Thursday, 07 March 2019
  4 Replies
  3.8K Visits

Is there Attribute Prompt for plant spacing available to add to plant callouts? ie. 24" O.C.  

Landscape Designer
Belt Collins Hawaii

NICE! I didnt catch that you could add additional fields in the preferences.  You are correct about having to edit the field and spacing respectfully, we just need to be mindful of this.  Otherwise, this works great for now until you guys can figure out a way to add spacing to the fields.

Landscape Designer
Belt Collins Hawaii

Well one of those is possible.  You could edit the User Fields in Preferences, to designate one of them as "Spacing", and then select the '@ XX" O.C.' in the pulldown menu.  Then in the plant label, have FIELD3 or FIELD4 or whichever it is. But the downside is having to always edit that separate spacing field, as well as the same issues with having that field appear in labels for trees.

So anyway, I'll just get this onto the wishlist and we will continue to ponder it.



I thought that too, and added _SPACING to the text prompt to see if it would do anything.  Maybe unlocking the fields or adding a field specifically for area planting so we can add an '@ XX" O.C.' in the pull down, or maybe just revisit the SPACING prompt to act like the REMARKS prompt and some how have a default to include the 'O.C.' automatically if a value is added in spacing.

Landscape Designer
Belt Collins Hawaii



I thought the labels supported a tag named "Spacing", but apparently not.

I think last time we looked into it, we couldn't come up with a good solution, since the same label would be used for all plant types.

Perhaps you have an ideal functionality to suggest?



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