Friday, 11 February 2022
  4 Replies
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6 separate classes is plenty for most projects, but I occasionally run into ones where the main line is already installed, at different sizes (but same material), and I need to have the program respect what's already in the ground. IOW, a few more ML class options will allow leaving empty classes between classes in order to avoid automatic size changes.

I've got a project now where I need all six available classes, and I am still having trouble keeping one particular class to the size it needs to be (currently using the non-plotting cap to increase the volume). The flow zone feature is also very useful.

So, how difficult is it to a few more choices?

Accepted Answer

Well, the short answer is that we're not going to be able to add more mainline classes quickly.
This is all just simply outside the envelope of what the system was designed for.

I get it. My situation is unusual. The real problem is that I was not brought into the project earlier!
Tom Lang selected the reply #4545 as the answer for this post — 3 years ago
Accepted Answer

Well, the short answer is that we're not going to be able to add more mainline classes quickly.
This is all just simply outside the envelope of what the system was designed for.

I tried that. The problem is that you can't adjust the velocity for just one pipe class, it adjusts all of them. The system wants a larger size than what's already in the ground.

Here's the problem:

-I have an 8" PVC main in the street, which reduces in various areas to 2", 3", and 4" in two different kinds of PVC.
-From these, I have 1-1/2" and 2" HDPE sub mains supplying various areas. Unfortunately, I did not design this ML layout, because they installed 1-1/2" sub mains in areas with higher volume, and 2" ones in areas with much lower volume (if they kept them to one size we wouldn't be having this convo). I have a 5th class of PVC to show new main line, downstream of all the existing stuff.
-Because I have 5 other classes of various sizes and materials, I'm forced to put both of these HDPE sizes in one pipe class.
-With flow zones, I can keep the flow down and the pipe will size correctly at the smaller sub mains.
-Unless I add a cap to artificially increase the flow, I can't force the other sub mains up to 2". Adding those caps really clutter the drawing.

Jake worked with me on this before, the caps are the work-around we came up with. Otherwise, just one more pipe class would solve this problem.

Fortunately, the actual pipe size to these areas doesn't really matter, since the volume through them is pretty low. I just prefer accuracy.


Rather than adding a bunch more classes, I'd rather address the issue at hand, matching the existing size.
It should just be a matter of adjusting the velocity.

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