Thursday, 04 June 2020
  1 Replies
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I am trying to figure out how to create a watering schedule but having trouble with figuring out some conversion.  Dealing with point source irrigation which uses gph precip rate, but the watering schedule setting requires in/wk needed.  All the information I can find gives trees/shrubs as requirements as gallons/wk.  My questions is how do I use all this info to get the info needed for the watering schedule. 


EX.  Design is using a 4 gph emitter to water a citrus tree which requires 67 gallons per week in AZ in July.  Is it even possible to convert the 67 gallons per wk to in/wk?




4 years ago


We have it on the list to address this in a future update, to allow the entry of either Inches or Minutes per zone. As it sits now, an easy way to get what you want is to do the side math of what you need to put down per zone, which in your example was 67 gal/wk. Make sure to run a Valve Schedule and select the options for qty of heads so you have that plus each zones flow as a reference.

You can then play around with the in/wk value, run different schedules until it lands at the flow/week you were aiming for. Keep in mind that the system does round to the nearest minute, so if you need any further modifications, you are welcome to send the schedule to Excel and modify further there.

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