This Is No Longer a Valid Installation
When trying to use Land F/X, you saw the following message:
This is no longer a valid installation.

Did you see this error after installing a .vlx patch? If so, here's what to do. Don't know what a .vlx patch is? Then you likely haven't installed one. You can continue reading and following the steps below to address your issue.
Land F/X version 10.82 began storing your Support ID into a local file. In some cases, upgrading from an older version can damage this file or cause it to be written incorrectly. In some cases, upgrading from 9.80 to 11.15 caused the issue. It has also occurred when an installation had the LandFX folder located on a network server accessed by a UNC path with strict workstation security settings. In these cases, the Support ID was not written to the local file, resulting in this issue.
If your LandFX folder is located on a network drive, accessed by a UNC path, we would recommend first switching to a drive letter.
Step 1: Download and Run the Latest Workstation Installer
Follow our steps to download and run the latest Land F/X Workstation installer.
Step 2: Rename a File in Your Land F/X Folder
Navigate to the LandFX folder, and temporarily rename the file landfx.vlx to landfxold.vlx.

Once you've renamed this file, start F/X CAD. You will receive a prompt that Land F/X was not found in the support path. Cancel out of that message. Then rename landfxold.vlx to landfx.vlx.

Reopen CAD, and type the following text in the Command line (including the parentheses and quotation marks): (Load "LandFX.vlx")
Press Enter.
Step 3: Reactivate Land F/X
Reactivate your Land F/X installation by typing Reactivate in the Command line and entering your Support ID.
To reactivate Land F/X, you will need your Support ID. You will have received your Support ID in an email from Land F/X when you purchased the software.
Step 4: Update Land F/X and Restart CAD
Follow our steps to run the Land F/X update.
Restart CAD. You should now be able to use Land F/X.
Still getting the No Longer a Valid Installation message?
If you are still seeing the error message "This is no longer a valid installation," try the following steps:
Open your LandFX folder, and right-click the file _install_ (or _install.xml_).

Select Edit from the menu that opens.

The _install_ file will open in Notepad. Enter your 12-digit Support ID (without any hyphens) where indicated below.
Select the File tab, then select Save from the menu that opens.

Restart CAD. You should now be able to use Land F/X.