Tuesday, 03 April 2018
  6 Replies
  4K Visits
I have always had a little trouble with the legends for the concept graphics and usually have to manually edit the block and adjust the column spacing and such. I am sure there is a setting somewhere that lets you adjust the column widths but I haven't' found it yet.
However, now I am having an entirely different problem with the legend. seems like everything is out-of-whack. Anyone have any thoughts on what I am missing?

Any help is appreciated.

Yes, there is something off with the concept graphics legend that we're currently tracking down.

Thanks for your patience and for bringing it up. I'll let you know once a fix is available.

In the meantime, the workaround would be to block edit the schedule.

Brandon, we've tracked it down. The issue is caused when the last concept item in the schedule doesn't have a note.

This will be fixed in the next update.

In the meantime, adding a note to the last item should get you around the issue.

Hate to be a pain on this but I am still having issues with the legends for the concept graphics. I just checked and LandFX says I have the most current version. Is there something else I am missing in the settings to get the legends to generate correctly? Two images attached, the first is the way FX is generating the legend the other is manually adjusting it.

Any pointers to what I am missing would be greatly appreciated.
Yes, it's another issue to do with schedule spacing that we're also working on. I don't have a timeline for this.

Actually this is on the calendar to be fixed tomorrow.
Since the fix affects all schedules, it had to wait for a time when we would be able to fully test it.

Appreciate it. Just figure it is more helpful for you to know about problems so you can keep them on your to-do lists. :p (just don't want you to run out of things to do)
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