Tuesday, 15 January 2019
  13 Replies
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I'm pretty much brand new to using the sketchup connection.  All is working quite well, but I have a question about how to handle the scaling of plants. 

The issue is this:  for many plants that we use in our planting plans we don't have a specific sketchup component for.  In that case, I'll just use a plant component that is reasonably similar visually--no big deal.  The problem I'm having is that sometimes the substitute components are significantly different in size than the plant I'm trying to depict. 

Is there any feature inherent in Land F/X that will allow me to set the size of the sketchup component?  If not, do you have a suggested workflow?  What I have been doing is making a copy of the component in my sketchup library, rescaling, and then inserting the rescaled component into the model.  This is a relative pain (though admittedly this whole sketchup connection is so much better than manually making changes).

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


The system will size the SketchUp component to match the Width you have specified fro the plant.

We have a pending wishlist item to also set the Height, if you have a size field designated as such.

So with only the width setting to go from, it will scale the component uniformly.  Depending on how the component is designed, the height can be a bit off from what you are expecting.

If you could share a more exact example, and/or a screenshot, I can get a better understanding of exactly what you are seeing.



6 years ago

Thanks, Jeremiah.  Knowing that the sketchup component is tied to the width specified is very helpful.  The problem I was experiencing was with 3d components (not 2d face-me) for plants such as ornamental grasses, where the density of foliage is considerably less as you move away from the center of the plant.  I was finding that my grasses were looking really puny.  Since I now know that the 3d Connection sizes the component based on the size I've specified in cad, I've simply temporarily increased the specified size, re-exported the design to sketchup, and re-run the import in sketchup.  Just like magic, I've got the visual effect that I was after.  Since this model is simply for the generation of concept images, once I've gotten the look I'm after I'll just change the plants back to their original sizes in cad.  No big deal.  I think the overall problem is that my sketchup plant library is too small; I'll need to work on beefing it up so that I don't have to resort to such tricks.

All that said, I'm digging the 3d Connection.  Please add my vote to the wishlist item for also being able to set component height.  That would be a wonderful feature! 

5 years ago

I have been experiencing this problem, too, but it is good to know that the SketchUp model is scaled to the specified width of the plant.

I am often trying to show clients how mature trees or shrubs will block (or not block) certain views from different vantage points. Before using Land F/X, I used to create simple lollipop shapes in SketchUp to represent trees I couldn't find in the library. They are just spheres--sort of like an egg--but showing the actual height and spread of the plant. To present it as an idea to a client, I would make a quick, hand-drawn trace over the SketchUp model, as shown in the attachments.

Is it possible for me to get these spheres (components) in SketchUp and have those referenced to specific plants?

Or, the dream wish: Have LandFX put in a representational sphere when there is no matching plant available in the SketchUp library. 

Thank you.



We have plenty of simplistic plant shapes in the Generic category.  But if you really want just a basic lollipop tree, you can assign the component in SketchUp, and click the Browse button to select any component of your own making.



5 years ago

Oh, wow. I didn't know about those generic trees and shrubs. That's great. I will use those. Thank you, thank you!

5 years ago

Is there a generic category for the shrubs, too?

I was able to get the plants at the correct height by scaling them in SketchUp. However, it seems that when you add new plants, the scale change gets over-written. Is there any way to prevent that from happening? Or, is it important that I only bring in the plants once?

Being able to get things from CAD into SketchUp so easily--AND go back and forth--is fantastic. It really helps me with my clients who have trouble envisioning a design in plan view, or even in section. Amazing work! However, it's pretty important for me to show plants at the correct height and spread in 3D. If adding height is on the roadmap for you, please add my vote to make this feature even better. 








There is not currently a "generic" shrub category. That's a good point! We're currently looking at a list to fill in our SketchUp component library, so I'll note that idea. Thanks!


Right now to set a height scale, edit the component (by double clicking it), then adjust the height inside the component. You'd be changing the component definition so that the next time you import, the system uses the existing component definition in the drawing. Existing component definitions don't get overwritten.


Adding height is definitely on the roadmap, though!

I'm glad you're getting such great use out of it. Have you thought about submitting your 3D renderings created with Land F/X to the photo contest (along with the as-built photos, of course)?



We do have it on our radar to support Height, as long as users have one of their size fields set as such.



5 years ago

Thank you. Where do I double-click to edit the component? On the SketchUp side, right? 




Yes, you'd need to edit the component on the SketchUp side.


Alternatively for now, you could also make a taller version of the component you're after and create a unique new component that you can assign to the plant via the browse option on the SketchUp side. This would be ideal if you're going to use the same species for multiple projects (until we get the height option in).


- Amanda

5 years ago

I'd like to try that alternative you suggest. Just now sure what you mean by "via the browse option on the SketchUp side." I know how to make a unique component in SketchUp...what's the next step?




Actually we cover this process in this power tip, so that might help clarify it.

Power Tip: Assign a Custom SketchUp Component to a Plant

Also here's the documentation on the process: Assigning a Custom SketchUp Symbol to a Plant or Site Amenity


5 years ago

Fantastic. Thank you!


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