Wednesday, 30 May 2018
  3 Replies
  3.5K Visits
Using the multi label option for a planting plan and the multileaders are coming in as color 111 which is a nonplot color. The main leader or the first on placed is correct on "by layer" but any additional leaders placed are coming in with color 111. Can someone point me to the setting I have unknowingly goofed up? Still troubleshooting on my end to see if I can find what I messed up but I thought I would reach out here also to see if there was a quick simple fix. :D
Accepted Answer
Since the additional leader lines are just QLeaders with custom arrowheads, we don’t bother with the overhead of creating an additional dimstyle for each scale, and just use the current dimstyle.
The plan has also been to switch to MLeaders eventually, so it seemed like wasted effort to address a hopefully legacy technique.
As for the Slope dimension, that should definitely be ByLayer and on its own non-plot layer, *and* restore the current dimstyle to Standard — I’ll have to take a look at that.


Probably just your CECOLOR system variable, change it to "BYLAYER".

Ok. I fixed it (I think). I checked the CECOLOR variable and it was set to "bylayer". I changed it to something else and then back to "bylayer" just to make sure. Still had the same problem. Noticed, while looking at the properties for the multi-leader the style was pulling from LANDFX-SLOPE-100, which the line color and text color is set to 111 instead of bylayer. Opened a different drawing to compare labels and noticed that label style in properties was pulling form the style "STANDARD". My solution was to change the current dimstyle back to "STANDARD" (not sure why it was on the slope 100) and things appear to be back to normal.

Now the question - Should the label command either trigger the current dimstyle to revert to STANDARD when labeling or should the command be able to over ride the current dimstyle to whatever is set in LANDFX preferences?

Accepted Answer
Since the additional leader lines are just QLeaders with custom arrowheads, we don’t bother with the overhead of creating an additional dimstyle for each scale, and just use the current dimstyle.
The plan has also been to switch to MLeaders eventually, so it seemed like wasted effort to address a hopefully legacy technique.
As for the Slope dimension, that should definitely be ByLayer and on its own non-plot layer, *and* restore the current dimstyle to Standard — I’ll have to take a look at that.

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