Wednesday, 19 May 2021
  1 Replies
  2.4K Visits

Good morning :)

Absolutely LOVE the new circuiting features - nice job!  Used them yesterday for the first time after watching the power tip ( Right around the 2:13 mark, you select two circuits and merge them, but I see the option to select more than one zone requires the colors be off.  Are there plans to allow this in the future with colors on?



Accepted Answer



To display the colors, we use a Grid control, which does not support selecting multiple items, or drag-and-drop.  So we added the checkbox to be able to toggle to a List control which does.  At some point in the future, we imagine the OpenDCL library that we use for dialog boxes will be upgraded to .Net, and with that we should be able to implement this, as well as cool things like integrated spellcheck.  But we are reliant on these third-party libraries and their limitations.



Accepted Answer



To display the colors, we use a Grid control, which does not support selecting multiple items, or drag-and-drop.  So we added the checkbox to be able to toggle to a List control which does.  At some point in the future, we imagine the OpenDCL library that we use for dialog boxes will be upgraded to .Net, and with that we should be able to implement this, as well as cool things like integrated spellcheck.  But we are reliant on these third-party libraries and their limitations.



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