Set Up Your Planting F/X Library Folder for Revit®
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Any components and materials that appear in your Revit models will be stored in a library folder. Our Revit plugin requires you to designate a location for this folder. You can set a folder on your hard drive, or on your firm’s network, as your library folder. You may need to create a new folder for this purpose.
You are required to set this library location when installing the Planting F/X Revit plugin. To change or set the location of your Revit library, follow the Set Your Revit Library Folder steps in this article.
Are you a new user in an office that already uses Planting F/X? You might already have a library location to connect to. Ask your BIM or Land F/X Manager for this location. You might need to map a letter drive. If you are the manager, continue with the steps below.
Set Your Revit Library Folder
1. If your office has an existing Planting F/X Revit Library folder on a shared server, locate it. If not, create one.
We recommend creating a Revit/(year)/Library folder path within your office’s Land F/X Server location, such as:
- (Mapped Letter Drive):/LandFX/Revit/2025/Library – where (Mapped Letter Drive) is the drive you've mapped for your office's shared LandFX folder
- C:/LandFX/Revit/2025/Library (for Single-User installations)
It's important to maintain separate version year libraries for each new version of Revit, as family files are not backward compatible.
2. Open the General Preferences from the Preferences flyout menu in the Planting F/X Revit Plugin ribbon.

3. The General Preferences window will open.
Click Browse.
4. Browse to your desired library location.
Select your desired location and click OK.
Important: The end folder that contains the Trees and Shrubs folders can only be named Library – not My Library or anything else. You will be unable to access your content if this folder is named anything other than Library.
Based on how Revit version years separate the files and require version upgrades, we strongly recommend locating your library folder in a version year folder (example: Revit/2023/Library/), even if you only have one version of Revit installed. This way, when you upgrade Revit versions it will be easier to just set up a library folder for that new version and download that year's plant families.

Here's an example of a correctly set-up Revit library folder path.
5. Close the Planting F/X Preferences.
You've successfully set your Revit Library location.
Related Webinars
- Getting Started with Planting F/X for Revit: Start your journey with Revit and our Planting F/X plugin. We also present our roadmap for future development and show off some new features such as automatic rootball placement and some recent additions to our collections of families and label styles. (1 hr 22 min)
- Intro to Planting F/X for Revit Plugin: As always, our goal with this plugin is to bring the planting design learning curve as low as possible. We cover installation, Planting F/X projects, the Plant Manager, plant placement as families or floors, group labels, Verify Labels, instant schedules, and rendering options with our default family library. (1 hr 12 min)
- Revit for Planting Design: We focus on more tools and show how to tackle more complex workflows in Revit with Planting F/X. We go over customizing the defaults, implementing some labeling strategies, editing floor types, and working with multiple views. We also showcase some new tools and review our most recent development progress. (1 hr 3 min)
- Importing Plans into Revit: If you're being asked to bring your design into Revit and you're a landscape architect or irrigation designer, this webinar is for you. We'll cover first steps, basic orientation of Revit, the pros and cons of certain strategies, importing the DWG linework either 2D or Civil 3D and making toposurfaces and floors, and first-step methods for importing your landscape and irrigation plans. (1 hr 5 min)
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