for setting up your drawing template. This method is a great way to prevent imported Xrefs from corrupting your drawing. We'll also go over setting up your Model Space and Paper Space for proper scaling in metric units for many metric standards, as well as using the Land F/X Sheet Index tool.
Important Update to Webinar Steps: In this webinar, at the step to save a custom paper size, a PMP file was already set prior to recording so this step is skipped. You may not have a PMP file set while you go through these steps. You'll instead be asked to input a PMP file name. Accept the default name auto-filled in the page and click next to continue to finish.
Webinar Contents:
Note: The following catalog of content covered in this webinar is time stamped to allow you to follow along or skip to sections of the video that are relevant to your questions. You can also search for content on this page using the FIND command in your browser (CTRL + F in Windows, Command + F in Mac OS.)
- Intro/TOC
- Creating Templates
- Setting Up Your Title Blocks
- Xrefs
Drawing Cleanup
- Zoom Extents
- Nuke Tool
- Checking Units
- Viewports
- Batch Plotting
Xref Layout examples (6:01)
- Attachment (Chain)
- Overlay (Single) (Note: We recommend attaching Xrefs as overlays)
Drawing Process (7:38)
- Multiple layouts per sheet
- Separate layout for each sheet (our recommended way, for preventing corruption)
The Proxy Information dialog box – shows all proxy objects in the drawing. We highly recommend configuring your settings to display this box (see instructions below) and reading the contents of this box when it comes up. (10:30)
Configuring the CAD Options settings to show the Proxy Information dialog box. Select the Open and Save tab, and set the ObjectARX Applications settings to Command Invoke, Show Proxy Graphics, and Show Proxy Information Dialog Box. Click OK to save the changes. (11:30)
Starting a template from a clean tab (highly recommended). We recommend closing and reopening AutoCAD before creating a new drawing or template. (12:10)
Locating the existing templates under the AutoCAD Start page or by selecting File > Open (12:50)
The File Templates file location in the Files tab in the CAD Options dialog box. You can browse to and set this location to the path of your choice. (13:35)
You can also save a template profile and make it available to the rest of your office. (14:40)
Opening the acadiso DWT from the AppData folder (if you don’t see this folder, you’ll need to turn on hidden files and folders). This is the file we recommend using to set up your drawing template. (15:15)
Setting the Paper Space Linetype scale (PSLTSCALE) to 1. (16:40)
Setting the Linetype Scale (LTSCALE) to 1. (16:50)
These settings ensure that your linetype scales will look the same in Model Space and Paper Space.
Setting the UCS Follow to 0 (17:30)
Saving this drawing as a template (18:00)
Selecting the file to set for QNEW from now on (the file that comes up when you type QNEW in the Command line) (19:09)
Setting up your layout sheets in various sizes (22:48)
Selecting a PC3 file and a plotter for a sheet using the Page Setup Manager (23:20)
Selecting a page size (24:30)
Adding a custom page size (select Properties > User Defined Paper Sizes and Calibration > Custom Paper Sizes) (25:10)
Selecting the paper size in millimeters, naming the page size, and saving it as a PC3 file (25:55)
Setting a plot style and default printer/plotter (26:55)
Other important settings to configure, including 1 millimeter = 1 unit (27:20)
Creating another paper size (example: A1) (28:30)
Overview of creating a template and layout in millimeters (29:31)
Note: You need a separate drawing for a template with millimeters.
Bringing in a title block using the clipboard (31:35)
Setting up a page size for the title block (33:30)
Adjusting the title block to fit a sheet size (34:00)
Note: You’ll repeat this process for all your layouts.
Placing a title block in a file using the WBLOCK command (37:15)
Saving the title block drawing as a layout file that will be used as an Xref (as a DWG – not as a DWT) (38:10)
Saving each of the page sizes as a template (39:25)
Opening a drawing, checking the Proxy Information dialog box, and cleaning the drawing (42:20)
Zoom Extents (43:15)
Zooming to Extents to find objects that shouldn’t be in the drawing (sitting excessively far out from the intended site) (43:20)
Nuke Tool (44:20)
Cleaning the file using the Nuke tool (44:20)
Note: We recommend Nuking EVERY file you intend to bring in as an Xref.
Xrefing the clean file into a drawing (46:25)
Checking Units (47:00)
Note: It’s a good idea to set up a naming and storage standard for files that have been Nuked so you know they are clean.
Creating viewports on sheets (50:48)
Making new layers where the Xref and viewports will be stored (50:40)
Setting the viewport scale using the Land F/X Scale tool (53:00)
Selecting Batch Plot to print several open drawings (56:25)
Plotting to PDF (57:00)
F/X CAD for New AutoCAD Users Webinar Series
New to CAD, or need a refresher? This helpful webinar series will help you get going in the right direction.
- F/X CAD for New AutoCAD Users: Learn AutoCAD best practices to establish good habits. You'll learn about opening the software, working with file types, and understanding some of the tools you see around the screen. (59 min)
- F/X CAD for New AutoCAD Users 2: In Part 2, we’ll show you how Paper Space works with scale through viewports so you can plot what you draw to a full-scale PDF or plotter. (59 min)
- F/X CAD for New AutoCAD Users 3: We'll take you beyond the basics and provide some valuable insights into organizing your drawings and applying a better strategy to using AutoCAD tools. (53 min)